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Year | Type | Supervisor | Title |
2020 | MA | Sebastian Achter | Reviewing the Structure of management control literature – An advanced search strategy for conducting a co-citation analysis Abstract The field of management control is a broad and complex field with a variety of concepts and definitions. Over the last decades the field has developed from an isolated view to more complex and comprehensive perspective. The goal of this thesis is to show the development of the field of management control over time. In particular, the existing schools of thought will be categorized and classified into clusters. Current research areas and topics will also be shown and classified. Furthermore, existing research gaps are to be identified. As method for the work a bibliographic analysis, in particular a co-citation analysis will be used. To carry out the bibliographic analysis, the relevant articles must be collected from a database. SCOPUS is used as the database for this step. To find the most relevant articles from the database, three different search options are used, Advanced Query Search (AQS), Forward Citation Search (FCS), and Backward Citation Search (BCS). While AQS works with keywords that are searched for, BCS and FCS work with an initial article and then a search is started for who has cited this article and again who has cited these articles (FCS) or vice versa, starting with the initial article and searching through the “cited by” articles (BCS). Therefore, it is important to find certain starter articles at FCS and BCS, for example the most cited article of the AQS analysis or well-known papers that can be used for a corresponding search. The articles obtained in this way from FCS, BCS and AQS form a large data set that can then be examined using the co-citation analysis, with the aim to uncover which research streams formed the field of Management Control and which sub-fields existed over the course of time. In addition, the AQS data set is examined separately, as it only relates to articles from the corresponding key words of the management control field, we assume it is better suited to break down the area into its sub-areas. The complete data set including AQS, BCS and FCS is used to examine the influence of other research streams, assuming that the snowballing approach covers influences across disciplines. |