i+sCabin2.0: Intelligent and Smart Cabin Operation

The overall objective of the joint-project is the daily uninterrupted operation of the aircraft cabin and the design of the required end-to-end processes. This demands for:

  • highly automated systems (on-board and on-ground), reacting intelligently on a varying environment of other dependent sub-systems,
  • inter-connection of various data-driven systems using secure communication protocols and data management (cyber security)
  • development of intelligent applications and services for aircraft cabin and ground infrastructure as well as automated processes for supporting cabin crew and airlines.

Sub-project: Model-Based Systems Engineering for a cyber-secure certifiable intelligent and smart cabin

The massive use of information and communication technology in aviation demands, on the one hand, for novel design methods and, on the other hand, a specific consideration of security aspects of aircraft systems that communicate digitally via cyberspace. One goal of the sub-project of the TUHH is therefore the refinement and application of a model-based systems engineering methodology (MBSE methodology) for the certification of secure, intelligent and smart aircraft cabin systems. Such methodologies will be designed in close collaboration with the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW).

In addition, TUHH works towards standardizing the system designs developed within the scope of this project in context of intelligent data eco-systems. This includes a standardized application hosting platform for the aircraft cabin, extending the communication protocol designed as part of the predecessor project “iCabin” with an active management of the underlying communication network, investigating the “edge computing” concept with respect to its application within the aircraft cabin, and digitizing the cabin configuration process to reduce the number of manual steps of the physical-logical mapping of cabin components.

Project duration: 01. Januar 2022 - 31. Dezember 2025
Funding Code: 20D2130K


Click here to open the i+sCabin 2.0 project site in a new window.
The website of the consortium hosted by Diehl can be found here: www.isCabin.com