
Prof. Nina Balke from North Carolina State University at CRC 1615

The guest from Raleigh/USA gave an inspiring talk on „Exploring Solid-Liquid Interfaces: Insights from Atomic Force Microscopy“ at our CRC seminar, showing how AFM can be utilized to ionic arrangement on solid-liquid interfaces and how this contributes to our understanding for new energy materials.

During her stay in Hamburg Professor Balke had the chance to visit various laboratories of the TUHH, including the Institute of Materials and X-Ray Physics (TUHH & DESY, Prof. Patrick Huber), the Institut für Atomistische Materialmodellierung in wässrigen Medien (TUHH, Prof. Alexander Schlaich), the Institute of Integrated Metallic Nanomaterial Systems (TUHH & Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Shan Shi) and the Institute of Materials Physics and Technology (TUHH, Jörg Weißmüller).