Status of the TransiEnt Library: transient simulation of complex integrated energy systems - Conference Paper; Senkel, Anne; Bode, Carsten; Heckel, Jan-Peter; Schülting, Oliver; Schmitz, Gerhard; Becker, Christian; Kather, Alfons; 14th Modelica Conference (2021)
[190547] |
Title: Bewertung von Power-to-Gas-Anlagen mittels dynamischer Systemsimulation. |
Written by: Andresen, Lisa and Schmitz, Gerhard |
in: <em>gwf. Gas + Energie</em>. (2016). |
Volume: <strong>2016</strong>. Number: (9), |
on pages: 682--689 |
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DOI: 10.15480/882.2663 |
URL: |
Abstract: Via dynamic system simulation, the coupling of the high pressure gas grid of the city of Hamburg with the electricity grid is investigated. Therein, the technical potential of regenerative production, storage and feed-in of hydrogen into the gas grid is analyzed. The modeling approach is described. The frame of the scenario is given by the planned installed power of fluctuating renewable energies in 2050 and the electricity and gas demand in 2012. The electrolyzers are only operated when the residual load is negative. The simulation is performed for a whole year. Under consideration of a varying feed-in limit and varying electric power supply it is determined, how much surplus renewable work can be used and how much hydrogen can be fed into the grid. Finally, the CO2 reduction potential is evaluated. The results show, that a hydrogen buffer storage is necessary to achieve acceptable full load hours at high feed-in rates. In an annual balance, the CO2 emissions by reforming processes in Hamburg could be reduced by 11.5 {\%} with over 3000 full load hours.
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