Previous terms

Wintersemester 2024/2025

Software Verification
Lecture / LabClass

Functional Programming
Lecture / LabClass

Intelligent Autonomous Agents and Cognitive Robotics
Lecture / LabClass

Grundlagen des maschinellen Lernens
Lecture / LabClass


Sommersemester 2024

Software Engineering
Lecture / LabClass

Software Development
Lecture / LabClass

Software Testing
Lecture / LabClass

Machine Learning and Data Mining
Lecture / LabClass

Lecture / LabClass



Wintersemester 2023/2024

Software Verification

Functional Programming

Intelligent Autonomous Agents and Cognitive Robotics

Grundlagen des maschinellen Lernens



Sommersemester 2023

Software Engineering

Software Development

Software Testing

Machine Learning and Data Mining



Wintersemester 2022/2023

Software Verification

Functional Programming

Intelligent Autonomous Agents and Cognitive Robotics

Grundlagen des maschinellen Lernens


Sommersemester 2022

Software Engineering

Software Development

Software Testing

Machine Learning and Data Mining



Wintersemester 2021/2022

Software Verification

Functional Programming

Intelligent Autonomous Agents and Cognitive Robotics

Grundlagen des maschinellen Lernens


Sommersemester 2021

Software Engineering

Software Development

Software Testing

Machine Learning and Data Mining



Wintersemester 2020/2021

Functional Programming

Software Verification

Intelligent Autonomous Agents and Cognitive Robotics

Grundlagen des maschinellen Lernens


Sommersemester 2020

Software Engineering

Problem-based Learning:
Software Development

Problem-based Learning:
Software Testing

Machine Learning and Data Mining
