
Simeon Pesch and Prof. Michael Schlüter participated in the GoMOSES conference in Tampa, Florida

Simeon Pesch, who studies the physical processes involved in deep underwater oil spills, and Prof. Michael Schlüter, Director of the Institute for Multiphase Flow at the TUHH, participated in the conference "Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science" (GoMOSES 2020) in Tampa, Florida, from 3 to 6 February 2020.

For almost 10 years, the Institute of Multiphase Flows has been part of the Center for the Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Gulf Ecosystems (C-IMAGE), an international and interdisciplinary research consortium that investigates and models subsea oil blowouts like the Deepwater Horizon spill in April 2010.

At the conference, <link>Simeon Pesch gave an oral presentation on the "Investigation of Droplet Dispersion and Distribution in Experiments and Modeling – Relevant Findings for Decision-Making and Dispersant Use".

Further information click <link>here.

<link https: intranet.tuhh.de aktuell>Here the official press release of the Hamburg University of Technology.