Dr.-Ing. Wilfried Abels
- Anschrift
Technische Universität Hamburg
Institut für Entwerfen von Schiffen und Schiffssicherheit
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (C)
D-21073 Hamburg- Telefon
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- Raum
[80341] |
Title: Software Developing in a Distributed Environment Exemplified for a Propeller Damping Tool. |
Written by: Stefan Krüger, Wilfried Abels |
in: <em>HIPER, Zevenwacht, South Africa</em>. (2017). |
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Abstract: This paper explains on the basis of a propeller damping tool, a way of developing software within small and distributed teams of engineers. An overview will be given about the technical problem, the theoretical background and the technical need of the developed tool. Furthermore, there will be an introduction of the ship design framework E4. A focus is on the coordination between different teams of developers. There are special requirements to maintain a software framework on cross border basis of different organisations. It will be discussed, how a teamwork is possible although the involved organisations have to protect their own intellectually property.