Writing your Thesis at the Institute for Data Engineering

We are always looking for motivated students to write their Bachelor's or Master's thesis (or work on a Research Project) in our institute. We offer topics in the areas of

  • federated learning,
  • blockchain technologies,
  • the Internet of Things, and
  • theory of distributed computing.

Thesis Template

Please note that the use of LaTeX and our official thesis template is mandatory. We will add you to a course in Stud.IP where you will find additional details.

Open Topics

We have prepared a selection of example topics. If you are interested in a particular topic, please contact the person mentioned in the topic advertisement. If you are interested in the general areas but none of these specific topics are appealing, please write an email to Dominik Schallmoser (dominik dot schallmoser at tuhh dot de). We will try to define a suitable topic for you.

We highly recommend that you attend one of our seminars before writing your thesis with us.

Please inquire at least 2-3 months before you want to start with your thesis if we have the capacity to actually supervise your thesis. When doing so, please send us an up-to-date transcript of records so that we can identify your strengths.

Please note that we do not supervise topics defined by companies.

While the goal of our supervised theses is to investigate novel concepts and methods, it is almost always necessary to implement these concepts and methods. Therefore, one important requirement is that interested students already have a very good level of implementation skills.

Open Topics

Federated Learning

