Fourth International Symposium on Nanoporous Materials by
Alloy Corrosion
Topical Focus
Nanoporous metal microstructures, prepared by dealloying of a solid solution or compound, represent an emerging class of materials, characterized by their network of solid “ligaments” with a size adjustable between few nm and several μm. Dealloying generates macroscopic bodies containing extremely many (>1015/cm3) ligaments, incorporating the exciting properties of nanoscale objects into macroscopic materials from which engineering components can be formed.
Even though dealloying has a long history in materials research, its mechanisms are only partly understood. Their study touches upon the thermodynamics of driven systems, on the topology of bicontinuous microstructures and on its evolution during coarsening. Furthermore, clarifying the links between the processing parameters, the obtained microstructures and the resulting properties (mechanical and functional) is required to foster engineering applications.
This meeting is the fourth in a series aiming to establish a forum for promoting interaction and the exchange of scientific insight and opinion. Special emphasis will be on attracting young researchers.
Topical focus for the 2023 meeting will include: study of various dealloying processes (electro-chemical, vapor phase, liquid metal, etc.), their similarities and differences; topological and morphological evolution during the formation and coarsening of nanoporous microstructures; characterization of the resulting mechanical and functional properties.