Graph-based information management for retrofitting long-living assets
Laukotka, Fabian N.; Moenck, Keno; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Krause, Dieter
Cambridge University Press 5: e46 (2024)
Open Access
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HyPLANT100 - Modularisierung und Automatisierung für die Montage großskaliger Wasserelektrolyseure
Masuhr, Christian; Christ, Lukas; Büsch, Lukas; Syniawa, Daniel; Jakschik, Malte; Adler, Patrick; Kuhlenkötter, Bernd; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Technische Universität Hamburg (2024)
Open Access
A novel method for carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics production combining single point incremental forming and 3D printing
Kállai, Zsolt; Nettig, Doran; Kipping, Johann; Rath, Jan-Erik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia CIRP 131: 68-73 (2025)
Open Access
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Holistic Investigation of Ground-Based Infrastructures for Advanced Air Mobility: Methodology and Application
Eltgen, Jil; Kloock-Schreiber, Daniel; Swaid, Majed; Barkow, Lukas; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Gollnick, Volker
73. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, DLRK 2024
Open Access
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Looping: load-oriented optimized paths in non-planar geometry
Kipping, Johann; Nettig, Doran; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Additive Manufacturing 94: 104426 (2024)
Open Access
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Closing the Gap: Exploring Approaches for Printing Lightweight Curved Pipes with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics
Kállai, Zsolt; Kipping, Johann; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
21st European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2024
Open Access
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Fundamental investigations on the incremental forming of nonwoven-reinforced organo sheets
Nettig, Doran; Rath, Jan-Erik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
21st European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2024
Open Access
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Industrial Language-Image Dataset (ILID) : adapting vision foundation models for industrial settings
Moenck, Keno; Thieu, Duc Trung; Koch, Julian; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
arXiv: 2406.09637 (2024)
Open Access
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HyPLANT100 : industrialization from assembly to the construction site for gigawatt electrolysis
Büsch, Lukas; Jakschik, Malte; Syniawa, Daniel; Masuhr, Christian; Christ, Lukas; Schachtsiek, Jan; Haalck, Kay; Nerlich, Leon; Frömsdorf, Elisabeth; Schirmack, Nadine; Ebert, Benedikt; Kirty, Chaman; Adler, Patrick; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Kuhlenkötter, Bernd
Hydrogen 5 (2): 185-208 (2024)
Open Access
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Tool path strategies for single point incremental forming of fiber-reinforced thermoplastic sheets
Rath, Jan-Erik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
27th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, ESAFORM 2024
Open Access
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Digital twins in aircraft production and MRO : challenges and opportunities
Moenck, Keno; Rath, Jan-Erik; Koch, Julian; Wendt, Arne; Kalscheuer, Florian; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Schoepflin, Daniel
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 15 (4): 1051-1067 (2024)
Open Access
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A digital assistance system leveraging vision foundation models & 3D localization for reproducible defect segmentation in visual inspection
Koch, Julian; Jevremovic, Denis; Moenck, Keno; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
57th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CMS 2024
Open Access
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Industrial Language-Image Dataset (ILID): Adapting Vision Foundation Models for Industrial Settings
Moenck, Keno; Thieu, Duc Trung; Koch, Julian; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
57th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CMS 2024
Open Access
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Analyzing the effects of different 3D-model acquisition methods for synthetic AI training data generation and the domain gap
Albayrak, Özge Beyza; Schoepflin, Daniel; Holst, Dirk; Möller, Lars; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
32nd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2023
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Augmented Reality-basierte Qualitätssteigerung der Planungsdatenbasis am Beispiel des Retrofits von Flugzeugkabinen
Deneke, Constantin
Verlag Dr. Hut 978-3-8439-5481-5: (2024)
Befähigung autonomer, mobiler Roboter zum One-Shot-Imitationslernen für den vollständigen Transport von Paletten in Lager- und Produktionsbereichen
Krüger-Basjmeleh, Tino
Dr. Hut 978-3-8439-5431-0: (2024)
Geometric digital twins of long-living assets: uncertainty-aware 3D images from measurement and CAD data
Moenck, Keno; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
17th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, CIRP ICME 2023
Open Access
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Mobile web app for the digitization and annotation of manual visual inspection tasks
Koch, Julian; Jevremovic, Denis; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
17th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, CIRP ICME 2023
Open Access
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Robot-based inspection of freeform components : process analysis and challenges in using a lateral scanning WLI
Ehrbar, Jessica; Schoepflin, Daniel; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
32nd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2023
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Synthetische Trainingsdaten für die Produktions- und Instandhaltungsversorgende Logistik von Flugzeugen
Schoepflin, Daniel
Dr. Hut 978-3-8439-5459-4: (2024)
Use of augmented reality for iterative robot program optimisation in robot-automated series production processes
Wulff, Lukas Antonio; Schmedemann, Ole; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, ISM 2023
Open Access
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Methodik zur ganzheitlichen Analyse bodengebundener Infrastruktur für die Urban Air Mobility
Eltgen, Jil; Fraske, Tim; Mavraj, Gazmend; Swaid, Majed; Kloock-Schreiber, Daniel; Röntgen, Ole; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
72. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK 2023)
Open Access
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Investigation of metal wire mesh as support material for dieless forming of woven reinforcement textiles
Rath, Jan-Erik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Journal of manufacturing and materials processing 7 (5): 182 (2023)
Open Access
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HyPLANT100 – Automatisiertier Aufbau großskaliger Elektrolyseure
Syniawa, Daniel; Jakschik, Malte; Christ, Lukas; Schachtsiek, Jan; Büsch, Lukas; Masuhr, Christian; Adler, Patrick; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Kuhlenkötter, Bernd
Technische Universität Hamburg (2023)
Open Access
Automated Grinding for Surface Defect Removal on Aircraft Components
Kähler, Falko; Masekowsky, Sören; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
56th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR Europe 2023)
Towards model-based assembly system configuration supported by SysML and AutomationML
Rath, Jan-Erik; Koch, Julian; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
32nd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2023)
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Resilience of smart integrated energy systems
Babazadeh, Davood; Teimourzadeh Baboli, Payam; Mayer, Christoph; Brand, Michael; Becker, Christian; Lehnhoff, Sebastian
In: Fathi, M., Zio, E., Pardalos, P.M. (eds): Handbook of Smart Energy Systems. Springer, Cham, 1887-1913 (2023)
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A comparative study of visual identification methods for highly similar engine tubes in aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul
Prünte, Philipp Julian; Schoepflin, Daniel; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Sensors 23 (15): 6779 (2023-07-28)
Open Access
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Industrial segment anything - A case study in aircraft manufacturing, intralogistics, maintenance, repair, and overhaul
Moenck, Keno; Wendt, Arne; Prünte, Philipp Julian; Koch, Julian; Sahrhage, Arne; Gierecker, Johann; Schmedemann, Ole; Kähler, Falko; Holst, Dirk; Gomse, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Schoepflin, Daniel
arXiv: 2307.12674 (2023)
Open Access
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Additive manufacturing of functional rubber based structures for soft robot grippers
Grube, Malte; Nettig, Doran; Thiel, Roman; Klie, Benjamin; Giese, Ulrich; Seifried, Robert
10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials Proceedia: 9765 (2023)
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Development and integration of a workpiece-based calibration method for an optical assistance system
Koch, Julian; Büchse, Christopher; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Applied Sciences 13 (13): 7369 (2023)
Open Access
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Towards recognition of human actions in collaborative tasks with robots : extending action recognition with tool recognition methods
Büsch, Lukas; Koch, Julian; Schoepflin, Daniel; Schulze, Michelle; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Sensors 23 (12): 5718 (2023)
Open Access
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Leakage Inspection for the Scale-Up of Hydrogen Electrolyzers: A Case Study and Comparative Analysis of Technologies
Masuhr, Christian; Büsch, Lukas; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2023)
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MROPort for airworthiness checks in a future-proof environment
Eltgen, Jil; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
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Die-less forming of fiber-reinforced thermoplastic sheets and metal wire mesh
Rath, Jan-Erik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
20th International Conference on Sheet Metal (SheMet 2023)
Open Access
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Industry 5.0 in aircraft production and MRO: technologies, challenges, and opportunities
Moenck, Keno; Koch, Julian; Rath, Jan-Erik; Büsch, Lukas; Gierecker, Johann; Kähler, Falko; Kalscheuer, Florian; Masuhr, Christian; Kipping, Johann; Prünte, Philipp Julian; Schoepflin, Daniel; Eschen, Henrik; Wulff, Lukas Antonio; Rodeck, Rebecca; Wende, Gerko; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Preprint (2023)
Open Access
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Processing strategies for dieless forming of fiber-reinforced plastic composites
Rath, Jan-Erik; Graupner, Robert; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Machines 11 (3): 365 (2023-03)
Open Access
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Load-oriented nonplanar additive manufacturing method for optimized continuous carbon fiber parts
Kipping, Johann; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Materials 16 (3): 998 (2023)
Open Access
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AI-based endpoint detection for surface defect removal on aircraft components
Kähler, Falko; Shetty, Akshay C. K.; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2023)
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A Robotic Printer for Nonplanar Additive Manufacturing of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers
Kipping, Johann; Nettig, Doran; Kállai, Zsolt; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
International Symposium on Robotics, Proceedings (ISR 2023)
A human-centered IIoT platform approach for manual inspections : towards digital documentation and assistance applications
Koch, Julian; Lotzing, Gerald; Eschen, Henrik; Moenck, Keno; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia CIRP 120: 762–767 (2023)
Open Access
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Adapting synthetic training data in deep learning-based visual surface inspection to improve transferability of simulations to real-world environments
Schmedemann, Ole; Schlodinski, Simon; Holst, Dirk; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 12623: 1262307 (2023)
Open Access
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Automated CAD-based sensor planning and system implementation for assembly supervision
Gierecker, Johann; Kalscheuer, Florian; Schoepflin, Daniel; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Conference 16th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - Procedia CIRP 118: 930-934 (2023)
Open Access
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Automated assessment for grinding spots on aircraft landing gear components using robotic white light interferometry
Ehrbar, Jessica; Kähler, Falko; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection XIII (2023)
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Cycle time reduction through a novel view planning concept for hybrid white light interferometry-based inspection
Ehrbar, Jessica; Röders, Jonas; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia CIRP 120: 840-845 (2023)
Open Access
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Development of a multi-sensor concept for progress detection in the site assembly of electrolysis units
Büsch, Lukas; Koch, Julian; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia CIRP 120: 1363-1368 (2023-10)
Open Access
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Geometric digital twins of long-living assets: uncertainty-aware 3D images from measurement and CAD data
Moenck, Keno; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Verlags DOI
GraphSTEP: concurrent, cloud-based, lifecycle-oriented editing and updating of product data
Moenck, Keno; Pustelnik, Adrian; Koch, Julian; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia CIRP 120: 678-683 (2023)
Open Access
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Input and tracking system for augmented reality-assisted robot programming
Brand, Michael; Gravert, Marvin; Wulff, Lukas Antonio; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics 2022.- Seite 79-90 (2023)
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Minimizing mechanical anisotropy in fused filament fabrication through innovative thermoset materials and additive manufacturing processes
Riecken, Björn T.; Detjen, Sönke; Kayßer, Simon T.; Kállai, Zsolt; Karsten, Julian; Hoppe, Jan; Konieczny, Tomasz; Hoppe, Michael; Lühring, Andreas; Bitomsky, Peter; Keun, Christian A.; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Fiedler, Bodo
International SAMPE Technical Conference (2023)
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Reducing commissioning efforts for hybrid assembly systems using a data-driven approach
Kalscheuer, Florian; Koch, Julian; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Conference 16th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - Procedia CIRP 118: 935-939 (2023)
Open Access
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Usability of augmented reality assisted commissioning of industrial robot programs
Wulff, Lukas Antonio; Brand, Michael; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics 2022. - Seite 91-102 (2023)
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Innovative thermoset materials and additive manufacturing processes to minimise
Riecken, Björn T.; Detjen, Sönke; Kaysser, Simon T.; Kállai, Zsolt; Karsten, Julian; Hoppe, Jan; Konieczny, Tomasz; Hoppe, Michael; Lühring, Andreas; Bitomsky, Peter; Keun, Christian-André; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Fiedler, Bodo
Sampe Europe 978-1-7138-6650-3 1: 88-95 (2024)
A holistic aircraft cabin metamodel as an approach towards an interconnected digitised cabin lifecycle
Berschik, Markus Christian; Blecken, Marvin; Kumawat, Hiteshkumar; Rath, Jan-Erik; Krause, Dieter; God, Ralf; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2022)
Open Access
Technical concepts for inspecting UAVs for damage
Eltgen, Jil; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2022)
Open Access
A set of novel procedures for carbon fiber reinforcement on complex curved surfaces using multi axis additive manufacturing
Kipping, Johann; Kállai, Zsolt; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Applied Sciences 12 (12): 5819 (2022)
Open Access
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Assessing visual identification challenges for unmarked and similar aircraft components
Schoepflin, Daniel; Gierecker, Johann; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
31st International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2022)
Open Access
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Deep anomaly detection for endoscopic inspection of cast iron parts
Schmedemann, Ole; Miotke, Maximilian; Kähler, Falko; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
31st International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2022)
Open Access
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Development process for information security concepts in IIoT-based manufacturing
Koch, Julian; Eggers, Kolja; Rath, Jan-Erik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
31st International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2022)
Open Access
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Die-less forming of fiber-reinforced plastic composites
Rath, Jan-Erik; Graupner, Robert; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
31st International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2022)
Open Access
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Generation of synthetic AI training data for robotic grasp-candidate identification and evaluation in intralogistics bin-picking scenarios
Holst, Dirk; Schoepflin, Daniel; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
31st International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2022)
Open Access
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Grünen Wasserstoff schnell produzieren
Masuhr, Christian; Büsch, Lukas
Industrial Production 6 (46): 46-47 (2022)
Anomaly detection for industrial surface inspection : application in maintenance of aircraft components
Kähler, Falko; Schmedemann, Ole; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia CIRP 107: 246-251 (2022)
Open Access
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Procedural synthetic training data generation for AI-based defect detection in industrial surface inspection
Schmedemann, Ole; Baaß, Melvin; Schoepflin, Daniel; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia CIRP 107: 1101-1106 (2022)
Open Access
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Robotic die-less forming strategy for fiber-reinforced plastic composites production
Rath, Jan-Erik; Schwieger, Lea-Sophie; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia CIRP 107: 1281-1286 (2022)
Open Access
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A methods-time-measurement based approach to enable action recognition for multi-variant assembly in Human-Robot Collaboration
Koch, Julian; Büsch, Lukas; Gomse, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia CIRP 106: 233-238 (2022)
Open Access
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Investigation of an automated potting process for high volume insert assembly in honeycomb structures
Kalscheuer, Florian; Müller, Tim; Gierecker, Johann; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
SAE Technical Papers
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Tool Wear Classification in Automated Drilling Operations of Aircraft Structure Components using Artificial Intelligence Methods (SAE Paper 2022-01-0040)
Koch, Julian; Schoepflin, Daniel; Venkatanarasimhan, Arvind; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
SAE International AeroTech (AEROTECH 2022 )
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Towards an Intelligent Digital Cabin Twin to Support an Aircraft's Retrofit and Base Maintenance (SAE Paper 2022-01-0046)
Moenck, Keno H. W.; Laukotka, Fabian; Deneke, Constantin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Krause, Dieter; Nagel, Thorsten J.
SAE International AeroTech (AEROTECH 2022)
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Investigation of an Automated Potting Process for High Volume Insert Assembly in Honeycomb Structures
Kalscheuer, Florian; Müller, Tim; Gierecker, Johann; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
SAE international journal of advances and current practices in mobility 4 (3): 994-1006 (2022)
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Proxying ROS communications : enabling containerized ROS deployments in distributed multi-host environments
Wendt, Arne; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2022)
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A systematic review of ground-based infrastructure for the innovative urban air mobility
Mavraj, Gazmend; Eltgen, Jil; Fraske, Tim; Swaid, Majed; Berling, Jan; Röntgen, Ole; Fu, Yuzhuo; Schulz, Detlef
Transactions on Aerospace Research 2022 (4): 1-17 (2022)
Open Access
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Automatisierte Herstellung individueller, ebener Sandwichbauteile für Flugzeugkabineninterieur
Eschen, Henrik
Dr. Hut 978-3-8439-4951-4: (2022)
Automatisierung des Kernfüllmasseneintrags bei der Produktion von Sandwichpaneelen
Harnisch, Martin
Technische Universität Hamburg (2022)
Open Access
Digital twins of existing long-living assets : reverse instantiation of the mid-life twin
Moenck, Keno; Laukotka, Fabian; Krause, Dieter; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
33rd Symposium Design for X (DFX 2022)
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KI-Auswertung von Reparaturdaten in der Luftfahrt
Hörstel, F.; Kähler, Falko; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
WT Werkstattstechnik 112 (9): 613-618 (2022)
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Overall system architecture of UAM systems and air taxis
Kloock-Schreiber, Daniel; Grebner, Tobias; Kähler, Svantje; Eltgen, Jil; Gollnick, Volker; Fay, Alexander; Jacobsen, Thomas; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
71. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK 2022)
Towards synthetic AI training data for image classification in intralogistic settings
Schoepflin, Daniel; Iyer, Karthik; Gomse, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics 2021: 325-336 (2022)
Open Access
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Visual AI applications on smart delivery units
Schoepflin, Daniel; Albayrak, Özge; Scheffler, Piet Ansgar; Wendt, Arne; Gomse, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
IEEE Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (GCAIoT 2021)
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A solution to the generalized ROS hardware IO problem - A generic Modbus/TCP device driver for PLCs, sensors and actuators
Wendt, Arne; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2021)
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Assembly specific viewpoint generation as part of a simulation based sensor planning pipeline
Gierecker, Johann; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia CIRP 104 (): 981–986 (2021)
Open Access
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A simulation driven development framework for parallel kinematics
Bath, Lukas; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
30th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2021)
Open Access
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Digital game-based examination for sensor placement in context of an Industry 4.0 lecture using the Unity 3D engine : a case study
Koch, Julian; Gomse, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia Manufacturing 55 : 563-570 (2021)
Open Access
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Smart material delivery unit for the production supplying logistics of aircraft
Schoepflin, Daniel; Koch, Julian; Gomse, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia Manufacturing 55 : 455-462 (2021)
Open Access
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The loop gripper : a soft gripper for honeycomb materials
Roth, Franziska; Eschen, Henrik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia Manufacturing 55 (C): 160-167 (2021)
Open Access
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Application of Multi-Model Databases in Digital Twins Using the Example of a Quality Assurance Process
Koch, Julian; Lotzing, Gerald; Gomse, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production Conference (CARV 2021); World Mass Customization and Personalization Conference (MCPC 2021)
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Feasibility of Augmented Reality in the Scope of Commission of Industrial Robot Plants
Wulff, Lukas Antonio; Brand, Michael; Schulz, Jan Peter; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production Conference (CARV 2021); World Mass Customization and Personalization Conference (MCPC 2021)
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Synthetic training data generation for visual object identification on load carriers
Schoepflin, Daniel; Holst, Dirk; Gomse, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia CIRP 104 : 1257-1262 (2021)
Open Access
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Configuration and enablement of vision sensor solutions through a combined simulation based process chain
Gierecker, Johann; Schoepflin, Daniel; Schmedemann, Ole; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
6. MHI-Fachkolloquium 2021: 313-324
Open Access
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Towards semi automated pre-assembly for aircraft interior production
Kalscheuer, Florian; Eschen, Henrik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
6. MHI-Fachkolloquium 2021: 203-213
Open Access
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Augmented Reality Based Data Improvement for the Planning of Aircraft Cabin Conversions
Deneke, Constantin; Moenck, Keno; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, ICIEA 2021-Europe: 37-45
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Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines Mensch-Maschine-Systems zur Reparaturvorbereitung an CFK-Großstrukturen
Rodeck, Rebecca
Dr. Hut 978-3-8439-4713-8: (2021)
Entwicklung neuer Möglichkeiten der Sensorhandhabung und Messdatenauswertung : Automatisierung in der industriellen Endoskopie
Bath, Lukas; Schmedemann, Ole; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
WT Werkstattstechnik 111 (9): 644-649 (2021)
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Daten zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort
Schoepflin, Daniel; Wendt, Arne; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Industrial Production 1 (12): 46-47 (2020)
Operation and experimental evaluation of a 12-axis robot-based setup used for 3D-printing
Kallai, Zsolt; Dammann, Maik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2020)
Towards Visual Referencing for Location Based Services in Industrial Settings
Schoepflin, Daniel; Brand, Michael; Gomse, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2020)
Lösungen für die Luftfahrt 4.0
Rath, Jan-Erik; Kotlerova, Dialina; Ernst, Michael
Handling 84: 34-35 (2020-09-10)
Circular path generation for toroidal cavity inspection
Bath, Lukas; Dammann, Maik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics: 205-215 (2020)
Open Access
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Augmented Reality Based Data Improvement for the Planning of Aircraft Cabin Conversions
Deneke, Constantin; Moenck, Keno; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
IEEE 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA 2020)
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Digitale Flugzeugproduktion - was steckt hinter der Primärstruktur?
Kalscheuer, Florian
Ingenieurspiegel, Luftfahrt, März 2020
Accuracy of marker tracking on an optical see-through head mounted display
Brand, Michael; Wulff, Lukas Antonio; Hamdani, Yogi; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
In: Schüppstuhl, T., Tracht, K., Henrich, D. (eds) Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics. : 21-31 (2020)
Open Access
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Automated installation of inserts in honeycomb sandwich materials
Kähler, Falko; Eschen, Henrik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia manufacturing 51: 462-469 (2020)
Open Access
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Automatisierte Bilddatengenerierung als Trainingsdatensatz für eine KI-Objektidentifikation in der Intralogistik
Schoepflin, Daniel; Gomse, Martin
Bilddatengenerierung als Trainingsdatensatz für eine KI-Objektidentifikation in der Intralogistik
Schoepflin, Daniel
im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Train your Engineering Network" (2020-05-11)
Entwicklung von Intralogistikdiensten auf der Basis einer quelloffenen Referenzarchitektur für Lokalisierungssysteme
Mattschull, Niklas; Wesselhöft, Mike; Wendt, Arne; Hinckeldeyn, Johannes; Gomse, Martin; Kreutzfeldt, Jochen; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
29. Hamburger Logistik-Kolloquium (2020)
Evaluation of path planning strategies in automated honeycomb potting
Harnisch, Martin; Kipping, Johann; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2020)
Optimized process chain for flexible and automated aircraft interior production
Eschen, Henrik; Kalscheuer, Florian; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia manufacturing 51: 535-542 (2020)
Open Access
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Local Weakening of Honeycomb Core for Improved Surface Quality and Bonding in Co-cured Sandwich Panels
Eschen, Henrik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
SAE AeroTech Congress and Exhibition, AEROTECH (2019)
Local Weakening of Honeycomb Core for Improved Surface Quality and Bonding in Co-Cured Sandwich Panels
Eschen, Henrik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
SAE Technical Papers (2019-09-16)
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High quality automated honeycomb potting with active pressure control
Harnisch, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2019)
Ab in die Luft mit System
Bath, Lukas; Gierecker, Johann
Handling, 2019 Nr. 4
Investigation of a force-guided assembly strategy for radial mounting of jet engine blades
Dammann, Maik
MHI-Fachkolloquium (2019)
Technology Innovations For A Faster Aircraft Cabin Conversion
Constantin Deneke; Oltmann, Jan; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Krause, Dieter
7th International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies: (2019-02)
Technology innovations for a faster aircraft cabin conversion
Deneke, Constantin; Oltmann, Jan; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Krause, Dieter
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies: (2019)
Befähigung roboterbasierter Automatisierungslösungen für die Triebwerksinstantsetzung
Kötter, Tobias
Dr. Hut 978-3-8439-4100-6: (2019)
Investigation of a force-guided assembly strategy for radial mounting of jet engine blades
Dammann, Maik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
In: Schüppstuhl T., Tracht K., Roßmann J. (eds) Tagungsband des 4. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2019
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Robot-guided, feature-based 3D printing strategies for carbon fiber reinforced plastic
Kallai, Zsolt; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Robot-guided, feature-based 3D printing strategies for carbon fiber reinforced plastic
Kallai, Zsolt; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
In: Schüppstuhl T., Tracht K., Roßmann J. (eds) Tagungsband des 4. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2019
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Tagungsband des 4. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter
Springer Vieweg (2019)
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Flexible and automated production of sandwich panels for aircraft interior
Eschen, Henrik; Harnisch, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia Manufacturing (18): 35-42 (2018-12-13)
Open Access
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Automated selection and assembly of sets of blades for jet engine compressors and turbines
Dammann, Maik; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia Manufacturing (16): 53-60 (2018)
Open Access
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Augmented and virtual reality for inspection and maintenance processes in the aviation industry
Eschen, Henrik; Kötter, Tobias; Rodeck, Rebecca; Harnisch, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Procedia Manufacturing (19): 156-163 (2018)
Open Access
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Automated selection and assembly of sets of blades for jet engine compressors and turbines
Dammann, Maik
TesConf, Cranfield UK (2018)
Entwicklung und Untersuchung eines transportablen Systems zurReparaturvorbereitung an CFK-Flugzeugstrukturen mit einem Knickarmroboter
Höfener, Matthias
Dr. Hut 978-3-8439-3486-2: (2018)
Path Guiding Support for a Semi-automatic System for Scarfing of CFRP Structures
Rodeck, Rebecca; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
3. Kongress Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter (2018)
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Semantically enriched spatial modelling of industrial indoor environments enabling location-based services
Wendt, Arne; Brand, Michael; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
In T. Schüppstuhl, K. Tracht, & J. Franke (Eds.), Tagungsband des 3. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter (pp. 111–121). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.2018.
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Tagungsband des 3. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter
Springer Vieweg (2018)
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Improvement of Multi-Directional Positioning Path Accuracy of Industrial Robots with Rotary Tables
Schwienbacher, Christoph; Meiners, Finn; Kötter, Tobias; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Applied Mechanics and Materials (826): 134-139 (2016)
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Modellierung einer mobilen Hybridkinematik und Umsetzung am Beispiel der Flugzeuginspektion
Schlosser, Christian
BoD - Books on Demand 978-3-7392-3246-: (2016)
Open Access
Automated spray coating of complex 2.5D workpieces in small batch sizes with complex geometries in throughput by an innovative machine combination
Klose, Denise; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Osthues, Dominik
47th International Symposium on Robotics, ISR 2016 : 616-621 (2016)
Repair of composite structures with a novel human-machine system
Rodeck, Rebecca; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
47th International Symposium on Robotics, ISR 2016 : 660-666 (2016)
Supporting manual tasks - Using the example of the quality-critical process of scarfing of CFRP structures
Weidner, Robert; Rodeck, Rebecca; Wulfsberg, J. P.; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
WT Werkstattstechnik 9 (106): 624-630 (2016)
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Template guided surgery: No longer static, but dynamic through using the positioning device Rosy
Edinger, Dieter; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Zeitschrift fur Zahnarztliche Implantologie 2: 130-138 (2016)
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