[145085] |
Title: Fine Bubble?based CO2 Capture Mediated by Triethanolamine Coupled to Whole Cell Biotransformation. |
Written by: Ohde, D.; Thomas, B.; Matthes, S.; Percin, Z.; Engelmann, C.; Bubenheim, P.; Terasaka, K.; Schlüter, M.; Liese, A. |
in: <em>Chemie Ingenieur Technik</em>. (2019). |
Volume: <strong>91</strong>. Number: (12), |
on pages: 1822-1826 |
Chapter: |
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Publisher: Wiley-VCH: |
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201900113 |
URL: |
Abstract: Carbon capture technology can be set up in combination with biocatalysis to utilize the bound CO2 as substrate in the Kolbe?Schmitt like enzymatic reaction. The exemplary whole cell biotransformation of catechol to 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid in a triethanolamine-mediated multiphase system shows increased equilibrium conversion. Apart from the beneficial thermodynamics, the inherent fluid properties of triethanolamine is enabling easy application of CO2 fine bubbles as highly efficient gassing method to minimize the CO2 demand and CO2 emissions.