FIS V - Research Information System V (Forschungs-Informations-System V)

The aim of FIS is to support the transfer of knowledge between research and practice. In this sense, FIS provides valuable assistance for advising policymakers, administrators and the business community by providing fact-based documentation of the current state of knowledge. For this purpose, the knowledge base in the information system is always prepared in a timely manner. FIS is easy to access, application-oriented and based on concrete questions.

Project duration 01.04.2020 – 31.12.2026
Project funding Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)
Our status Project partner
Contact person Nicole Nellen, Yasemin Derin
Project partners Involved institutes at the TUHH:
  • Institute for Transport Planning and Logistics (VPL)
  • Institute of Business Logistics and General Management (LOGU)
  • Institute of Maritime Logistics (MLS)


The Research Information System for Mobility and Transport (FIS) is a research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) to develop an Internet-based knowledge platform. The focus is on the continuous support of knowledge transfer between science, politics and practice in the fields of mobility, traffic, regional planning and digital infrastructure.

In addition to our institute, two other TUHH institutes are involved in the project (Institute for Transport Planning and Logistics, Institut of Business Logistics and General Management). We were jointly awarded the contract to maintain the specialist area "Globalised Freight Transport and Logistics". The MLS provides technical and editorial support for the following 10 knowledge maps and their approximately 305 synthesis reports:

  • Benefits and challenges of autonomous shipping
  • Dangerous goods logistics in the field of conflicting requirements
  • Developments in container shipping,
  • Empty container logistics,
  • Environmental and climate protection in maritime shipping,
  • Functions and future perspectives of seaports in the context of maritime supply chains
  • Influence of wind turbines on ocean shipping,
  • Maritime competences in Germany,
  • Maritime shipping,
  • Maritime traffic in the Baltic Sea.


This research project is funded by grants by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport and is listed under the FE project number 97.417/2020. The authors are responsible for the contents of this publication.