Database systems
Course language is German. The course will be offered every winter semester and is part of the module "Engineering Informatics" ("Bauinformatik"). For further information, please contact Aditya Tandon (aditya.tandon(at)tuhh(dot)de). Please refer to Stud.IP for course details.
Short summary
This course covers basics of database design, enabling students to develop and to modify database systems deployed in the area of civil and environmental engineering. When successfully having passed this course, the students will be able conduct all phases of database design. The course concept follows the database design process and primarily covers conceptual design and semantics of database models (with emphasis on the Entity-Relationship Model), logical design (including integrity constraints, anomalies and normalization), relational algebra, relational query languages and SQL, database views, physical database design and implementation, concepts of database application development (JDBC) as well as data integration and data exchange in civil engineering.