[123803] |
Title: Local Measurement of Mass Transfer Rate of a Single Bubble with and without a Chemical Reaction. |
Written by: Kück, U.D.; Schlüter, M.; Räbiger, N. |
in: <em>Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan</em>. September (2012). |
Volume: <strong>45</strong>. Number: (9), |
on pages: 708-712 |
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1252/jcej.12we059 |
URL: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jcej/45/9/45_12we059/_article |
Abstract: The impact of local phenomena on mass transfer from single free-rising gas bubbles with and without a superimposed chemical reaction was investigated using laser-induced fluorescence and particle image velocimetry. This paper discusses a novel calculation method for mass transfer rates using local concentration and velocity fields. Qualitative and quantitative results for the impact of a superimposed sulfite–sulfate reaction on oxygen mass transfer are also presented.