Networked grid protection systems - Adaptive and interconnected
The integration of decentralized generation plants creates new feed-in points in the distribution grid level, which can cause unusually enormous intermediate feeds and feed-backs into the higher-level grid level. As a result, network topology changes are already necessary several times a day. If, in the course of these topology changes, conditions that cannot be controlled by the existing protection concept are detected, DEA must be shut down immediately. An alternative to curtailment through flexible event-based (adaptive) adjustment of protection parameters is not currently envisaged and is not currently feasible in terms of data generation, transmission and processing in the field. The goal of the VeN²uS research project is therefore to research and implement an adaptive and networked grid protection system that adapts the protection parameters in the event of power flow shifts and topology changes and ensures safe operation. To this end, a simulative verification facility for an adaptive grid protection algorithm is first being developed under the leadership of IEET. In parallel, resilient and reliable communication and protection verification concepts for the adaptive and networked grid protection system will be researched. Subsequently, the development paths will be merged and the adaptive and networked grid protection system will be validated by demonstration in the laboratory and (for the first time in Germany) also in field trials. This ensures that real challenges of commissioning and grid management are addressed.
Poster presenting the benefit analysis
Dr.-Ing. Jan-Peter Heckel
Philipp Hube
01.09.2021 to 31.08.2024