Project C2
- Jung I., Schroeter B., Plazzotta S., De Berardinis L., Gurikov P., Smirnova I., Manzocco L. (2022): Oleogels from mesoporous whey and potato protein based microparticles: Influence of microstructural properties on oleogelation ability. In: Food Hydrocolloids, FOODHYD-D-22-03903, under Review.
- Jung I., Gurikov G., Smirnova I. (2022): Retention Characteristics of Biopolymer Materials Studied by Inverse Supercritical Fluid Chromatography. In: Tagungsband zur internationalen Konferenz „Processes in natural and technical Particle-Fluid-Systems (PintPFS)“ 2022 in Hamburg, Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Geotechnik und Baubetrieb, Heft 53, S. 177–188.
- Andlinger D., Schlemmer L., Jung I., Schroeter B., Smirnova I, Kulozik U. (2022): Hydro- and aerogelsfrom ethanolic potato and whey protein solutions: Influence of temperature and ethanol concentration on viscoelastic properties, protein interactions, and microstructure. In: Food Hydrocolloids (125), 107424, DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2021.107424
- Plazzotta S., Jung I., Schroeter B., Subrahmanyam R., Smirnova I., Calligaris S., Gurikov P., Manzocco L. (2021): Conversion of whey protein aerogel particles into oleogels – effect of oil type on structural features. In: Polymers, 13(23), 4063, DOI: 10.3390/polym13234063
- Schroeter B., Jung I., Bauer K., Gurikov P., Smirnova I. (2021): Hydrophobic Modification of Biopolymer Aerogels by Cold Plasma Coating. In: Polymers, 13(17), 300, DOI: 10.3390/polym13173000
- Andlinger D., Bornkeßel A., Jung I., Schroeter B., Smirnova I., Kulozik U.(2021): Microstructures of potato protein hydrogels and aerogels produced by thermal crosslinking and supercritical drying. In: Food Hydrocolloids (112), 106305, DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.106305
- Schroeter B., Yonkova V., Niemeyer N., Jung I., Preibisch I., Gurikov P., Smirnova I. (2021): Cellulose aerogel particles: control of particle and textural properties in jet cutting process. In: Cellulose, 28, pp.223–239, DOI: 10.1007/s10570-020-03555-2
- Jung, I. (2022): Adsorption of Organic Components from Fluid Mixtures on Functionalized Mesoporous Materials: Experiments and Simulation. (Vortrag) At: International Aerogel Conference, Hamburg, Deutschland (on site), 28.–30.09.2022, außerdem Mitglied im Organisationsteam
- Jung, I. (2022): Adsorptionof Organic Components from Fluid Mixtures on Functionalized Mesoporous Materials: Experiments and Simulation. (Poster und Vortrag) At: PintPFS Conference (Graduiertenkolleg, Hamburg, Deutschland (on site), 26.–27.09.2022
- Jung, I. (2022): Adsorption of Organic Components from Fluid Mixtures on Functionalized Mesoporous Materials: Experiments and Simulation. (Vortrag) At: ProcessNet Fachtagung, Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik Frankfurt, Deutschland (on site), 02.–03.05.2022
- Jung, I. (2022): Adsorption of Organic Components from Fluid Mixtures on Cold Plasma Coated Aerogels in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography:Experiment and Simulation. (Poster und Kurzvortrag) At: PlasmaTech Conference, Barcelona, Spanien (on site), 27.–29.04.2022
- Jung, I. (2021): Adsorption of Organic Components from FluidMixtures on Functionalized Mesoporous Materials: Experiments and Simulation. (Vortrag) At: Particles 2021 – International Journal on Computational Particle Mechanics (CPM),Hamburg, Deutschland; Hybride Event (Corona), 04.–06.10.2021
- Jung, I. (2021): Adsorptionvon Organischen Komponenten aus Fluidgemischen auf Funktionalisierten Mesoporösen Materialien:Experimente und Simulation. (Vortrag) At: ProcessNet Fachtagung, Adsorption, Frankfurt, Deutschland (on site), 08.–09.09.2021
- Jung, I. (2021): Adsorption of Organic Components from Fluid Mixtures on FunctionalizedMesoporous Materials: Experiments and Simulation. (Poster und Kurzvortrag) At: ProcessNet Fachtagung, Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Clausthal, Deutschland; Online-Event (Corona), 15.–16.03.2021
- Jung, I. (2021): Highly porous aerogels made from biopolymers as food grade carrier matricesfor flavorings. (Poster und Kurzvortrag) At: ProcessNet Fachtagung, Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, Würzburg, Deutschland;Online-Event (Corona), 11.–12.03.2021
- Jung, I. (2020): Adsorption of Organic Components from Fluid Mixtures on Functionalized Mesoporous Materials: Experiments and Simulation. (Poster und Kurzvortrag) At: International Aerogel Conference, Hamburg, Deutschland; Online-Event (Corona), 16.–18.09.2020, außerdem Mitglied im Organisationsteam
- Jung, I. (2020): Adsorption of Organic Components from Fluid Mixtures on Functionalized Mesoporous Materials: Experiments and Simulation. (Poster und Kurzvortrag) At: ProcessNet Fachtagung, Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Freising, Deutschland (on site), 17.–19.02.2020
- Project-related student thesis
- Bachelor thesis, Kim Laura Meyer (2022): Charakterisierung von Wechselwirkungen zwischen plasmafunktionalisierten Biopolymeraerogelen und aromatischen Verbindungen mittels überkritischer Fluidchromatographie.
- Project work, Preethi Aranala Gurumoorthi (2022): Investigation of Molecular Interactions between Proteins and Benzene-based Solutes in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide using Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
- Bachelor thesis, Paula Rossen (2022): Charakterisierung von unterschiedlich substituierten aromatischen Verbindungen in der übrektitischen Fluidchromatographie.
- Project work, Kavya Chandana Bharatula (2021): Production and Characterization of Spherical Pretein Particles for Potential Use in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography.
- Bachelor thesis, Aaron David Pfleger (2021): Charakterisierung von Wechselwirkungen zwischen Biopolymer-Aerogelen und aromatischen Verbindungen mittels überkritischer Fluidchromatographie.
- Master thesis, Alina Claire Bornkeßel (2021): Wechselwirkungen von kleinen und großen biologishcen Molekülen mit funktionalisierten Biopolymer-Aerogelen untersucht durch überkritische Fluidchromatographie.
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Isabella-Jung
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/
Project-related Publications
Conference Presentations