
Exploring Catalytic Three-Phase Flows: ERC-awarded Kuipers-group from TU/e meets CRC 1615 “SMART Reactors”

The research group “Multi Scale Modelling of Multi-Phase Flows” from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry at Eindhoven University of Technology visited our CRC “SMART Reactors” at TUHH. Insights into their latest advancements in the development of reactor models for multiphase reactors were presented.

Using the ERC Advanced Grant, Prof. Dr. ir. Hans Kuipers is pushing the boundaries of CFD/DEM simulation adding solid phase catalytic particles to the bubble flows by further development of the inhouse simulation code FoxBerry. With the help of new models for interactions between different phases the research group aims to make the development of all kinds of industrial three phase reactor designs, including slurry bubble column reactors, to become faster, cheaper and more precise.

After detailed presentations about both the ERC and the CRC, the PhD candidates of each project were given the opportunity to summarize their specific areas of research during the subsequent poster session, resulting in deep exchange and new ideas and connections on an international basis.