CRC 1615 Seminar Series

August 14, 2025: CRC Seminar by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Sundmacher, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg

June 26, 2025: CRC Seminar by Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schwieger, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen

June 12, 2025: CRC Seminar by Prof. Marc-Olivier Coppens, University College London/UK

May 22, 2025: CRC Seminar by Damien Toquer, École Normale Supérieure Paris, France

March 13, 2025: CRC Seminar by Dr. Nina Balke, North Carolina State University, USA

March 6, 2025: CRC Seminar by Dr. Sylvio Haas, DESY Hamburg

February 18, 2025: "Electrochemical ion management: from sub-nanometer processes to desalination devices - Can ion management be used to make desalination plants SMART" by Prof. Volker Presser, Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Saarbrücken

February 6, 2025: "Analysis of organism lifelines in an industrial bioreactor using CFD methods - What can we learn for SMART Reactors?" by Dr. ir. Cees Haringa, TU Delft, The Netherlands

December 5, 2024: "Methods and devices for Electron Microscopy at TUHH" by Dr. Martin Ritter, Dr. Tobias Krekeler and Dr. Gunnar Schaan, BeEM/TUHH

November 28, 2024: "LIFT nanoprinting - a promising approach for the manufacturing of intelligent catalytic surfaces in SMART Reactors?" by Dr. Felix Löffler, MPI Potsdam

Oktober 17, 2024: "Multiscale modelling for SMART reactors: examples from gas-liquid bioreactors, liquid-liquid extraction and crystallization" by Prof. Daniele Marchisio from Politecnico di Torino, Italy (Keynote Lecture at CRC´s Annual Conference)

Oktober 16, 2024: "A Particle Tracking Framework for High-Fidelity Trajectory Extraction" by Prof. Erdi Kara, Spelman College, Georgia, USA

September 26, 2024: "Intelligent Design of Structured Catalysts for Flexible, Safe and Efficient Reactor Operation" by Prof. Hannsjörg Freund // "Multiphase Reactors in Emission Control: Reaction Kinetics and Reactive CFD Modeling" by Dr. Marion Börnhorst, TU Dortmund

September 5, 2024: "Multiphase Reactors in Industry” by Dr. Joachim Ritter, Bayer AG, Leverkusen

July 2, 2024: "Industrial views from BASF on applying smart reactor technologies” by Julia Hofinger, PhD, BASF, Ludwigshafen

June 4, 2024: “Methoden zum Messen von Diversität in Organisationen, internationale Best Practice Beispiele sowie die Besonderheiten von Universitäten" by Barbara Lutz, FKi - The Global Consulting House for Diversity, Unterföhring

May 17, 2024: “Decision Support for Sustainable Process Design Modeling, Simulation and Optimization to Support Our Journey to Net Zero 2050" by Norbert Asprion, PhD, BASF, Ludwigshafen

March 14, 2024: “Microfluidics/Micro-PIV for Chemistry and Physics with Applications to SMART Reactors” by Prof. Steven T. Wereley, Purdue University, USA

March 7, 2024: “Introduction to Fine Bubble Technology” by Prof. Koichi Terasaka, Keio University, Japan

March 4, 2024: “Collaborative Opportunities for Molecular Thermodynamics in the CRC SMART Reactors” by Prof. Walter G. Chapman, Rice University, Houston, USA

December 6, 2023: "Phenomena in multiphase flows and how we can utilize them for SMART Reactors" by Prof. Michael Schlüter and Prof. Akio Tomiyama, Kobe University, Japan

CRC 1615 Workshops and Trainings

March 6, 2025: CRC 1615 Webinar "Research Data Management Insights: TU Darmstadt-Best Practices from the Institute for Fluid Systems" (by Eylem Tas, TUHH, and guests from the Institute for Fluid Systems, TU Darmstadt)

February 10, 2025: CRC 1615 Workshop "Understanding and Using TORE Repository for Research Data Management" (by Eylem Tas and Gunnar Weidt, TUHH)

November 22, 2024: CRC 1615 Workshop "Metadata & Ontologies" (by Eylem Tas, TUHH, and Dorothea Iglezakis, NFDI4Ing)

November 15, 2024: Workshop "WiMis GettIng Started" (in cooperation with the TUHH Graduate Academy)

November 7, 2024: CRC 1615 Workshop "Kadi4Mat – A Virtual Research Environment" (by Manideep Jayavarapu and Hafiz Noman, KIT)

September 6-7, 2024: CRC 1615 Summer School 2024 "Reactor design: Traditions and challenges for pilot and industrial plants" (by Raimund Horn, Johannes Gescher and others)

June 13, 2024: CRC 1615 Workshop "Simulation tools for particles in fluids" (by Daniel Ruprecht)

May 29, 2024: CRC 1615 Training "Trade Fair Presentation" (by Francesca Carlin)

April 29, 2024: CRC 1615 Workshop "How to write and successfully publish a research article" (by Mirko Skiborowski)

April 22, 2024: CRC 1615 Training "Unconscious Bias" (by Kirstin Hahne)

April 15-16, 2024: CRC 1615 Workshop "Statistical Methods for Analysis of Engineering Data" (by Pavel Gurikov)

March 19, 2024: CRC 1615 Workshop "Storytelling on LinkedIn" (by Kaja Weber)

November 7-8, 2023: Workshop "WiMis GettIng Started" (in cooperation with the TUHH Graduate Academy)

CRC 1615 Meetings and Special Events

Oktober 8-10, 2025: CRC 1615 Annual Conference 2025

May 8, 2025: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

April 17, 2025: CRC 1615 PI Meeting

April 3, 2025: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

March 6, 2025: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

February 6, 2025: Joint Workshop CRC 1615 (TUHH) - Dr. ir. Cees Haringa's Group (TU Delft) "Organism lifelines in bioreactors"

January 30, 2025: German - French Webinar „Numerical and Experimental Studies in Gas-Liquid Reactors - Can we get SMART?“ (CRC 1615 in cooperation with Prof. Anne-Marie Billet, FERMaT/France).

December 5, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

November 7, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

October 18, 2024: CRC 1615 PI Meeting

Oktober 17-18, 2024: CRC 1615 Annual Conference 2024

July 4, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

June 6, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

May 14, 2024: Joint Workshop CRC 1615 (TUHH) - TU/e SMM (Prof. Dr. ir. Hans Kuipers) "From Catalytic Three-Phase Flows to SMART Reactors"

May 2, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

April 4, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

March 7, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

February 15, 2024: CRC 1615 PI Meeting

February 1, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

January 4, 2024: CRC 1615 Focus Meetings

December 7, 2023: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

November 2, 2023: CRC 1615 Focus Meetings

October 16, 2023: CRC 1615 Kick-Off Meeting