
Wie kann man in dynamischen Märkten wettbewerbsfähig bleiben und gleichzeitig nachhaltige Lösungen entwickeln? Um dieser Frage nachzugehen, hatte das Projekt CE:FIRE am 19. November zum Workshop „Frugale Geschäftsmodelle - ein nachhaltiger Wettbewerbsvorteil“ nach Paderborn eingeladen. 
Master-thesis project: "Ayurvedic Medicine and Treatments: A Frugal Approach to supporting Healthcare Systems in the Western world?"
Frugal innovation vs. Sustainable Innovation, conflicts and potential synergies.
Wrapping up a remarkable summer semester also means saying goodbye to another amazing cohort from University Innovation Fellows @ TUHH!
Welcome! The Continuous Innovation Network (CINet) is a global network set up to bring together researchers and practitioners working in the field of Continuous Innovation and related areas of research and practice. The mission of CINet is to progressively become a school of thought on Continuous Innovation. Consistent with this mission, CINet organizes an annual conference. The 25th CINet conference, which will take place in Hamburg, Germany, from 15-17 September 2024. The conference will be hosted by the Institute for Organizational Design and Collaboration Engineering of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), and will be preceded by a PhD workshop, and Young Academics workshop.
Paper Title Collaborative Innovation in the Construction Industry - Stakeholder Collaboration as an Enabler for Innovation inthe Circular Economy by Johanna Zeller an Cornelius Herstatt
In a one-week sprint (31.05.-07.06.2024) organised by our University Innovation Fellows, TUHH students had the chance to work on sustainable initiatives for the TUHH campus.