Installation Instruction

This procedure is valid, if you use our stable version linked within github.

  1. Call up the Release Page of the TransiEnt Library Repository on Github:
  2. Choose the latest version and download the .zip or -tar.gz file.
  3. Extract folder at the desired location (Example: C:/$DYMOLA$/Modelica/Library/)
  4. Download the newest version of ClaRa Library here.
  5. Copy the .zip folder into the TransiEnt Library folder at the same level of the readme.txt file and extract the ClaRa folder.
  6. Personlize the file loadTransiEnt.mos:
    • Enter the file path of the TransiiEnt Library (Example: C:/$DYMOLA$/Modelica/Library/transient-lib.2.0.2).
    • Enter the path of your desired result folder (Example: C:/Documents/ModelicaSimulations/results), be sure that the folder already exists.
    • If version of ClaRa is higher than in file loadTransiEnt.mos, than the following two steps are necessary:
      • Change the version number in file loadTransiEnt.mos.
      • Change the version number in file in folder TransiEnt (Example: C:/$DYMOLA$/Modelica/Library/transient-lib-2.0.2/TransiEnt 2.0.2/ You have to scroll down a little until you find the two important lines.
  7. You can start TransiEnt Library now with a double-click on loadTransiEnt.mos.
  8. Optional: If TransiEnt should always be opened when Dymola is started, do the following:
    • Open dymola.mos in C:/$DYMOLA$/insert/.
    • Add a new line with: RunScript("$DYMOLA$/<path-to-loadTransiEnt.mos>");

If you use our current "nightly build" repo, do the following steps:

  • type in your git bash command field: git clone --recursive <transient-project-url>


Download area on Release Page of TransiEnt Library on Github
Examplary folder structure
screenshot of file loadTransient.mos with marked areas
screenshot of file with marked area