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Institut für Metall- und Verbundbau
Logo Institut für Metall- und Verbundbau
Institut für Metall- und Verbundbau

Projekt Thesis 2021

Year Autor Titel
2021-12 Th.R. Friedrichs Interpretation of fracture surfaces
2021-12 J.-H. Grell Planning of test series for crack propagation and ageing of nanolaminate coatings on a steel substrate
2021-11 T. Dehn Experimental investigation of fatigue tests with welded steel specimen
2021-10 M. Hoffmann Study on the effect of beam notchings on the load capacity under consideration of lateral-torsional buckling
2021-10 J.V. Dreßler The use of Scanning-Laser-Vibrometry for research regarding Structural Health Monitoring
2021-08 St.Knutz The occurrence of vibro-acuoustic modulation due to local fatigue damage - a numerical analysis
2021-08 M. Khalaf Preliminary Design of a Pedestrian Bridge
2021-08 C. Kaperschmidt Numerical study of a trussed girder with stability problem
2021-07 F. Kochta Dynamic Assessment of a Heavy-Load-Slap
2021-07 A. Strotkamp Investigation on the Simulation of Electrodeposition
2021-06 Y. Ayhan Defect localization inplate-like structures using the Vibro-Acoustic Method and Lamb Wave
2021-08 M. Khalaf Preliminary Design of a Pedestrian Bridge
2021-06 H. Ahmadi Study of an optimization approach for truss nodes with square hollow cross sections
2021-06 I. Voß Numerical parameter study on the vibro-accustic modulation method
2021-06 y. Ayhan Defect localization inplate-like structures using the Vibro-Acoustic Method and Lamb Wave
2021-06 K. Ruff Study of a trussed girder with stability-related problems
2021-03 N. Walther Elaboration of a Suggestion on the Presesevation of the Köhlbrandbridge
2021-02 M. Qanavati Preliminary Design of a Pedestrian Bridge
2021-01 A. Mousa  Numerical Studies on the Vibroacustic Modulation Method
2021-01 F. Tunc Fatigue Tests of Steel Probes covered with Nanolaminates
2021-01 S. Entringer Study of the Orthotropic Plate and Planning of an Experimental Setup