Scientific working in computational engineering
Course language is English. 6 ECTS. The module is a M.Sc. course and will be offered in summer semester and in winter semester. For further information, please contact Patricia Peralta (patricia.peralta.abadia(at)tuhh(dot)de).
Short summary
The students will learn to apply concepts and methods of scientific working in computational engineering. In interaction with the course instructors and in collaboration with each other, the students will also learn to understand the complex process of scientific thinking, being able to accurately plan, implement, and analyze scientific projects, such as prospective master theses. It is worth mentioning that a scientific problem of practical relevance will first be defined, taking into account the interests of the students participating in the course. The scientific problem will then systematically be solved within the framework of a comprehensive project. The principles of scientific working will be taught based on the scientific problem defined previously and applied to a scientific paper to be written during the course, based on the project. Topics related to scientific writing include structuring in scientific writing (structuring the abstract, the introduction, the main part, the summary and conclusions, and the acknowledgments and references) and recommendations on effective scientific writing (principles of composition, use of English in scientific writing, useful tips, creating figures, writing in mathematics, referencing, and formal email correspondence). The final paper and a final presentation will be assembled by the students. Project meetings in small groups, presentations, and critical discussions of scientific publications are further key activities. Limited enrollment.
Basic knowledge in scientific writing. Strong interest in topics related to computing in civil engineering.