Dr.-Ing. Payam Teimourzadeh Baboli

Senior Scientist


Dr.-Ing. Payam Teimourzadeh Baboli
E-6 Elektrische Energietechnik
  • Elektrische Energietechnik
Harburger Schloßstraße 22a,
21079 Hamburg
Building HS22a, Room 2.001
Phone: +49 40 42878 3013


Work experience

Since Jan. 2024

Senior Scientist and Lecturer, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany

Aug. 2019 – Dec.2023

Post-Doc, Senior Researcher and Project Manager, OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany

Feb. 2015 – Jul. 2019

Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering, University of Mazandaran (UMZ), Babolsar, Iran

Mar. 2007 – Jan. 2015



Iranian Power System Engineering Research Center (IPSERC), Tehran, Iran

  • Senior Researcher and Project Manager (Apr. 2014 – Jan. 2015, Full-time)
  • Researcher and Lab. Engineer (Mar. 2007 – Apr. 2014, Part-time)


Research Projects

Optimized Load Management and Flexibility Coordination for Electrified Urban Public Transport


Optimized Load Management and Flexibility Coordination for Electrified Urban Public Transport

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK); Duration: 2022 to 2026

Critical Components for Distributed and Secure Grid Operation


Critical Components for Distributed and Secure Grid Operation

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK); Duration: 2022 to 2025

Efficient integration of high shares of renewable energies in technically and economically integrated energy systems


Efficient integration of high shares of renewable energies in technically and economically integrated energy systems

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK); Duration: 2022 to 2025

Integrated network planning for the electricity, gas and heat sectors


Integrated network planning for the electricity, gas and heat sectors

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK); Duration: 2021 to 2026

Networked grid protection systems - Adaptive and interconnected


Networked grid protection systems - Adaptive and interconnected

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK); Duration: 2021 to 2024

Disruptive functions and technology for angle-based integrated grid operation in converter-dominated power systems with predominantly renewable energy supply


Disruptive functions and technology for angle-based integrated grid operation in converter-dominated power systems with predominantly renewable energy supply

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK); Duration: 2021 to 2024


TUHH Open Research (TORE)






link to course in Stud.IP Studip_icon
Satellite Communications and Navigation
SoSe 24
Course type:
Course number:
Gerhard Bauch, Rico Mendrzik, David Jonas Kopyto, PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Rainer Grünheid
  • Introduction to satellite communications
    • What is a satellite
    • Overvieworbits, Van Allen Belt, components of a satellite
    • Satelliteservices
    • Frequencybands for satellite services
    • InternationalTelecommunications Union (ITU)
    • Influenceof atmospheric impairments
    • Milestonesin satellite communications
  • Componentsof a satellite communications system
    • Groundsegment
    • Spacesegment
    • Controlsegment
  • Communicationlinks
    • Uplink,downlink
    • Forwardlink, reverse link
    • Intersatellitelinks
    • Multipleaccess
    • Performancemeasures
      • Effectiveisotropic radiated power (EIRP), antenna gain, figure of merit, G/T, carrier tonoise ratio
      • Signalto noise power ratio vs. carrier to noise ratio
  • Singlebeam and multibeam satellites
    • Beamcoverage
    • Examplesfor beam coverage of LEO and GEO satellites (Iridium, Viasat)
  • Transparentvs. regenerative payload
  • Orbits
    • Lowearth orbot (LEO), medium earth orbit (MEO), geosynchroneous and geostationaryorbits (GEO), highly elliptical orbits (HEO
    • Favourableorbits:
      • HEOorbits with 63-64o inclination, Molnya and Tundra orbits
      • CircularLEO orbits
      • CircularMEO Orbits (Intermediate Circular Orbits (ICO))
      • Equatorialorbits, geostationary orbit (GEO)
    • Importantaspects of LEO, MEO and GEO satellites
  • Kepler’slaws of planetary motion
  • Gravitationalforce
  • Parametersof ellipses and elliptical orbits
    • Majorand minor half axis
    • Foci
    • Eccentricity
    • Eccentricanomaly, mean anomaly, true anomaly
    • Area
    • Orbitperiod
    • Perigee,apogee
    • Distanceof satellite from center of earth
    • Constructionof ellipses according to de La Hire
    • Orbitalplane in space, inclination, right ascension (longitude) of ascending node,Vernal equinox
  • Newton’slaws of motion
  • Newton’suniversal law of gravitation
  • Energyof satellites: Potential energy, kinetic energy, total energy
  • Instantaneousspeed of a satellite
  • Kepler’sequation
  • Satellitevisibility, elevation
  • Requirednumber of LEO, MEO or GEO satellites for continuous earth coverage
  • Satellitealtitude and distance from a point on earth
  • Choiceof orbits
    • LEO,HEO, GEO
    • Ellipticalorbits with non-zero inclination, Molnya orbits, Tundra orbits
    • Geosynchronousorbits
      • Parametersof geosynchronous orbits
      • Circulargeosynchronous orbits
      • Inclinedgeosynchronous orbits
      • Quasi-zenithsatellite systems (QZSS)
      • Syb-synchronouscircular equatorial orbits
      • Geostationaryorbit
        • Parametersof the geostationary orbit
        • Visibility
        • Propagationdelay
        • Applicationsand system examples
  • Perturbationsof orbits
    • Stationkeeping
      • Stationkeeping box
      • Estimationof orbit parameters
  • Fundamentalsof digital communications techniques
    • Componentsof a digital communications system
    • Principlesof encryption
    • Scrambling
    • Scramblingvs. interleaving for randomization of data sequences
    • Interleaving:Block interleaver, convolutional interleaver, random interleaver
    • Digitalmodulation methods
      • Linearand non-linear digital modulation methods
      • Lineardigital modulation methods
        • QAMmodulator and demodulator
        • Pulseshaping, square-root raised-cosine pulses
        • Averagepower spectral density
        • Signalspace constellation
        • Examples:M-ary phase shift keying (M-PSK), M-ary quadrature amplitude shift keying (M-QAM)
        • M-PSKin noisy channels
        • Biterror probabilities of M-PSK and M-QAM
        • M-PSKvs. M-QAM
        • M-aryamplitude and phase shift keying (M-APSK)
        • M-APSKvs. M-QAM
        • Differentialphase shift keying (DPSK)

Errorcontrol coding (channel coding)

  • Errordetecting and forward error correcting (FEC) codes
  • Principleof channel coding
  • Datarate, code rate, Baud rate, spectral efficiency of modulation and codingschemes
  • Bandwidth-powertrade-off, bandwidth-limited vs. power-limited transmission
  • Codingand modulation for transparent vs. regenerative payload
  • Blockcodes and convolutional codes
  • Concatenatedcodes
  • Bit-interleavedcoded modulation
  • Convolutionalcodes
  • Lowdensity parity check (LDPC) codes, principle of message passing decoding, biterror rate performance
  • Cyclicblock codes
    • Examplesfor cyclic block codes
    • Singleerrors vs. block errors, cyclic block codes for burst errors
    • Generatormatrix, generator polynomials
    • Systematicencoding and syndrome determination with shift registers
    • Cyclicredundancy check (CRC) codes

  • Automaticrepeat request (ARQ)
    • Principleof ARQ
    • Stop-and-waitARQ
    • Go-back-NARQ
    • Selective-repeatARQ
  • Transmissiongains and losses
    • Antennagain
      • Antennaradiation pattern
      • Maximumantenna gain, 3dB beamwidth
      • Maximumantenna gain of circular aperture
      • Maximumantenna gain of a geostationary satellite with global coverage
    • Effectiveisotropic radiated power (EIRP)
    • Powerflux density
    • Pathloss
      • Freespace loss, free space loss for geostationary satellites
      • Atmosphericloss
      • Receivedpower
    • Lossesin transmit and receive equipment
      • Feederloss
      • Depointingloss
      • Polarizationmismatch loss
    • Combinedeffect of losses
  • Noise
    • Originsof noise
    • Whitenoise
    • Noisepower spectral density and noise power
    • Additivewhite Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel model
    • Antennanoise temperature
    • Earthbrightness temperature
    • Signalto noise ratios
  • Atmosphericdistortions
    • Atmosphereof the earth: Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere
    •  Attenuation and depolarization due to rain,fog, rain and ice clouds, sandstorms
    • Scintillation
    • Faradayeffect
    • Multipathcontributions
  • Linkbudget calculations
    • GEOclear sky uplink and downlink
    • GEOuplink and downlink under rain conditions
    • Transparentvs. regenerative payload
  • Linkavailability improvement through site diversity and adaptive transmission
    • Transparentvs. regenerative payload
      • Non-linearamplifiers
        • Salehmodel, Rapp model
        • Inputand output back-off factor
      • Singlecarrier and multicarrier operation
      • Dimensioningof transmission parameters
      • Sourcesof noise: Thermal noise, interference, intermodulation products
      • Signalto noise ratio and bit error probability
      • Robustnessagainst interference and non-linear channels
  • Satellitenetworks
    • Satellitenetwork reference architectures
    • Networktopologies
    • Networkconnectivity
      • Typesof network connectivity
      • On-boardconnectivity
      • Inter-satellitelinks
    • Broadcastnetworks
    • Satellite-basedinternet
  • Satellitecommunications systems and standards examples
    • Therole of standards in satellite communications
    • TheDigital Video Broadcast Satellite Standard: DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-S2X
    • Satellitesin 3GPP mobile communications networks
    • LEOmegaconstellations: SpaceX Starlink, Kuiper, OneWeb
    • Spacedebris
    • TheGerman Heinrich Hertz mission

Performance accreditation:
m1700-2021 - Satellite Communications and Navigation<ul><li>p1651-2021 - Satellite Communications and Navigation: mündlich</li></ul>
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Nachrichtentechnik (E-8)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 50
Documents: 8