Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Seifried
M-13 Mechanik und Meerestechnik
  • Studienbereichsleiter FIT, Studiengangsleiter AIW, Studiengangsleiter Engineering Science, Studiengangsleiter Theoretischer Maschinenbau
Donnerstags 15:00-16:00
Eißendorfer Straße 42 (M),
21073 Hamburg
Gebäude M, Raum 0511/0512
Tel: +49 40 42878 3020

Habilitation thesis:

Seifried, R.: "Dynamics of Underactuated Multibody Systems - Modeling, Control and Optimal Design." Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, Vol. 205, Springer, 2014.

Doctoral thesis:

Seifried, R.: "Numerische und experimentelle Stoßanalyse für Mehrkörpersysteme." Schriften aus dem Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik der Universität Stuttgart, Band 2. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2005.











Academic CV
  • 10/1995-03/2001: Studies in Mechanical Engineering at University of Stuttgart (Degree Dipl.-Ing).
  • 09/1999-09/2000: Studies in Engineering Science and Mechanics at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA (Degree Master of Science).
  • 04/2001-05/2006 and 06/2006-09/2008: Scientific assistant at Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart.
  • 09/2005: PhD, Thesis title: "Numerical and Experimental Impact Analysis in Multibody Systems", Advisor Prof. W. Schiehlen.
  • 10/2006-09/2007: Post-doc with Prof. R. Horowitz at Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
  • 10/2008-08/2013: Assistant Professor (Junior Professor) for multibody system dynamics within Cluster of Excellence Simulation Technology (SimTech) at University of Stuttgart.
  • 07/2012: Habilitation (higher doctorate) in applied mechanics; Thesis title: "Dynamics of Underactuated Multibody Systems - Modeling, Control and Optimal Design".
  • 09/2013-09/2014: Full Professor and chair for dynamical systems in vehicle technology at University of Siegen.
  • since 10/2014: Full Professor, chair for structural mechanics, head of Institute of Mechanics and Ocean Engineering, Hamburg University of Technology.
  • since 1/2019: Dean - School of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technologies, Hamburg University of Technology.
Publications prior 2015
  • Seifried, R.; Jacobs, L.; Qu, J.: Propagation of Guided Waves in Adhesive Bonded Components. NDT&E International, Vol. 35, No. 5, 2002, pp. 317–32.
  • Seifried, R.; Hu, B.; Eberhard, P.: Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Radial Impacts on a Half-Circular Plate. Multibody System Dynamics, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2003, pp. 265–281.
  • Schiehlen, W.; Seifried, R.: Three Approaches for Elastodynamic Contact in Multibody Systems. Multibody System Dynamics, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2004, pp. 1–16.
  • Seifried, R.; Schiehlen, W.; Eberhard, P.: Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of the Coefficient of Restitution for Repeated Impacts. International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 32, No.1–4, 2005, pp. 508–524.
  • Schiehlen, W.; Guse, N.; Seifried, R.: Multibody Dynamics in Computational Mechanics and Engineering Applications. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 195, No. 41–43, 2006, pp. 5509–5522.
  • Schiehlen, W.; Seifried, R.; Eberhard, P.: Elastoplastic Phenomena in Multibody Impact Dynamics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 195, No. 50–51, 2006, pp. 6874–6890.
  • Minamoto, H.; Seifried, R.; Eberhard, P.; Kawamura, S.: Effects of Strain Rate Dependency of Material Properties in Low Velocity Impact. International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 22, No. 9–11, 2008, pp.1165–1170.
  • Minamoto, H.; Seifried, R.; Eberhard, P.; Kawamura, S.: Longitudinal Impact of Elastic Ball against Steel Rod. Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol. 74, No. 744, 2008, pp. 63–70 (in Japanese).
  • Minamoto, H.; Seifried, R.; Eberhard, P.; Kawamura, S.: Longitudinal Repeated Impacts of an Elastic Sphere against a Steel Rod. Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol. 75, No. 755, 2009, pp. 85–92 (in Japanese).
  • Seifried, R.; Minamoto, H.; Eberhard, P.: Viscoplastic Effects Occurring in Impacts of Aluminum and Steel Bodies and Their Influence on the Coefficient of Restitution. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 77, No. 4, 2010, pp. 41008 1-7.
  • Seifried, R.; Schiehlen, W.; Eberhard, P.: The Role of the Coefficient of Restitution on Impact Problems in Multibody Dynamics. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, Vol. 224, 2010, pp. 279-306.
  • Ergueta, E.; Seifried, R.; Horowitz, R.: A Robust Approach to Dynamic Feedback Linearization for a Steerable Nips Mechanism. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 113, 2011, pp. 021007 1-10.
  • Ergenzinger, C.; Seifried, R.; Eberhard, P.: A Discrete Element Model to Describe Failure of Strong Rock in Uniaxial Compression, Granular Matter, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2011, pp. 341-364.
  • Seifried, R.; Held, A.; Dietmann, F.: Analysis of Feed-Forward Control Design Approaches for Flexible Multibody Systems. Journal of System Design and Dynamics, Special Issue ACMD 2010, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2011, pp. 429-440.
  • Minamoto, H.; Seifried, R.; Eberhard, P.; Kawamura, S.: Analysis of Repeated Impacts on a Steel Rod with Visco-Plastic Material Behavior. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, No. 30, 2011, pp. 336-344.
  • Gorius, T.; Seifried. R.; Eberhard, P.: Regelung des EXPO-Pendels. at – Automatisierungstechnik, Vol. 59, No. 5, 2011, pp. 299-307.
  • Iwamura, M.; Eberhard, P.; Schiehlen, W.; Seifried, R.: A General Purpose Optimal Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Multibody Systems (1st Part, Open Loop Systems). Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol. 77, No. 774, 2011, pp. 342-355 (in Japanese).
  • Iwamura, M.; Eberhard, P.; Schiehlen, W.; Seifried, R.: A General Purpose Optimal Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Multibody Systems (2nd Part, Closed Loop Systems). Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.77, No.774, 2011, pp. 356-369 (in Japanese).
  • Seifried, R.; Gorius, T.; Eberhard, P.: Control Design for the Interactive 3D-Pendulum Presented at the World Exhibition EXPO 2010. Journal of System Design and Dynamics, Special Issue MOVIC 2010, Vol. 5, No. 5, 2011, pp. 937-952.
  • Seifried, R.: Integrated Mechanical and Control Design of Underactuated Multibody Systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 67, 2012, pp. 1539-1557.
  • Seifried. R.: Two Approaches for Feedforward Control and Optimal Design of Underactuated Multibody Systems. Multibody System Dynamics, Special Issue IMSD 2010, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2012, pp. 75-93.
  • Ergenzinger, C.; Seifried, R.; Eberhard, P.: A Discrete Element Model Predicting the Strength of Ballast Stones. Computers & Structures, Special Issue ECT2010, Vol. 108-109, 2012, pp. 3-13.
  • Ergenzinger, C.; Seifried, R.; Eberhard, P.: A Discrete Element Approach to Model Breakable Railway Ballast. ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Special Issue on Railroad Vehicle Dynamics, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2012, pp. 041010 1-8.
  • Blajer, W.; Seifried, R.: From Orthogonal to Tangential Control of Underactuated Mechanical Systems in Partly Specified Motion - A Case Study Illustration, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2012, pp. 689-706.
  • Blajer, W.; Seifried, R.; Kolodziejczyk, K.: Diversity of Servo-Constraint Problems for Underactuated Mechanical Systems: A Case Study Illustration, Solid State Phenomena, Vols. 198-199, 2013, pp. 473-482.
  • Seifried, R.; Blajer, W.: Analysis of Servo-Constraint Problems for Underactuated Multibody Systems, Mechanical Sciences, Special Issue: Recent Advances and Current Trends in Numerical Multibody Dynamics, Vol. 4, 2013, 113-129.
  • Bastos, G.; Seifried, R.; Brüls. O.: Inverse Dynamics of Serial and Parallel Underactuated Multibody Systems using a DAE Optimal Control Approach, Multibody System Dynamics, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2013, pp. 359-376.
  • Gorius, T.; Seifried, R.; Eberhard, P.: Analysis of Approximate End-Effector Tracking Control of Flexible Multibody Systems Using Singular Perturbations, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 9, 2014, pp 011017-1-9.
  • Brüls. O.; Bastos, G.; Seifried, R.: A DAE Stable Inversion Method for Feedforward Control of Flexible Multibody Systems, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 9, 2014, pp. 011014-1-9.
  • Eberhard, P.; Seifried, R.; Ergenzinger, C.; Stühler, S.; Spreng, F.; Beck, F.; Müller, A.; Fleissner, F.: Analysis of Particles - Bridging the Gap between Solids and Fluids, Procedia IUTAM, Vol. 10, 2014, pp. 161-179.
  • Burkhardt, M.; Seifried, R.; Eberhard, P.: Aspects of Symbolic Formulations in Flexible Multibody Systems, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol.9, 2014, pp. 041013-1-8.