Thesis Registration

To register for your thesis, you must submit an application to the Central Examination Office. This will review your application and register your thesis. More information about the Registration and around the thesis can be found here

Here is a deatailed guide on how to find your application.

Where can I find the application form?

  1. Open and log in using the TUHH Login.
  2. Open the My Studies tab and click on Student Services.
  3. Under Requested Reports/Reports click on Anträge - Abschlussarbeit.
  4. Select the semester of registration under your intended degree and then click Create PDF.
  5. A PDF will now be created which, depending on the system settings, will be downloaded automatically or can be downloaded.
  6. Print out your application, complete the missing data and hand it in signed to the Central Examination Office.
  7. Anträge Anträge Anträge Anträge