Efficient cross-blockchain token transfers with rollback support
Sober, Michael Peter; Levonyak, Markus; Schulte, Stefan
6th IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures, DAPPS 2024
Publisher DOI
Blockchain-based federated learning utilizing zero-knowledge proofs for verifiable training and aggregation
Ebrahimi, Elmira; Ileri, Can Umut; Sober, Michael; Hoang, Anh-Tu; Sanders, William; Schulte, Stefan
7th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Blockchain 2024
Publisher DOI
Analysis of strategies for scalable transaction creation in blockchains
Delzer, Ole; Hobeck, Richard; Weber, Ingo; Kaaser, Dominik; Sober, Michael Peter; Schulte, Stefan
Computing 106 (11): 3573-3602 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Cross-blockchain communication using oracles with an off-chain aggregation mechanism based on zk-SNARKs
Sober, Michael; Scaffino, Giulia; Schulte, Stefan
ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies 3 (4): 27 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Data poisoning detection in federated learning
Khuu, Denise-Phi; Fischer, Mathias; Sober, Michael Peter; Kaaser, Dominik; Schulte, Stefan
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2024
Publisher DOI
Latency-aware placement of stream processing operators
Ecker, Raphael; Karagiannis, Vasileios; Sober, Michael Peter; Ebrahimi, Elmira; Schulte, Stefan
29th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Euro-Par 2023
Publisher DOI
A Benchmark for Different Implementations of Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems
Kobelt, Max; Sober, Michael Peter; Schulte, Stefan
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain 2023)
Publisher DOI
A blockchain-based IoT data marketplace
Sober, Michael Peter; Scaffino, Giulia; Schulte, Stefan; Kanhere, Salil
Cluster Computing 26 (6): 3523-3545 (2023-12)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
A framework for asynchronous cross-blockchain smart contract calls
Sober, Michael Peter; Scaffino, Giulia; Sigwart, Marten; Frauenthaler, Philip; Levonyak, Markus; Schulte, Stefan
5th International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA 2023)
Publisher DOI
Building a cross-chain identity : a self-sovereign identity-based framework
Zecchini, Marco; Sober, Michael Peter; Schulte, Stefan; Vitaletti, Andrea
5th IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS 2023)
Publisher DOI
Decentralized cross-blockchain asset transfers with transfer confirmation
Sober, Michael Peter; Sigwart, Marten; Frauenthaler, Philipp; Spanring, Christof; Kobelt, Max; Schulte, Stefan
Cluster Computing 26 (4): 2129-2146 (2023-08)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Distributed key generation with smart contracts using zk-SNARKs
Sober, Michael Peter; Kobelt, Max; Scaffino, Giulia; Kaaser, Dominik; Schulte, Stefan
38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (2023)
A voting-based blockchain interoperability oracle
Sober, Michael Peter; Scaffino, Giulia; Spanring, Christof; Schulte, Stefan
4th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Blockchain 2021: 160-169 (2021)
Publisher DOI
Blockchain-based result verification for computation offloading
Körbel, Benjamin; Sigwart, Marten; Frauenthaler, Philip; Sober, Michael Peter; Schulte, Stefan
Lecture notes in computer science 13121 LNCS: 99-115 (2021)
Publisher DOI
Decentralized cross-blockchain asset transfers
Sigwart, Marten; Frauenthaler, Philip; Spanring, Christof; Sober, Michael Peter; Schulte, Stefan
3rd International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA 2021): 34-41 (2021)
Publisher DOI