[142925] |
Title: SMART-Reactors: Tailoring Gas Holdup Distribution by Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures. |
Written by: Spille, C.; Lyberis, A.; Maiwald, M.I.; Herzog, D.; Hoffmann, M.; Emmelmann, C; Schlüter, M. |
in: <em>Chemical Engineering & Technology</em>. (2020). |
Volume: <strong>43</strong>. Number: (10), |
on pages: 2053-2061 |
Chapter: |
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Publisher: Wiley: |
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ceat.202000211 |
URL: |
Abstract: In chemical process engineering, fast gas?liquid reactions often suffer from an inefficient distribution of gas and therefore mixing and mass transfer performance. This study deals with the possibility of influencing the local gas holdup and bubble size distribution in a gas?liquid process using additively manufactured lattice structures (AMLS). The diameter of the vertically oriented and structured batch reactor is 89 mm. So far, superficial gas velocities up to 0.011 ms–1 have been investigated. The used measuring technique to study bubble size, velocity, and the local gas holdup is a photo?optical needle probe. By using AMLS, a significant radial homogenization of the local gas holdup and the mean bubble size is achieved. Furthermore, it can be shown that the bubble size can be tailored by the geometry of the inserted structure. It is illustrated, that the mean bubble velocities are lowered within the lattice resulting in a higher residence time of the dispersed phase with an impact on the mass transfer performance within the AMLS.