Upcoming Events

June 28, 18:00h, DESY, Hybrid

BlueMat Talk at Desy Science Café

Patrick Huber, BlueMat spokesperson, will give a talk (in German) about BlueMat at the next DESY Science Café, Wednesday 26. June 2024, 18:00h, at DESY, Seminarraum 4b and via Zoom. Please find more information here: https://sciencecafe.desy.de/e46158/

June 21, 2024 14:00h, M 0526, Eißendorfer Straße 40, TUHH

Cancelled due to illness!

Colloquium of the CRC986

Prof. Dr. Volker Presser (INM - Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien gGmbH
Saarland University, Germany) will give a talk about "Electrochemical ion management and nanomaterial design for the energy/water
research nexus

Please find the abstract and more information here (PDF).

Past events

May 15-17, 2024, Hotel Hafen Hamburg

BlueMat is co-organizing the Third International Workshop of the CRC986 "Tailor-made Multiscale Materials Systems".

Scientific Program (PDF):

  • Session I: Multiscale modeling
  • Session II: Fabrication of multiscale materials
  • Session III: Responsive materials
  • Session IV: Active photonic materials
  • Session V: Advanced Porous Materials for Energy and Catalytic Applications

May 8, 2024 17:00h, K 0506, Denickestraße 15, TUHH

Colloquium of the CRC986

Prof. Dr. Linnea Hesse (University of Hamburg, Germany) will give a talk about "3D imaging in plant biomimetics: Drawing inspiration from plants for a technical transfer".

Please find the abstract and more information here (PDF).

April 18 2024, 17:00h, M 0526, Eißendorfer Straße 42, TUHH

Colloquium of the CRC986

Dr. Alexander Schlaich (University of Stuttgart, Germany) will give a talk about "Humidity-dependent water structure and dynamics in compliant porous materials".

Please find the abstract and more information here (PDF).

April 18, 2024 12:00h, Online

CMWS Seminar

Jonas Sellberg (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) will talk about "Probing structural motifs in water that control crystallization using x-ray scattering",

Please find the abstract and information on how to join the seminar here (PDF).

April 10, 2024 17:00h, K 0506, Denickestraße 15, TUHH

Colloquium of the CRC986

Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Peter Fratzl (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany) will give a talk about Force and shape generation in biological extracellular matrix by water-driven contractility.

Please find the abstract and more information here.