TUNE Manual for lecturers and examiners

Important information

- Oral exams can be scheduled via TUNE. The procedure is configured in the computer center upon request. Contact: servicedesk+tune(at)tuhh(dot)de. Please include the keyword: "TUNE-Organize Oral Exams" in the subject line and the exam number and full name of the examiner in the text.

- Please keep in mind that as of summer semester 2021, both graded and ungraded course work must be recorded in TUNE. Further information can be found in the instructions for examiners.

To the instructions

TUNE and the other applications at the TUHH (StudiengangsDesigner/CourseDesigner -> TUNE -> Stud.IP)

With the introduction of the campus management system TUNE (HISinOne) at TUHH, a new landscape of interconnected applications has emerged. All users need a Kerberos account, which is granted by the computer center. The application for a Kerberos account can be obtained via the following link.


The interaction of the different components is as follows:


Functions for employees including external lecturers and examiners


Depending on the field of activity, different roles are available in TUNE. At the top right, after logging in, the role can be changed by clicking on the small triangle.

The following roles are available:

Employee/Mitarbeitende TUHH: This role is available to all employees of the TUHH. In this role, the detailed room search, the module descriptions and the course catalog can be used.

Lecturer/Lehrperson TUHH: This role is available to all teachers. The assignment is taken from the "StudiengangsDesigner".

Examiner/Prüfer*in TUHH: This role is available to all examiners. The assignment is taken from the "StudiengangsDesigner".

Special feature: Representatives for examiner

Examiner representative TUHH: This role can be assigned to supporting persons from the institutes, who then support the examiner.

The representative role for examiners must be assigned by the responsible examiner. Authorization is done via this link.

Functions in the roles "lecturer":

 - View own events, among other things, to check scheduling.

 - View students registered for courses (registration is used to add the course to the student's individual schedule).

 - Perform distribution procedures for courses with space limitations (tutorials, NTA). The procedures are configured in the computer center upon request. Contact: servicedesk+tune(at)tuhh(dot)de. Please include the keyword: "Set up distribution procedures" in the subject line.

- Contact registered students via email.

Functions in the roles "examiner" and "examiner representative":

- Sending e-mails to registered students.

- Scheduling of oral examinations. The procedures are configured in the computer center upon request. Contact: servicedesk+tune(at)tuhh(dot)de.

Please include the keyword: "TUNE-Organize Oral Exams" in the subject line and the exam number and the full name of the examiner in the message.

- Posting of performances and grades.

 To the instructions