Karim Asami

- Anschrift
Harburger Schloßstr. 28, Channel 4
D-21079 Hamburg- Büro
Raum 0.21
- Telefon
+49 40 42 878 - 3454
- Sprechzeiten
nach Vereinbarung
Comparative analysis of laser power, pure titanium, and titanium alloy effects on dendrite growth and surface morphology of TiO2-ceramic
- Journal Article
Journal of Laser Applications 36 (4): 042061 (2024)
Open Access | Verlags DOI -
A machine learning approach for mechanical component design based on topology optimization considering the restrictions of additive manufacturing
- Journal Article
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 8 (5): 220 (2024)
Open Access | Verlags DOI -
Dimensioning of biomimetic beams under bending for additively manufactured structural components
- Journal Article
Biomimetics 9 (4): 214 (2024)
Open Access | Verlags DOI -
Material extrusion of metals: Enabling multi-material alloys in additive manufacturing
- Journal Article
Materials Today 38: 107889 (2024)
Open Access | Verlags DOI
Development and assessment of a methodology for abstraction of topology optimization results to enable the substitution of optimized beams
- Journal Article
Journal of Laser Applications 35: 042061 (2023-11-03)
Open Access | Verlags DOI -
Design optimization of additively manufactured components using simulation-based analysis of infill structures
- Conference Paper
ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2023)
Open Access | Verlags DOI -
Predictive modeling of lattice structure design for 316L stainless steel using machine learning in the L-PBF process
- Journal Article
Journal of Laser Applications 35 (4): 042046 (2023-10-13)
Open Access
Design Guidelines For Green Parts Manufactured With Stainless Steel In The Filament Based Material Extrusion Process For Metals (MEX/M)
- Conference Paper
World PM2022 Congress & Exhibition
Open Access -
Design guidelines for laser powder bed fusion in Inconel 718
- Journal Article
Journal of Laser Applications 34 (1): 012015 (2022-02-01)
Open Access | Verlags DOI
Additive manufacturing of ceramics via the laser powderbed fusion process
- Review Article
International journal of applied ceramic technology: e15087 (2025)
Open Access | Verlags DOI