
Prof. Schlüter and Claas Spille attend the 10th ProcessNet annual conference and 34th DECHEMA Annual Meeting of Biotechnologists 2020

Between September 21th and 24th, Prof. Schüter and Claas Spille attended the 10th ProcessNet annual conference and 34th DECHEMA Annual Meeting of Biotechnologists 2020

Two posters on the topic of smart reactors will be presented by the institute of multiphase flows at the conference. On the one hand Prof. <link>Michael Schlüter and Prof. <link https: www.tuhh.de v8 team professors prof-i-smirnova.html>Irina Smirnova ( Institute of Thermal Separation Processes) will give an insight into smart reactors for process engineering on poster P03.60. <link>Claas Spille presents on poster P07.06 his latest research results on "Intelligent additive-made structured internals for the optimization of gas-liquid reactions". More information about smart reactors can be found <link>here.