Test selection for development of C++ software based on call graph analysis. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, January 2025.
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Rulebooks for motion planning of autonomous vehicles in danger. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, December 2024
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Safe Real-time Updates in Timed Automata for Online Model-checking. Master Thesis, TU Hamburg, December 2024
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Federated Non-Gradient-Based Boosting Versus Federated Gradient-Based Approaches. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, December 2024
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Multi-Armed Bandit Learning for Stochastic Local Search MaxSAT Solving. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, August 2024
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Incremental MaxSAT for Multi-Objective Optimization in Real-Time Taxi-Sharing Services. Master Thesis, TU Hamburg, August 2024
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Enhancing MaxSAT Local Search with a Soft Conflict Pseudo Boolean Constraint. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, August 2024
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Static Detection of Data Races in Interrupt-Driven Software Using Reduced Inter-Procedural Control Flow Graphs. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2024
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Offline Test Generation for Real-Time Systems using Model Checking. Project Thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2024
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Bidirectional Transformation between Timed-Arc Petri Nets and Concurrent Timed Automata. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, May 2024
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Automatic Configuration of Anytime MaxSAT Solver Parameters for Routing and Scheduling in Wireless Mesh Networks. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, April 2024
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DeepFault in Regression Models: Identifying and Analyzing Suspicious Neurons. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, March 2024
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Randomized Generation of Flaky Test Suites. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, March 2024
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Mutation-Based Accuracy Improvements in Neural Networks using Spectrum-Based Fault Localization. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, March 2024
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Using a parser-parser combinator for improved handling of sequences in BlattWerkzeug. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, February 2024
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Applying Multi-Versioning on Containerized HTML-based Video Game Software for Satisfying Performance Requirements. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, February 2024
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Iterative Neural Network Optimization Using the Apricot Weight-Adaption Approach with Weighted Training Subsets. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, January 2024
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User Partitioning for Anytime Local-Search MaxSAT Solvers. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, September 2023
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Attacking Defense Strategies of Neural Networks using Dynamic Backdoors. Master Thesis, TU Hamburg, August 2023
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Braille Translation using Stochastic Parsing. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2023
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Enhancing the Fix Patterns Database of Static Analysis Violations in Automated Semantic Program Repair using AVATAR. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2023
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Application of Frequency Fitness Assignment for solving MaxSAT problems. Project Thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2023
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Comparison and Implementation of Graph Traversal Algorithms for Automating Model-Based GUI Testing. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2023
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Conformance Testing in UPPAAL with First and Higher-Order Mutants for Timed Automata. Master Thesis, TU Hamburg, June 2023
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Scalability of a Noise Based Logic Simulation for Solving SAT. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, June 2023
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Ensemble Learning of Neural Networks and Time-Series. Project Thesis, TU Hamburg, May 2023
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Automated Translation of Partially Stochastic Time Petri Nets for Use with UPPAAL Model Checkers. Project Thesis, TU Hamburg, April 2023
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Ein MaxSAT-basierter Ansatz zum Lernen linearer temporaler Eigenschaften für Online-Systeme. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, February 2023
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Transfer Learning Code Smells using Version History. Master Thesis, TU Hamburg, January 2023
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Conflict-based Path Planning for Multiple Autonomous Agent. Project Thesis, TU Hamburg, January 2023
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Infiltration of Deep Neural Networks using Dynamic Backdoors. Project Thesis, TU Hamburg, November 2022
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Automating Statistical pWCET Analysis for Strategy Synthesis in UPPAAL. Project Thesis, TU Hamburg, November 2022
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A recursive learning algorithm for one-clock timed automata. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, September 2022
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Implementation and Optimization of Statement-Level Test-Case Minimization. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2022
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On-the-Fly Strategy Synthesis for Timed-Game Automata with Logically Conjunctive Reachability and Safety Properties. Master Thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2022
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On-the-fly Model Checking for Kripke Structures using Dependency Graphs. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, May 2022
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Kripke Model Minimisation under CTL-Formula Constraints. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, May 2022
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Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms for Network Intrusion Detection. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, March 2022
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Identifying Bug-Introducing Changes using Test Coverage and Information Retrieval Techniques. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, March 2022
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Herleitung der WCET für PRET-Maschinen mittels Bounded Model Checking. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, February 2022
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Learning UPPAAL Timed Automata from Network Protocol Traces. Bachelor Thesis, February 2022
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Detecting failures of machine learning services by black-box attacks. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, February 2022
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Performance prediction of reachability queries over a large knowledge graph. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, January 2022
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System Performance Modeling Based on the Combination of Property-Based Testing and Multiple Linear Regression. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, January 2022
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Automatic Derivation of Loop Bounds for WCET Analysis using Model Checking. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, December 2021
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User-Guided Random Testing using Input and Output Constraints. Master Thesis, TU Hamburg, November 2021
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Generating Controller Timed Automata for Nested Uppaal Strategies. Project Thesis, TU Hamburg, October 2021
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Low-Connectivity State Space Exploration using Swarm Model Checking on the GPU. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, September 2021
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Implementation of the flag removal algorithm and evaluation for coverage and computation time. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, September 2021
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Analysis and implementation of automatied data cleaning techniques for time series. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, September 2021
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An evolutionary approach for recovering UPPAAL timed automata from test traces. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, August 2021
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Recognizing dark patterns in online offers. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, August 2021
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Implementation and Experiments of Attacks on Social Networks. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, August 2021
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Implementation and evaluation of a feeling-based approach for privacy preservation in location-based services. Master Thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2021
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Translating interrupt-dependent assembler code for bounded model checking in SAL. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2021
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A Low-Level Liquid Type System for Memory Safety. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2021
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Compact Representation of Strategies for Hybrid Games. Master Thesis, TU Hamburg, May 2021
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Adaptation and implementation of a probabilistic process calculus for evaluating location privacy preserving algorithms. Master Thesis, TU Hamburg, March 2021
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Fault Localization in Labelled Transition Systems with Test Execution Analysis. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, February 2021
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Implementation of a scalable SMT Model Counting Solver. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, February 2021
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Transforming Uppaal Strategies into Controller Timed Automat. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, February 2021
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TypeChecking of Formulas in Spreadsheet Programs. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, January 2021
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Implementation and Evaluation of Learning Timed Automata from Interaction Traces Algorithm. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, November 2020
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Generation of Random Timed Automata for Uppaal. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, September 2020
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Automatic Simulation of Rare Events in UPPAAL using Timed Automata. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, August 2020
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Learning Probabilistic Automata For Rare Events. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, August 2020
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Improvements of Timed Automata through customizable Linting. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, August 2020
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Implementation and Simulation of an LLB-Algorithm for privacy Preserving location-based Services. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, July 2020
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Anomaly Recognition in Multivariate Time Series. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2020
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Implementation and Evaluation of spatial generalization Algorithms for privacy Preservation in location-based Services. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, May 2020
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Quantitative runtime verification with unobservable state transitions. Master Thesis, TU Hamburg, March 2020
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Expressing Temporal Properties via Reachability Checks and Automata Extensions for ETAs. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, February 2020
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Retracing State Machine Evolution with respect to Preceding Specification using Reflection Models. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, January 2020
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Predicting Vessel Trajectories - A Comparison between RNNs and Kalman Filter. Master Thesis, TU Hamburg, December 2019
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Inference Attacks on Location Data and its Countermeasures. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, December 2019
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Constraint Logic Programming with Relaxation in Timetabling. Bachelor Thesis, TU Hamburg, December 2019.
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Optimizing Run-Time Performance of Look Ahead Online Model-Based Testing by Distributed Execution. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, January 2019.
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Improving The Quality of Requirement Specifications Using Automatic Ambiguity Detection Tools. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, April 2019.
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Incremental Measurement of Model Similarities in Probabilistic Timed Automata Learning. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, June 2019.
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Automatic generation of fraudulent user behaviour. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2019.
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Lazy Synthesis of AIGER Circuits by solving Safety Games with NuSMV. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, September 2019.
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Optimizing CPU Inference Speed of Deep Neural Networks for Regression Tasks used in Real-Time Audio Applications. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, October 2019.
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Lock Scheduling with Estimated Times of Arrival Based on Historical AIS Data. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, January 2019.
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A Study of Generated versus Recorded Geolocation Data. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, February 2019.
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An Analytic Time Metric for Execution Time Evaluation in Online Model Checking. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, March 2019.
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Solving Symbolic Energy Games with NuSMV. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, March 2019.
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Formally Describing and Proving Privacy in Software Architectures. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, January 2018.
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Structure and parametrization learning for probabilistic timed automata. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, June 2018.
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Understanding and Improving Neural Network Classification. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, November 2018.
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An Implementation of T-Closeness Through Steered Miroaggregation. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, August 2018.
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Computational Verification of Differentially Private Algorithms and an Improved Accuracy Estimate for the Sparse Vector Technique. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, February 2018.
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Transparent Quality Prediction for Software Requirements using Artificial Neural Networks. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, November 2018.
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A New User Simulation-Based Approach for Application Performance Monitoring. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, June 2018.
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A layered architecture for time-series problems in logistics. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, 2018.
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Trajectory Anonymisation by Multivariate Microaggregation. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2018.
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Konsistenzprüfung von UML-Sequenzdiagrammen mit LTL-Spezifikationen in NuSMV. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2018.
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Visual Analysis of Memory Usage for DSP-based Multi-core Systems. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, April 2018.
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An Energy Type System for OMNeT++ Modules and their Extension by Energy Statistics. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, November 2018.
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A Type System for Energy-Aware-Progamming for Proceduaral Languages. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, September 2018.
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Winnowing Algorithm for Program Code. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2017.
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Multric: Multiple Ranking Metrics Combined for Fault Localization. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, October 2017.
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Ein Algorithmus für einen universellen Klassifikator zur Software Prediction. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, March 2017.
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Goal-oriented Test-case Generation for iOS Mobile Applications. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, October 2017.
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Automated Power Consumption Automata Analysis. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, February 2017.
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Using Uppaal-SMC for Stochastic Modeling of Wireless Sensor Networks. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, September 2017.
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An Underapproximating Reachability Analysis for Hyrid Automata. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, April 2017.
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Solving Floating-Point SAT by Optimizing a Represeting Function. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, July 2017.
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Automated Verification of Song's Protocol for Smart Cards using ProVerif. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, July 2017.
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Multiplication of BDD-Based Integer Sets for Abstract Interpretation of Executables. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, March 2017.
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Swarm Testing using CSmith. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, February 2017.
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Feature Omission with C-Bounded Model Checking. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, February 2017.
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LTL model repair. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, November 2017.
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Implementation of Continuous Data Testing and an Application to a pharmaceutical Software. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, June 2017.
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Implementing a Type System on Differential Privacy for Security Protocols. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, August 2017.
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From UPPAAL to C: Code Generation and Semantic Model Constraints. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2017.
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Mutation Analysis: A Case Study in Python. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, April 2016.
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Code Generation for UML Activity Diagrams in Real-Time Systems. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, October 2016.
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Semantic-Driven Model Repair for BDD-based Model Checking in NuSMV. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, July 2016.
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Extracting and Using Power Channel Data for Automaton Inverence Using Sparse Alphabets. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, June 2016.
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GUI Ripping of iOS Mobile Applications. Project work, TU Hamburg-Harburg, April 2016.
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Translation of Modelica Code into Hybrid Automata. Project work, TU Hamburg-Harburg, December 2016.
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Automatic Code Synthesis of UML/SysML State Machines for Applications. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, August 2016.
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Automated C-Code Generation for SysML-based Architectures in the Context of Avionic Software. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, August 2016.
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Valid Initial States for the Reachability Analysis of Differential-Algebraic Equations. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, August 2016.
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Combining Statistical and Online Model Checking based on UPPAAL and PRISM. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, October 2016.
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Online Model Checking with UPPAAL SMC. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg, February 2016.
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Change- and Precision-sensitive Widening for BDD-based Integer Sets. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, October 2016.
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A hybrid architecture for pathfinding in dynamic environments. Master thesis, TU Hamburg, November 2016.
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A Signedness-Agnostic Interval Domain with Congruences and an Implementation for Jakstab. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, May 2016.
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A Line Based Approach for Bugspots. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, October 2016.
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Automated Analysis of Natural Language Requirements using Boilerplates. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg, January 2016.
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CTL Model Repair with NuSMV. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, October 2015.
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Increasing Accuracy at Generating Verified Sandboxes for Cyber-Physical Systems Using Reachability Computations. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, February 2015.
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Evaluating Angluin's Algorithm for Learning Integrated Circuits. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, January 2015.
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Teaching Angluin to Learn the Inner Workings of Integrated Circuits. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, August 2015.
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Entwurf und Entwicklung eines Metamodells und graphischen Editors für Hybride Automaten. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, March 2015.
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Matching of Control- and Data-Flow Constructs in Disassembled Code. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, September 2015.
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An Interval-Based Abstract Domain for Jakstab Supporting up to k Arbitrary Disjunctions. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, October 2015.
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Applying Precision-Improving Rules to Reachability Computations for Hybrid Automata in HyCreate. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, September 2015.
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Improvement and Evaluation of Jakstab's Interval Domain with a Focus on Bitwise Operations. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, September 2015.
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Semantic Preserving Transformations from ATLAS Testcase Descriptions to Teststand Sequences. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, June 2015.
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Fallbasiertes Schließen in strategischen Spielentscheidungen auf der NAO Robotik Plattform. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, August 2015.
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Reimplementing Lintent: A Type Checker for Android Permission Configurations. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2015.
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Transformation of GRAFCET-Based Control Specifications Into an IEC 61131-3 Implementation. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2015.
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Investigating the Influence of Different Counting Conditions in Count Matrix Based Code Clone Detection. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, August 2015.
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Transformation of GRAFCET-Based Control Specifications Into an IEC 61131-3 Implementation. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2015.
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Static Data Flow Analysis for Vulnerable Permission Configurations of Android Applications. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, January 2015.
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Repository Mining at Machine-Code Level. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, June 2015.
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Flow-Insensitive Points-To Analyses for Frama-C Based on Tarjan's Disjoint-Sets. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, March 2014.
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Fast SAT-Count for Labelless Complementable BDDs in BDDStab. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2014.
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Numerische Fehlerkorrektur und Programmflusskontrolle zur Behandlung von Soft Errors. Corrigendum, TU Hamburg-Harburg, August 2014.
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Numerische Fehlerkorrektur und Programmflusskontrolle zur Behandlung von Soft Errors. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2014.
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Bidirectional Predicate Propagation in Frama-C and its Application to Warning Removal. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, September 2014.
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A Frama-C Plug-In for Finding Equal-Valued Expressions Using Dataflow Analysis. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, January 2014.
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Validierung des Schleifenerkennungsalgorithmus von Wei, Mao, Zou und Chen. Bachelorarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, September 2014.
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Entwicklung eines universellen Visualisierungs- und Datenverwaltungstools für asynchrone Messwerte. Bachelorarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, October 2014.
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Automated Generation of Unit Tests from UML Activity Diagrams using the AMPL Interface for Constraint Solvers. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, January 2014.
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Burrows-Wheeler compression with modified sort orders and exceptions to the MTF phase, and their impact on the compression rate. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, September 2014.
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Burrows-Wheeler compression with modified sort orders and exceptions to the MTF phase, and their impact on the compression rate. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, September 2014.
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Test-Case Coverage Analysis of State-Based Automata for Fuel-Cell Systems in Commercial Aircraft. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2014.
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A GUI for Real-time Visualization of On-line Model Checking with UPPAAL. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2014.
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3D Modelling, Feature Extraction and Segmentation of Modern Warehouse Environments using Laserscanners. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, September 2014.
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Intraprocedural Control Flow Visualization based on Regular Expressions. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, January 2014.
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Selecting Attributes for Automated Clustering of Disassembled Code from Embedded Systems. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, February 2014.
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Clone Detection For Reserve Engineering of Disassembled Code. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2014.
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Grammar Transformations for Comparing Modelica Versions. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2013.
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Bitfehlerinjektionen in Register auf der Basis von FITIn. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, June 2013.
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Anwendung von ASP auf Planungsprobleme. Studienarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, November 2013.
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Reusable QVT patterns for state machine model transformations and their verification in VMTS. Project work, TU Hamburg-Harburg, September 2013.
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Model Checking of a Closed-Loop Medical Device System in UPPAAL. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, February 2013.
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Online Checking of a Hybrid Laser Tracheotomy Model in UPPAAL-SMC. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, December 2013.
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Automatic Case Analysis for Improving Path Sensitivity in Frama-C. Diplomarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, March 2013.
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Static Single-Assignment for Program Slicing on Binary Intermediate Language. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, May 2013.
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Automatic Evolutionary GUI Testing Assisted by Static Analysis. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, October 2013.
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A Valgrind-based Soft Error Injection Tool for SIHFT Evaluations. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, March 2013.
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Evaluation of Standard Information retrieval system related to specific queries. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, May 2013.
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Modelling and Verification of QoS properties of a Biomedical Wireless Sensor Network. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, February 2012.
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Implementing a Multi-Target .NetCompiler for TouchDevelop. Diplomarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, May 2012.
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Detection of Zeno Sets in Hybrid Systems to Validate Modelica Simulations. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2012.
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Implementing Exhaustive Search for the Coil-in-the-box Problem using MPI. Project work, TU Hamburg-Harburg, June 2012.
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Boolean Analysis for Path-senvitive Interprocedural Analyses of Asynchronous Programs. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, September 2012.
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An interprocedural Points - To Analysis for Event-Driven Programs. Diplomarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, January 2012.
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Reverse Engineering und Analyse eines auf RS-232 basierenden Protokolls zur Reimplementierung. Diplomarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2012.
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Das risikoorientierte und automatisierte Testen einer medizinischen Software mit Hilfe von Black-Box-Regressionstests. Diplomarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, December 2012.
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User Event Tracking for Test Case Generation for Web Applications. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, February 2012.
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Enhancing UPPAAL's Explanatory Power using Static Zeno Run Analysis. Diplomarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, April 2012.
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Scalability Analysis of the Simulin Design Verifier on an Avionic System. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, August 2012.
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Investitgation of Sensor Networks using Algebraic Topology. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, November 2012.
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Run-Time Load Analysis of Multi-Threaded Aplications by Inspection of Inter-Process Communication. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2012.
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Binary Analysis for Code Reconstruction of Control Software. Diplomarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, October 2012.
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A Data Partitioning Algorithm for Sound Particle Radiosity. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, August 2012.
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Inferring Alias Contracts in VCC using Separation Analysis. Studienarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, May 2011.
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Symbolic Execution of nesC Programs. Studienarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, April 2011.
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An OBDD-based Representation of Sets of Integers for Frama-C. Studienarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, April 2011.
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Entwicklung eines Datenloggers für Beatmungsdaten und Mutationsanalyse für Robustheitstests. Bachelorarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, August 2011.
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Evaluation von Optimierungsalgorithmen zur Tourplanung im Hamburger Hafen. Diplomarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, November 2011.
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Entwurf einer komponentenbasierten und sicheren Formularbeschreibungssprache für heterogene Ausgabemedien. Diplomarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, February 2011.
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Performancetests für SQL Server 2008 bei der Verarbeitung räumlich-thematischer Daten. Bachelorarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, November 2011.
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Performance comparison of heuristic algorithms in routing optimization of sequencing traversing cars in a warehouse. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, April 2010.
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Dynamic Invariant Detection for Sensor Network Applications. Projektarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, December 2010.
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Trafotest - A robust and fault-tolerant control software for transformer test stands. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, March 2010.
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Evaluation von Optimierungsmaßnahmen bezüglich des Datencaches anhand von einfachen Algorithmen aus der Bildverarbeitung. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2010.
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Erkennung von Quellkodeduplikaten in WSN-Routingprotokollen mittels Klondetektoren. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, August 2010.
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Inter-Context Control-Flow Graph for NesC, with Improved Split-Phase Handling. Studienarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2010.
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Evaluation einer agentenbasierten Modellierung für ein AIS-Überwachungssystem mit optimierter Festmacheinsatzplanung. Diplomarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, November 2009.
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Conceptual-to-Oject Schema Mapping. Studienarbeit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July 2009.
Bibtex entry Paper (PDF)
Program Transformation in Scala. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, October 2009.
Bibtex entry
Language-Integrated Queries in Scala. Master thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, December 2009.
Bibtex entry Paper (PDF)