Automated systems using AI technologies present a new challenge to behavioral science, which until now has mainly focused on human and institutional interactions. A growing set of research questions specifically relates to behavioral aspects of human-AI interactions. It is therefore essential to research how automated systems and AI influence human behavior.
This workshop brings together researchers who want to gain a better understanding of human-machine/AI interactions using the tools of behavioral and experimental economics. The main goal of the workshop is to initiate a discussion on future research directions and topics. We aim to create an inspiring, open and creative atmosphere for presentations and discussions.
The workshop will consist of several sessions in which the participants can present and discuss their research with other participants and experts. In the sessions, 20-minute presentations alternate with discussions on the corresponding keynote topics. The goal is not only to present research projects, but also to initiate a discussion that addresses the basic issues of the research area.
The workshop will focus on behavioral, ethical and methodological questions:
(1) Does human behavior change when interacting with automated systems? (behavioral)
(2) How does human behavior change in ethically relevant situations? (ethical)
(3) How can we research the influence AI has on human behavior? (methodological)