Nondestructive high-throughput screening of nanopore geometry in porous membranes by imbibition
New publication by Cencha et al in Applied Physics Letters. Project B7.
Alumina-Doped Zirconia Submicro-Particles: Synthesis, Thermal Stability, and Microstructural Characterization
New publication by Dahl et al in Materials. Projects A1, C5, C6 and Z3.
Elasticity of Cross-Linked Titania Nanocrystal Assemblies Probed by AFM-Bulge Tests
New publication by Hensel et al in Nanomaterials. Projects A1 and A7.
The world's strongest biomaterial
Research team in Stockholm produces the world's strongest biomaterial from cellulose nanofibers. See more in the video of the ZDF heute journal.
Carboxylic acid induced near-surface restructuring of a magnetite surface
New publication by Arndt et al in Communications Chemistry. Projects A4 and A7
Tunable auxeticity and elastomechanical symmetry in a class of very low density core-shell cubic crystals
New publication by Soyarslan et al in Acta Materialia. Project B6
Numerical Investigation of Polymer Coated Nanoporous Gold
New publication by Gnegel et al in Materials. Projects B2, B4 and B8
Colloquium // Prof. Tianquan Lian (Emory University)
Title: Efficient Plasmon Induced Hot Electron Transfer
Time: 17.04.2019, 5pm
Place: TUHH, H 009
Hierarchical supercrystalline nanocomposites through the self-assembly of organically-modified ceramic nanoparticles
New publication by Domènech et al in Scientific Reports. Projects A1, A6, Z2 and Z3
Colloquium // Prof. Roland Würschum (TU Graz)
Title: In-Situ Studies on the Formation as well as on Tunable Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Nanoporous Metals Produced by Electrochemical Dealloying
Time: 20.02.2019, 5pm
Place: TUHH, M 1582
Pressure induced local phase transformation in nanocrystalline tetragonal zirconia microparticles
New publication by Schwenger et al in Scripta Materialia. Project C6
Colloquium // Prof. Frank Uwe Renner (Hasselt University)
Title: Approaching from the surface: Using surfactant inhibitors to create hierarchical nanoporous surfaces
Time: 30.01.2019, 5pm
Place: TUHH, K 0506
Colloquium // Prof. Lucio Colombi Ciacchi (University of Bremen)
Title: A novel coarse-grained model for the discrete element simulation of aggregated TiO2 nanoparticle films
Time: 23.01.2019, 5pm
Place: TUHH, K 0506
Colloquium // Prof. Michele Ceriotti (EPFL)
Title: Machine learning like a physicist
Time: 12.12.2018, 5pm
Place: TUHH, K 0506
Photonic materials for high-temperature applications: Synthesis and characterization by X-ray ptychographic tomography
New publication by Furlan et al in Appl. Mater. Today. Projects C5, C2, Z2 and Z3
Colloquium // Prof. Roel van de Krol (HZB)
Title: Solar water splitting with ternary metal oxide semiconductors: Recent insights in bulk and surface properties
Time: 05.12.2018, 5pm
Place: TUHH, K 0506
New project B9
Microstructure-based classification and mechanical analysis of nanoporous metals by machine learning: project description
Adsorption of Acetone on Rutile TiO2: A DFT and FTIRS Study
New publication by Würger et al in J. Phys. Chem. C. Projects A4 and A7
New project A8
Molecular dynamics simulation of the self-assembly of polymer coated metal/ceramic nanoparticles: project description
Synthesis of uniform bulk nanoporous palladium with tunable structure
New publication by Shi et al in Electrochimica Acta. Projects B2 and B8
MGK Summer School
Conveying expertise differently: Press release (German only) on this year's MGK Summer School.
Colloquium // Prof. Dorota Koziej (University of Hamburg)
Title: From nanoparticles synthesis in solution to functional devices – a perspective based on in situ synchrotron studies
Time: 04.07.2018, 5pm
Place: TUHH, H 009
Conference Retreat
This year's conference retreat of the SFB 986 will take place at the Tagungshotel Jesteburg on June 13 and 14.
New publication in Scientific Reports
G. Shang et al.: Photonic glass for high contrast structural color. Link and press release
Top 100 most read physics publications in Scientific Reports 2017
Out of >3000 physics publications, "Dynamic measurement of near-field radiative heat transfer" (C1) is among the top 100 most read in 2017. Link and Top 100 list
Colloquium // Prof. Michael Fröba (University of Hamburg)
Title: Periodic mesoporous organosilicas: Porosity meets functionality
Time: 02.05.2018, 5pm
Place: TUHH, H 009
Colloquium // Prof. Gareth S. Parkinson (TU Wien)
Title: Iron-Oxide Surfaces and Their Reactivity to Water
Time: 18.04.2018, 5pm
Place: TUHH, H 009
New publication in Physical Review Letters
K. Sentker et al.: Quantized self-assembly of discotic rings in a liquid crystal confined in nanopores. Link and press release
Colloquium // Prof. Andreas Fery (Leibniz-Institut f. Polymerforschung Dresden)
Title: Colloidal surface assemblies: Nanotechnology meets Bioinspiration
Time: 31.01.2018, 5pm
Place: TUHH, K 0506
Der SFB 986 sucht nach einer/einem Sachbearbeiter/in. Mehr dazu hier.
New publication in Advanced Materials Interfaces

K.P. Furlan et al.: Low-temperature mullite formation in ternary oxide coatings deposited by ALD for high-temperature applications. Link
Colloquium // Dr. Anders Madsen (European XFEL)
Title: New science by X-ray imaging and ultrafast dynamics experiments at the European XFEL
Time: 22.11.2017, 5pm
Place: TUHH, K 0506
New publication in Scientific Reports
S. Lang et al.: Dynamic measurement of near-field radiative heat transfer. Link and press release (German)
New publication in Nano Letters
L. Lührs et al.: Plastic Poisson's ratio of nanoporous metals: A macroscopic signature of tension-compression asymmetry at the nanoscale. Link
SFB-researcher receives Poster Award at Summer School
A PhD candidate working in the SFB was honored with the Carl Zeiss Poster Award at the Summer School on Experimental Nano- and Micromechanics. Congratulations!
Colloquium // Prof. Wayne D. Kaplan (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Title: Interfacial complexions & thermodynamic transitions at interfaces as characterized by electron microscopy
Time: 25.10.2017, 5pm
Place: TUHH, K 0506
SFB-researcher receives Student / Young Scientist Prize
A PhD candidate working in the SFB was honored with the prize for his research on surface X-ray diffration on magnetite (001) at the International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces (ICSOS) 12, 2017. Congratulations!
New review in Advanced Engineering Materials
New article by T. Juarez et al.: Nanoporous metals with structural hierarchy: A review. Link
Job opening
The MGK and the ZHM graduate school are looking for a substitute coordinator during a parental leave. Find out more here.
New publication in Scientific Reports
P. Georgopanos et al.: Exceptionally strong, stiff and hard hybrid material based on an elastomer and isotropically shaped ceramic nanoparticles. Link
MGK Summer School
The MGK is having its yearly summer school from July 3-7, 2017. Find out more about the program here.
Colloquium // Prof. Tobias Kraus (INM, Saarbrücken)
Title: Self-assembly of particle-based materials: Mechanisms and their application for flexible electronics
Time: 17.05.2017, 5pm
Place: TUHH, H 009
Conference retreat // First stock-check in the new funding period
The members of the SFB 986 discuss latest scientific results at their conference retreat in Heiligenhafen. Press release (German)
Colloquium // Dr. Rebecca Janisch (ICAMS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Title: Grain boundary properties: Insights from atomistic simulations and their use in mechanical modeling of materials
Time: 03.05.2017, 5pm
Place: TUHH, H 009
Colloquium // Prof. Helmut Cölfen (University Konstanz)
Title: Bio-inspired organic-inorganic hybrid materials
Time: 05.04.2017, 5pm
Place: TUHH, H 009
New publication in Scientific Reports
D. Jalas et al.: Electrochemical tuning of the optical properties of nanoporous gold. Link and press release (German)
New publication in Applied Physics Reviews
New review by G.Y. Gor et al.: Adsorption-induced deformation of nanoporous materials. Link
Talk // Dr. Eric Hill (CIC biomaGUNE)
Title: Metal-ceramic nanohybrids: From particles to composite materials
Time: 16.02.2017, 3pm
Place: TUHH, K0507
Colloquium // Prof. Jörg Libuda (FAU Erlangen)
Title: Functional molecular layers on atomically-defined oxide surfaces and nanoparticles
Time: 25.01.2017, 5pm
Place: TUHH, H 009
Colloquium // Prof. Christof Wöll (KIT)
Title: Programmed assembly of molecular frameworks: A new class of designer solids?
Time: 18.01.2017, 5pm
Place: TUHH, K 0506
Colloquium // Prof. Andreas Walther (University of Freiburg)
Title: Static and dynamic bioinspired self-assembled material systems
Time: 11.01.2017, 5pm
Place: TUHH, H 009
Talk // Prof. Klaus Nickel (University of Tübingen)
Title: On the kinetics of low-temperature degradation and high-temperature interaction of Zirconia with melts
Time: 15.12.2016, 3pm
Place: TUHH, K0507
MGK Kick-off
The MGK is organizing a Kick-off event for all "old" and "new" PhDs and project leaders. Press release (German)
Colloquium // Prof. Robin Klupp Taylor (FAU Erlangen)
Title: Crystal growth on curved surfaces: Novel approaches for the synthesis of anisotropic nanostructured materials
Time: 07.12.2016, 5pm
Place: TUHH, H 009
More than 100 publications
The results of our SFB research has already been shared in more than 100 publications. Find a complete list of papers here.
Talk // Bioinspired organic/ceramic nanocomposites
Prof. Gerold Schneider is giving a keynote speech at the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference.
Time: 24.11.2016, 2 pm
More information here.
Mapping materials research
The SFB has been added to the BMBF competency map of materials. Click here to browse the map.
SFB-researcher receives Best Poster Award
A PhD candidate working in the SFB was honored with the Best Poster Award in the category "Functional Materials and Devices" at the MSE 2016. Congratulations!
Symposium A11 at the MSE 2016
SFB 986 is organising the Symposium A 11 "Hierarchical Materials" at the MSE 2016 in Darmstadt. External Link
Second International Symposium on Nanoporous Metals by Alloy Corrosion
September 23 – 27, 2016, more information
Excellence on the nanoscale
The electron microscopy unit at the TUHH was officially inaugurated. Press release (German)
Summer School
This year's MGK Summer School "Characterization Methods for Multi-Scale Materials" takes place from June 6-10.
We are hiring!
We are offering 14 PhD and PostDoc positions. Please have a look at the job descriptions. Closing date for applications is July 20, 2016.
Vortrag // Die Natur als Vorbild für Ingenieurwerkstoffe
Prof. Gerold Schneider hält einen Vortrag für die Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Zeit: 09.06.2016, 19 Uhr
Mehr Informationen hier.
New publication in Nature Communications
P.N. Dyachenko et al.: Controlling thermal emission with refractory epsilon-near-zero metamaterials via topological transitions. Link and press release (German)
Talk // Multiscale Materials Modelling: Procedures - Examples - Challenges
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Schmauder of the Universität Stuttgart will give a talk at the materials science colloquium.
Time: 01.06.2016, 5pm
Place: TUHH, O018
Talk // Mechanical effects of fluids adsorption by nanoporous materials
Dr. Gennady Gor of the Naval Research Laboratory and guest reseacher in the SFB 986 will give a talk at the materials science colloquium.
Time: 25.05.2016, 5pm
Place: TUHH, O 018
Vortrag // Nanopartikel in funktionalen Materialien und für neue Anwendungen in der Medizin
Prof. Horst Weller hält einen Vortrag für die Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Zeit: 12.05.2016, 19 Uhr
Mehr Informationen hier.
Talk // Microstructural design of fiber composites
EPFL's Dr. Varun P. Rajan will give a talk at the materials science colloquium.
Time: 27.04.2016, 5pm
Place: TUHH, O 018
ESAFORM Scientific Award 2016
Prof. Swantje Bargmann is the first recipient in Germany of the ESAFORM Scientific Award 2016. Congratulations! Press release (German only)
Symposium A11 at the MSE 2016
SFB 986 is organising the Symposium A 11 "Hierarchical Materials" at the MSE 2016 in Darmstadt. External Link
Neue Publikation in Nature Materials
A. Dreyer et al.: Organically linked iron oxide nanoparticle supercrystals with exceptional isotropic mechanical properties. Pressemitteilung
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Nanofasern im Gebiss
Prof. Gerold Schneider zum besonderen Aufbau unseres Zahnschmelzes
Für Abonnenten:
Nanofasern im Gebiss
SFB-researchers win best poster award
A team of SFB 986-researchers were awarded with the best poster prize at the „7th International Granulation Workshop“ in Sheffield, UK. Congratulations!
Zentrum für Hochleistungsmaterialien
Der SFB 986 bildet eine der Keimzellen des neu gegründeten Forschungsverbundes "Zentrum für Hochleistungsmaterialien" der TUHH und der HZG.
Our grad school: Mutual understanding for better research
Our SFB 986 PhD students meet regularly for talks and basic tutorials within our grad school MGK. In that way, the MGK brings together the different scientific disciplines of the SFB 986. (Press release in German only.)
Flow characteristics are essential for materials processing
In an interview for the Geesthacht Polymer Workshop, Dr. Ulrich Handge speaks about his research and the "applied rheology of polymers". HZG-News (German only)
Materials Science Colloquium
The Atomic Structure of Nano-Objects: What X-Rays Can Tell
Prof. Andreas Stierle
DESY NanoLab and University of Hamburg, Physics Department
Wed, 12.11.2014, 17ct, K.0506
Best-Poster award for SFB scientists
One of our research teams has won the best-poster award of the "International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling" in Berkeley, USA. The scientists convinced the jury with their work about cracks in dental enamel. Press Release (German only)
A golden nanopump
Our scientists have published their discovery of "Switchable imbibition in nanoporous gold" in Nature Communications. Press release (German only), Paper
First International Symposium on Nanoporous Materials by Alloy Corrosion
September 28 – October 2, 2014
SFB 986 Summer School on "Interfaces"
The scientific Summer School 2014 of our integrated graduate school (MGK) will take place near Stade. The MGK members have decided to choose "Interfaces" as the main topic, as those play an eminent role and are essential for the cooperation between the SFB 986 projects.
June 30 - July 4, 2014
Materials Science Colloquium
Nanogenerators as new energy technology and piezotronics for functional systems
Prof. Zhong Lin Wang
School of Materials Science and Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta USA
Wed, 25.6.2014, 17ct, K.0506
Materials Science Colloquium
Fly on the ceiling:
Animal attachment devices and biologically-inspired adhesives
Prof. Gorb
Zoological Institute: Functional Morphology and Biomechanics
Universität Kiel
Wed, 18.6.2014, 17ct, K.0506
Materials Science Colloquium
Electron Tomography in Materials Science: 3D Imaging at the Nanoscale
Prof. Midgley
University of Cambridge
Fellow of the Royal Society
Wed 7.5.2014, 17ct, K.0506
Symposium A11 at MSE 2014
SFB 986 is co-organizing the Symposium A11 "Hierarchical Materials" at MSE 2014 in Darmstadt.External Link.
Brilliant Dental enamel – Materials researchers unravel its secrets
SFB scientists present their research on public television (German only): Link
Quarks & Co
Broadcast 2014-03-18
(courtesy of WDR)
A shorter version was already broadcast on 2014/01/26 at "[w] wie Wissen".
Modeling Materials Short Course
In the week 17-21.3., almost 30 international students participate in an SFB-hosted course on how to model materials. The lectures and hands-on sessions are given by Profs. Miller and Tadmor from Canada and the USA, resp.External link
Dental enamel - hardness isn't enough
SFB scientists present their research on public television (German only)
Hierarchical materials at Davos World Economic Forum
The scientific topics of the SFB 986 are also present at the World Economic Forum in Davos: External Link
Materials Science Colloquium

Overcoming brittleness trough bio-inspiration and microarchitecture
Prof. Francois Barthelat
Department of Mechanical Engineering McGill University, Montreal
You can find older colloquia at Events > Colloquium.
Forscher der TUHH, des Helmholtz-Zentrums Geesthacht (HZG) und der Universität Hamburg kreieren revolutionäre Materialien
The members of the SFB 986 discuss first scientific results at their conference retreat in Soltau. (German only)
TU Hamburg acquires Collaborative Research Center „Tailor-Made Multi-Scale Materials Systems“
Press release of the TUHH (German only): external link.