Sebastian Hofmann, M.Sc.

Eißendorfer Str. 38

Building O, Room 3.018

21073 Hamburg

Phone +49 40 42878 - 3106

Mail Sebastian Hofmann


DFG Priority Program SPP 2170 “InterZell” – Project “CHOLife”: Multiscale experimental analysis and simulation of lifelines in bioreactors to study their impact on the cultivation performance of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells

Large-scale bioreactors with working volumes up to 22,000 L are frequently exposed to dynamic cultivation conditions that create spatial and temporal gradients in mixing. These variations cause a decline in cellular performance, which ultimately results in lower product quality and quantity. Precise and reliable process control is critical for biopharmaceutical production of vaccines and monoclonal antibodies, as well as for understanding the impact of dynamically changing environments on cells. For the detailed understanding of cultivation processes it is indispensable to get deep insights into the overall and local hydrodynamics with high spatial and temporal resolution.

CHOLife tackles the scale-up problem linking the unique access to a transparent 15,000 L cell culture bioreactor (Institute of Multiphase Flows, TUHH Hamburg, IMS) with the development of a novel scale-up device (Institute of Biochemical Engineering, Stuttgart, IBVT) in order to predict industrial-scale performance of IgG1 producing CHO cells. In essence, three dimensional flow trajectories and lifelines will be measured at the IMS and mimicked in the novel scale-up simulator of IBVT. The close cooperation of both parties ensures a successful scale-down of large-scale conditions and an equally successful prediction of large-scale performance of CHO cells cultured in the novel scale-up simulator.

One method of gaining insight into complex hydrodynamic flow patterns and compartmentalization is by means of the (de)colorization method, which is based on phenolphthalein or bromothymol blue in an acrylic glass bioreactor. However, the lack of optical access into generic bioreactors requires an alternative analysis. Industrially used fixed probes at the reactor wall cannot provide information on spatiotemporal gradients or the cell's residence time in different zones of the reactor.

To overcome this limitation, Lapin et al. proposed the "Traveling along the Lifelines of Single Cells" approach, which uses a numerical method. This Lagrangian analysis was recently experimentally scrutinized on laboratory-scale through the 4D-Particle Tracking Velocimetry (4D-PTV) method demonstrating detailed results regarding the flow-following capability of Lagrangian particles.

On production scale, a combination of sensor systems integrated into a mobile, enclosed and neutrally buoyant Lagrangian Sensor Particle (LSP) offers a deeper understanding of complex flow patterns inside a bioreactor by recording data alongside its trajectory and thereby mimicking the movement of a cell.

Science Communication
  • Maximilian Kamp as the winner of the “Karl H. Ditze Award of the TUHH to graduates of the TUHH” in the category of outstanding Bachelor thesis. The thesis convinced the committee in terms of theoretical-scientific quality, practical relevance and interdisciplinarity, which was written within the framework of the priority program SPP 2170 “InterZell” (funded by the DFG).

  • Winner of the I3 Junior Project: Flow-following Lagrangian Sensor Particles - Development of a novel measurement technique with conductivity sensors for a novel macro-mixing and lifeline analysis; Hofmann, S.; Kamp, M.; Buntkiel, L.; Reinecke, S.; I3-Programm, sponsored by the Hamburg University of Technology for the project period 01/2023 - 03/2024

Research Projects
  • DFG Priority Program 2170 – InterZell – CHOLife

Undergraduate courses

  • Reactor Design Using Local Transport Processes (Winter Semester 2022/23)

  • Reactor Design Using Local Transport Processes (Winter Semester 2021/22)

  • Grundlagen des Technischen Zeichnens (Summer Semester 2021)

Supervised Theses

  • "Effect of a Phosphate-Buffered System on the Determination of the Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient kLa for CO2", Lara Offermann, Bachelor thesis (supervision in cooperation with Marc Maly and Nicolas Nickel), 2024

  • "Measurement and modelling of carbon dioxide and oxygen partial pressures over the height of a 15,000 L acrylic glass reactor", working title, Noah von Schnitzler, Master thesis (supervision in cooperation with Marc Maly and Nicolas Nickel), 2024

  • "Development, Implementation and Testing of a Technical Solution for the Determination of Gas Partial Pressures at Different Heights of an Aerated Stirred Tank Reactor on Industrial Scale", Noah von Schnitzler, project work (supervision in cooperation with Marc Maly and Nicolas Nickel), 2024

  • "Lagrangian Sensor Particles in a 15,000 L Bioreactor: Experimental Comparison of Different Sizes on their Flow-Following Capability", Isabel Sophie Brouwers, Master's Thesis, 2024: Thesis available here and Python code available here.

  • "Überblick und Bewertung von Bioprozesssensoren in Lagrangeschen Sensor Partikeln: Stand der Technik, Miniaturisierung und Weiterentwicklung", Julius Plock, Bachelor's Thesis, 2023

  • "Experimental Investigations of the Flow-Following Capabilities and Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Lagrangian Sensor Particles with Respect to their Centre of Mass", Ryan Rautenbach, Master's Thesis, 2023: Python evaluation code available here.

  • "Experimental investigation of the flow behavior of Lagrangian LED Particles in a 200 l bioreactor", Maximilian Kamp, Bachelor's Thesis, 2022: Thesis available here and MATLAB code available here.

  • "Design, Construction and Evaluation of Lagrangian Sensor Particles for the Flow Behavior Determination in a 200 L and 15000 L Bioreactor", Paramveer Singh GopalSingh, Master's Thesis, 2023: Thesis available here and MATLAB and C++ code available here.

  • "Experimental Characterization of Modified Polyurethane Foams for Mechanical Clean Up of Oil Pollutants at Sea Surface" (in close cooperation with Daniel Niehaus), Srividya Kumar Bairamangala, Project Work, 2020-2021

Oral and Poster Presentations


  • Rautenbach, R.; Hofmann, S.; Buntkiel, L.; Barczyk, J.; Reinecke, S.; Hoffmann, M.; Takors, R.; Hampel, U.; Schlüter, M.: Resolved Particle Lattice-Boltzmann Large Eddy Simulation in a 15,000 L Bioreactor to mimic Lagrangian Sensor Particles, 8th BioProScale Symposium, Berlin, Germany, 2024, Presentation
  • Hofmann, S.; Buntkiel, L.: Best Practices in Research Software Engineering: Working with MATLAB and Gitlab, 2nd "Technical Baldyga Seminar", 3rd "Mixing Meets Reality" Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2023, Presentation
  • Hofmann, S.; Buntkiel, L.; GopalSingh, P.; Fitschen, J.; Hoffmann, M.; Reinecke, S.; Hampel, U,; Schlüter, M.: Experimental Investigation of Circulation Times with Lagrangian Sensor Particles in a 15,000 L Acrylic Glass Reactor, 17th European Conference on Mixing (MIXING 17), Porto, Portugal, 2023, Presentation
  • Hofmann, S. - Lagrangian Particles: Experimental Determination of Lifelines in a 3 L and 15000 L Stirred Tank Reactor, Biobased Process and Reactor Technologies PhD Seminar, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, 2022, Presentation
  • Hofmann, S.; Gaugler, L.: CHOLife - Multiscale Experimental Analysis and Simulation of Lifelines in Bioreactors to Study their Impact on the Cultivation Performance of CHO Cells, Annual Meeting: Priority Program Status Meeting of the SPP2170 "InterZell", organized by Uni Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2022, Presentation
  • Fitschen, J.; Kuschel, M.; Hofmann, S.; Wucherpfennig, T.; v. Kameke, A.; Hoffmann, M.; Schlüter, M.: Characterization of Heterogeneities in Stirred Tank Reactors by Means of 4D Particle Trajectories and Numerical Flow Simulations, MIXING XXVII, North American Mixing Forum (NAMF), Online Conference 2022, Presentation
  • Hofmann, S.; Vernier-Lambert, H.; Meriguet, S.; GopalSingh, P.; Fitschen, J.; Neubauer, P.; von Lieres, E.; Ferguson, M.; Schlüter, M.: Assessment of Lagrangian Sensor Particle Designs in a Transparent 15,000 L Acrylic Glass Bioreactor, 7th BioProScale Symposium, organized by Prof. Neubauer (TU Berlin), Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Berlin 2022, Presentation
  • Gaugler, L.; Mast, Y.; Fitschen, J.; Hofmann, S.; Schlüter, M.; Takors, R.: Development of a single multi-compartment bioreactor (SMCB) for CHO scale-down studies in a heterogeneous cultivation environments, 7th BioProScale Symposium, organized by Prof. Neubauer (TU Berlin), Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Berlin 2022, Presentation
  • Weiland, C; Hofmann, S.; Fitschen, J.; von Kameke, A.; Hoffmann, M.; Schlüter, M.: Numerische Simulation Lagranger Partikeltrajektorien und Charakterisierung des Partikelfolgevermögens in einem 3 L Rührkesselreaktor, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Computational Fluid Dynamics + Mischvorgänge + Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik, DECHEMA, Hyperion Hotel Leipzig, 2022, Presentation
  • Fitschen, J.; Hofmann, S.; Hoffmann, M.; Kuschel, M.; Wucherpfennig, T.; Schlüter, M.: Lokale Mischzeitverteilung in begasten Rührkesselreaktoren im Labormaßstab, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Computational Fluid Dynamics + Mischvorgänge + Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik, DECHEMA, Hyperion Hotel Leipzig, 2022, Presentation
  • Hofmann, S.; Weiland, C.; Fitschen, J.; v. Kameke, A.; Hoffmann, M.; Schlüter, M.: Vergleich von experimentellen und numerischen Untersuchungen zur Abschätzung des Folgevermögens verschiedener Lagrange’scher Partikel in der Bioreaktorströmung, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Computational Fluid Dynamics + Mischvorgänge + Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik, DECHEMA, Hyperion Hotel Leipzig, 2022, Presentation
  • Hofmann, S.; Gaugler, L.; Fitschen, J.; v. Kameke, A.; Schlüter, M.; Takors, R.: Lagrangian Particle Tracking and Bioreactor Compartmentalization as Novel Scale-up Tools for Biopharmaceutical Processes, 13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECCE 13 & ECAB 6), DECHEMA, Online conference, 2021, Presentation
  • Fitschen, J.; Kuschel, M.; Hofmann, S.; Hoffmann, H.; von Kameke, A.; Wucherpfennig, T.; Wutz, J.; Schlüter, M.: Validation of Numerical Flow Simulations in a 3 L Stirred Tank by Means of Real 4D Particle Trajectories 13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECCE 13 & ECAB 6), DECHEMA, Online conference, 2021, Presentation
  • Fitschen, J.; Hofmann, S.; Hoffmann, H.; von Kameke, A.; Schlüter, M.: Measurement of Lagrangian Tracks in a 3 L Stirred Tank Reactor using 4D Particle Tracking Velocimetry with Shake-the-Box, ISPIV 21 (virtual), 2021, Presentation
  • Fitschen, J.; Kuschel, M.; Hofmann, S.; Hoffmann, H.; von Kameke, A.; Wucherpfennig, T.; Wutz, J.; Schlüter, M.: Validierung von numerischen Strömungssimulationen in einem 3L Rührkesselreaktor mittels 3D Partikel Trajektorien, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Computational Fluid Dynamics und Mehrphasenströmungen, 2021, Plenary Lecture
  • Hofmann, S.; Gaugler, L.: CHOLife - Multiscale Experimental Analysis and Simulation of Lifelines in Bioreactors to Study their Impact on the Cultivation Performance of CHO Cells, 2nd Annual Priority Program Status Meeting of the SPP2170 "InterZell", organized by Uni Stuttgart, Koblenz, 2021, Presentation

Poster Presentations

  • Hofmann, S.: Experimental Determination of Compartments in a 15,000 L Acrylic Glass Bioreactor by Means of Lagrangian Sensor Particles, Biobased Process and Reactor Technologies PhD Seminar, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, 2022, Poster Presentation

  • Hofmann, S.; Buntkiel, L.; Reinecke, S.; GopalSingh, P.; Fitschen, J.; Hoffmann, M.; Hampel, U.; Schlüter, M.: Experimentelle Charakterisierung unterschiedlicher Lagrangescher Sensor Partikel Designs in einem 15000 L Bioreaktor, 16. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, Dresden, 2022, Poster Presentation

  • Hofmann, S.; Weiland, C.; GopalSingh, P.; Kamp, M.; Fitschen, J.; v. Kameke, A.; Hoffmann, M.; Schlüter, M.: Experimental and Numerical Determination of Lifelines in a 3 L, 200 L and 15000 L Stirred Tank Reactor to Estimate the Flow-Following Capability of Lagrangian Sensor Particles, FTZ 3i Talk: Conference on intelligent - industrial - innovations, HAW Hamburg 2022, Poster Presentation

  • Hofmann, S.; Weiland, C.; GopalSingh, P.; Kamp, M.; Fitschen, J.; v. Kameke, A.; Hoffmann, M.; Schlüter, M.: Experimental and Numerical Determination of Lifelines in a 3 L, 200 L and 15000 L Stirred Tank Reactor to Estimate the Flow-Following Capability of Lagrangian Sensor Particles, 4th International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE), Berlin 2022, Poster Presentation

  • Hofmann, S.; Weiland, C.; GopalSingh, P.; Kamp, M.; Fitschen, J.; v. Kameke, A.; Hoffmann, M.; Schlüter, M.: Experimental and numerical determination of lifelines in a 3 L, 200 L and 15000 L stirred tank reactor, MIXING XXVII, North American Mixing Forum (NAMF), Online Conference 2022, Poster Presentation

  • Hofmann, S.; Fitschen, J.; v. Kameke, A.; Schlüter, M.: Multiscale Experimental Analysis of Lifelines in Bioreactors 1. Hamburg-Bochumer Mehrphasensymposium, Hamburg/Bochum, Online Conference, 2020, Poster Presentation


Title: Experimental analysis of lifelines in a 15,000 L bioreactor by means of Lagrangian Sensor Particles.
Written by: Hofmann, S.; Buntkiel, L.; Rautenbach, R.; Gaugler, L.; Ma, Y.; Haase, I.; Fitschen, J.; Wucherpfennig, T.; Reinecke, S. F.; Hoffmann, M.; Takors, R.; Hampel, U.; Schlüter, M.
in: <em>Chemical Engineering Research and Design</em>. (2024).
Volume: <strong>205</strong>. Number:
on pages: 695-712
how published:


Abstract: This study employs Lagrangian Sensor Particles (LSPs) with a diameter of 40 mm equipped with a pressure sensor to investigate cell lifelines in a 15,000 L stirred tank reactor (STR) with three Elephant Ear impellers. The Stokes number of the LSPs is approx. 0.004 on a macro-scale. The vertical probability of presence, axial velocity profiles, circulation time distributions, and residence time distributions are quantified to analyze single-phase mixing heterogeneities, detect hydrodynamic compartments and conduct a Lagrangian regime analysis. Results reveal a similarly distributed probability of presence in the vertical reactor center but emphasize the LSP’s sensitivity to fluctuating densities. Axial velocity distributions illustrate characteristic impeller-induced flow patterns, and circulation time distributions identify three compartments with comparatively shorter times in the axial center. Residence time distributions exhibit a similar compartmentalized profile. Moreover, the study estimates a potential oxygen deprivation zone for CHO cells in the upper compartment and demonstrates the LSP’s efficacy in characterizing impeller systems. Contrary to literature, the ratio of examined global mixing times to circulation times is 1.0, highlighting macro-scale mixing. The research underscores that LSPs offer crucial insights into industrial-scale STRs, specifically for determining hydrodynamic compartments without having optical access.