Juan Sánchez Calzado, M. Sc. Institut für Material- und Röntgenphysik Tel: +49 (0) 40/42838-1822 E-Mail: juan.sanchez(at)tuhh(dot)de Fachgebiet: Physik |
Project B1
- Sánchez J., Li Z., Foeba M., Huber P. (2019): »Imbibition-Induced Deformation Dynamics in NanoporousMedia. APS Division of Fluid Dynamics«. In:APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Abstract id.P38.002. Bibcode:2019APS..DFDP38002S2)
- Sánchez J., Gallardo L., Tetzner Y., Sadeghian P., Gäding J., Meißner R., Huber P. (2022): Imbibitionand Wetting Front Broadening in Mesoporous Silica Glass. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Natural and technical Particle-Fluid-Systems 2022 in Hamburg/Germany, Veröffentlichungen des Institutsfür Geotechnik und Baubetrieb der Technischen Universität Hamburg, Heft 54, S. 127–141, DOI: 10.15480/882.4640
- Gäding, J., Tocci, G. Sánchez J., Huber P. und Meißner R. (2022): Molecular Dynamic studies of liquid / solid interfaces in aqueos and ionic liquid systems. In: Tagungsband zum Workshop des GRK 2462 „Processes in natural and technical Particle-Fluid-Systems (PintPFS)“ 2022, Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Geotechnik und Baubetrieb, Heft 54, S. 65-77, DOI: 10.15480/882.4640
- Gallardo L., Sánchez J., Belleza H., Vincent O., Huber P. (2022): The Interplay of Water Spreading,Evaporation and Imbibition at Nanoporous Silicon Surfaces. In: Album of Porous Media: Structure and Dynamics, E. F. Medici and AD. Otero (eds.), Springer (in press)
- 23./26.11.2019 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle, Washington (USA);Imbibition-Induced Deformation Dynamics in Nanoporous Media (Vortrag)
25./28.02.2020 DESY water week 2020 (forum), Hamburg (Germany); Water imbibition-induced deformationdynamics in nanoporous media (Poster)
31.05./04.06.2021 13th Annual Meeting InterPore 2021 (online); Imbibition-Induced Deformation in NanoporousVycor Glass (Vortrag)
04./06.10.2021 7th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods, Hamburg (Germany) Imbibition-InducedDeformation in Nanoporous Vycor Glass (Vortrag)
23.10.2021 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Phoenix, Arizona (USA); Imbibition-Induced Deformation in Nanoporous Vycor Glass (online Vortrag)
15./19.08.2021 APS March Annual Meeting, Chicago (USA); Imbibition- and Drying-Induced Deformation of Nanoporous Solids (Vortrag)
04./09.09.2022 DPG 2022 (DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section), Regensburg (Deutschland); Imbibition-and Drying-Induced deformation of Nanoporous Solids (Vortrag)
26./27.09.2022 International Conference on Processes in Natural and Technical Particle-Fluid Systems, Hamburg (Deutschland); Imbibition and Wetting Front Broadening in Mesoporous Silica Glass (Vortrag)
- Projektbezogene Studentenarbeit
- Zhuoqing Li: Imbibition-Induced Deformation Dynamics in Nanoporous Media (Masterarbeit: 06/2020)
- Helal Barikzei: Investigation of the impact of liquid lamella at the perimeter of porous media on capillary rise experiments (Bachelorarbeit: 11/2020)
- Götz Koennicke: Humidity-dependent atomic force microscopy on artificial nanoparticle opals (Bachelorarbeit: 02/2021)
- Eva Nasserie: Capillary Rise of Nanoparticle Suspensions in Nanoporous Media (Masterarbeit: 05/2021)
- Hanife Sisman: Design and construction of a Humidity Chamber (Projektarbeit: 01/2022)
- Yannick Tetzner: Wechselspiel zwischen Imbibitions- und Verdunstungsdynamiken in nanoporösen Festkörpern (Projektarbeit: 01/2022)
- Yannick Tetzner: Towards Adjustable Supercapacitors: Controlling the Interplay of Wetting and Drying of Nanoporous Carbons (Masterarbeit: 09/2022)
Projektbezogene Publikationen
Beiträge der Konferenz