Dr.-Ing. Eugen Solowjow


  • Since 10/2017         Research Scientist (Robotics & AI), Siemens Corporation, San Francisco Bay Area.
  • 10/2012-08/2017    Research Associate, MuM, TU Hamburg. Degree: Dr.-Ing.
  • 10/2006-10/2012    Mechanical Engineering, TU Hamburg. Degree: Dipl.-Ing.
  • 08/2009-06/2010    Exchange studies, University of California, Berkeley. 
  • 10/2010-09/2012    Master, Technology Management, TU Hamburg/NIT.
    Internships: Daimler AG (R&D Mgmt. intern), Vattenfall Asset Optimization & Trading (Research intern). 

Research Interests









  • E. Kreuzer and E. Solowjow. Polynomial Chaos and the Heave Motion of a Cylinder in Random Seas. In Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Lecce, Italy, 2015.
  • W. Bessa, E. Kreuzer, L. Krumm, M.-A. Pick, and E. Solowjow. Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller and Observer for a Dive Cell. In Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Lecce, Italy, 2015.
  • M. Abdel-Maksoud, S.-B. Mueller, E. Kreuzer, E. Solowjow, et al. Maritime safety in the offshore wind sector. Ship and Offshore, 1:26–30, 2015.
  • A. Hackbarth, J.K. Hedrick, E. Kreuzer, and E. Solowjow. Localization of a Diffusive Source Using Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filtering. Robotics: Science and Systems Conference, Workshop on Autonomous Control, Adaption, and Learning for Underwater Vehicles, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2014.
  • A. Hackbarth, J.K. Hedrick, E. Kreuzer, and E. Solowjow. A Nonlinear Estimator for Mobile Source Localization Applications. In Proc. of the 8th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2014.
  • E. Kreuzer, E. Solowjow, G. Qiu, T. Hamann, and J. Grabe. Leg-Seabed Interactions of Jack-Up Vessels due to Motions in Irregular Waves. In Proc. of the ASME 2014 33th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2014.
  • E. Kreuzer, C. Radisch, and E. Solowjow. Challenges in Modeling and Simulation in Port Development - A Mechanical Approach. In Proc. of the International Conference on Ports for Container Ships of Future Generations, Hamburg, Germany, 2014.
  • E. Kreuzer, L. Krumm, M.-A. Pick, E. Solowjow, and M. Steidl. Active Vibration Isolation via Decomposition of Traveling Waves. In Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems, Lisbon, Portugal, 2013.
  • Y.J. Jeong, H. Kazerooni, E. Solowjow, and J. Katz. Semi-Automated Haptic Device for CableInstallation. In Proc. of the IEEE international Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Shanghai, China, 2011.

Invited Talks

  • "Decision Making in Autonomous Underwater Robot Exploration". Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Hamburg, Germany, 10/2016
  • "Fertig zum Ausschwärmen! Autonome Unterwasserroboter im Flottenverband" (in German). Maritime Nacht, Hamburg, Germany, 9/2016
  • "Autonome Unterwasserfahrzeuge im intelligent vernetzten Flottenverband" (in German). Nacht des Wissens, Hamburg, Germany, 11/2015
  • “HippoCampus: A Micro Underwater Vehicle for Swarm Applications”. Vehicle Dynamics and Controls Seminar, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, 10/2015
  • “Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and Stochastic Dynamics in Offshore Wind Installation - An Overview”. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, 10/2014
  • “Offshore Wind Installation - Determination of Operational Limits”. WindEnergy Expo, Hamburg, 9/2014
  • "Sequentielle Monte-Carlo Methoden und deren Anwendung zur Quellenlokalisierung in Advektions-Diffusionsprozessen" (in German). Seminar Dynamische Systeme, Hamburg, Germany, 2/2014
  • "Vibrations of a Submerged Tubular Pendulum in Random Seas". 5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Hamburg, Germany, 10/2013


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