Disruptive functions and technology for angle-based integrated grid operation in converter-dominated power systems with predominantly renewable energy supply
Due to the increasingly regenerative power generation and the reduction of conventional power plants, a significant number of synchronous generators will be removed from the power grid. Since the basic operation principles of frequency-based energy grids are directly determined by the behavior of the synchronous generators, it is necessary to adapt and further develop the grid to the new conditions.
By imprinting a voltage, synchronous generators electrotechnically realize a grid-forming behavior. In the future, this functionality must be provided by converters, which have faster dynamic behavior and more various control options than synchronous generators. A possibility to assign an operating point to a grid-supporting voltage source converter based on the network state is an angle-based integrated grid operation, the so-called angle control. This is expected to have several advantages compared to the state-of-the-art frequency control approach. Unlike frequency deviations, angle errors in power imbalances occur only locally. This allows power balancing where the imbalance occurred and prevents accruing compensation power from being transported over long distances. Thus, the overall system load can be reduced and possible grid congestion problems can be avoided.
In the project DisrupSys, angle-based integrated grid operation in converter-dominated power supply systems is being researched and developed while maintaining the active and reactive power balance. The focus is on the transformation of the integrated grid. Converters, storage and grid control technology are being investigated. These are to be used by a new grid control method in such a way that an overall better and more effective utilization of the technical possibilities and functions of an electrical grid equipped with these technologies can be achieved. A demonstration of the developed prototypical system based on simulations and real-time simulations is planned.
Mirco Fabian Woidelko
01.08.2021 to 31.07.2024