Available Jobs
At the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), the new Collaborative Research Centre SFB 986 “Tailor-Made Multi-Scale Materials Systems – M3“ was established on July 1st, 2012. In addition to the TUHH, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht and the University of Hamburg are participating in the SFB. The SFB 986 is set to both develop and manufacture multi-scale structured materials with tailor-made mechanical, electrical, and photonic properties. Three interconnected project areas investigate this innovation potential:
A: Quasi-self-similar hierarchical materials systems
B: Nano-structured multi-phase materials systems, and
C: Materials systems for photonics at high temperatures.
An integrated graduate school promotes networking and interaction among the early-career scientists within the SFB.
For current openings, please check our Research Positions and Student Positions section.
Research Positions
There are currently no open positions.
Student Positions
If you are interested in a student position, please, contact the project leaders or their staff directly.