
The guest from Saarbrücken gave an inspiring talk on „Electrochemical ion management: From sub-nanometer processes to desalination devices – Can ion management be used to make desalination plants SMART?“ at the CRC seminar.
The one-afternoon webinar on the subject of SMART reactors was conducted by Prof. Michael Schlüter, spokesperson of the CRC SMART Reactors (Hamburg, Germany) in collaboration with Prof. Anne-Marie Billet from the FERMaT Federation (Toulouse, France).
PhD candidate Julio Urizarna, technomathematics student Leon Schlegel and Professor Daniel Ruprecht from the Institute for Mathematics at the Hamburg University of Technology have shared their latest results on numerical methods for the Maxey-Riley equations with Basset history term.
PhD candidates Moritz Hollenberg and Tom Liebing have work together under the supervision of Chief Engineer Dennis Kähler and Prof. Thorsten A. Kern at the Institute for Mechatronics in Mechanics at TUHH on a simulation framework for Electrical Impedance Tomography systems.
PhD Candidate Nanning Jaeschke had the privilege of spending nearly a month at Rice University in Houston, Texas, where he worked on his CRC project, "Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modelling of Responsive Materials" (B01).
Prof. Tobias Knopp and his team from the Institute for Biomedical Imaging at TU Hamburg worked on an empirical study of magnet distance on Magneto-Mechanical Resonance Frequency.
Under the guidance of Prof. Alexander Penn at the Institute of Process Imaging, Muhammad Adrian has just successfully developed a prototype 15-channel receive array for the world’s largest vertical 3 Tesla MRI scanner. This array is specifically designed to advance process engineering imaging.
At a CRC seminar held at TUHH, the guest from Potsdam gave an inspiring presentation on "LIFT nanoprinting", in which he discussed the potential of this approach for the manufacturing of intelligent catalytic surfaces in SMART Reactors.
Today the CRC SMART Reactors hosted an online workshop for all of the CRC researcher with Dr. Dorothea Iglezakis from University of Stuttgart and NFDI4Ing, focusing on metadata and ontologies.
On November 19, 2024 our CRC partner Prof. Horn gave a talk on "Measuring Adsorbate Profiles in Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors by Iso-Potential Operando DRIFTS".