[191187] |
Title: Trajectory-based breakup modelling for dense bubbly flows. |
Written by: Weiland, C.; von Kameke, A.; Schlüter, M. |
in: <em>Chemical Engineering Journal</em>. November (2024). |
Volume: <strong>499</strong>. Number: |
on pages: 155726 |
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.155726 |
URL: |
Abstract: A new model to predict the breakup of gaseous bubbles in a continuous liquid phase is developed. In the model each bubble is modelled as a spring–damper system, namely a Kelvin–Voigt element, while the outer force is derived by a Lagrangian analysis determining the largest stretching rate of the flow field below. The developed model is based on physical principles and no further arbitrary parameters have to be adjusted. Each bubble is observed on its way through the bubbly flow individually, taking into account its history along its respective path. With the implemented model numerical simulations in a wide range of scales are conducted, ranging from the laboratory scale of a vessel of 3 L to the large industrial scale of 15 m³. The simplicity of the model allows for a good cost to benefit ratio. In the present work, the achieved results are compared to experimental data obtained from optical measurements in a replica of a 200 L aerated stirred tank reactor for various stirrer frequencies.