

1st CRC Summer School on "Reactor Design" at Hamburg University of Technology!

On the 5th and 6th of September, the 1st Summer School of the CRC 1615 SMART Reactors took place, focusing on the design of chemical reactors and bioreactors.

Outstanding presentations from CRC SMART Reactors researchers at the CHISA 2024!

Three presentations were given by Yan Jin, Christian Weiland, and Michael Schlüter from the Institute of Multiphase Flows during the 27th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering in Prague, Czech Republic. For his talk, Christian Weiland was awarded with the Best Lecture Award 2024 of the ECFE Working Party on Multiphase Flow!
Award Winners Christian Weiland (TUHH) and Tereza Semlerová (ICPF) with Sandra Orvalho

CRC SMART Reactors at BioCheMEET 2024

Our CRC team presented two posters at this year’s BioCheMEET conference, chaired by Prof. Dr. Johannes Gescher and hosted by Gescher's Lab of Technical Microbiology at TUHH, focusing on latest research in microbial extracellular electron transfer.

New publication available online!

Kathrin Eckert, Dr.-Ing. Simon Müller and Professor Irina Smirnova from the Institute of Thermal Separation Processes at the Hamburg University of Technology together with Professor Gerrit Luinstra from the Institute for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry at the University of Hamburg have published their latest results on the exploration of swelling equilibria of pNIPAM lyogels in various organic solvents and mixtures.

Discover Molecular Thermodynamics: Visit from Mercator Fellow Prof. Walter G. Chapman

CRC SMART Reactors had the honor of hosting Professor Walter G. Chapman from Rice University (Houston, US) at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).

New publication available online!

Researchers from the groups of Prof. Raimund Horn from the Institute of Chemical Reaction Engineering at the Hamburg University of Technology and Prof. Jakob Albert from the Institute of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry at the University of Hamburg shared their latest on a compact profile reactor for CO2 hydrogenation.

Exploring Catalytic Three-Phase Flows: ERC-awarded Kuipers-group from TU/e meets CRC 1615 “SMART Reactors”

The research group “Multi Scale Modelling of Multi-Phase Flows” from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry at Eindhoven University of Technology visited our CRC “SMART Reactors” at TUHH. Insights into their latest advancements in the development of reactor models for multiphase reactors were presented.

New CRC SMART Reactors video online!


CRC SMART Reactors at the "Annual Meeting of the DECHEMA/VDI expert groups on multiphase flow, CFD, and aerosol technology"

PhD candidate Christoph Wigger presented a poster on the integration of lattice structures in chemical reactors paving the way for enhanced efficiency and sustainability at the meeting in Bremen.

New preprint available online!

PhD candidate Julio Urizarna-Carasa, technomathematics student Leon Schlegel and Professor Daniel Ruprecht from the Institute for Mathematics at the Hamburg University of Technology have shared their latest results on numerical methods for the Maxey-Riley equations with Basset history term.