Prof. Dr. Timo Heinrich

Head of Institute


D 5.025



+49 40 42878 4955


Hamburg University of Technology
Institute for Digital Economics (W-5)
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D)
21073 Hamburg, Germany

Foto: Isadora Tast


Since October 2020 Timo Heinrich leads the Institute for Digital Economics at the Hamburg University of Technology. Before he was an Assistant Professor at Durham University Business School. He also led a research group at the University of Duisburg-Essen and was a visiting scholar at IE Business School, St. John’s University, UT Dallas and Harvard Medical School.

Timo Heinrich received a Diploma in Information Systems from the University of Magdeburg and a PhD in Economics from the University of Duisburg-Essen. He uses econometric methods as well as lab and field experiments to study individual decision making, strategic interaction and the impacts of digitization on markets and organizations. For example, he is interested in how artificial intelligence can support decision making, how people evaluate extreme risks and how communication facilitates trade in digital markets.

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Journal Publications

  • Ter Veer, K. F. & Heinrich, T. (2024). Communicating tokenomics and monetary policy: A comparative analysis of real and virtual economies. International Journal of Finance and Economics: 1-18. [DOI] [TORE] [Data]
  • Bittner, A., Haering, A., Heinrich, T. & Mayrhofer, T. (2024). Revalidating a survey instrument for measuring risk preferences. Economics Letters 242: 111851. [DOI] [TORE] [Data]
  • Brosig‐Koch, J., Heinrich, T. & Sterner, M. (2024). Bilateral communication in procurement auctions. Managerial and Decision Economics 45(5): 3047-3067. [DOI] [TORE] [Data]
  • Haruvy, E., Heinrich, T. & Walker, M. J. (2022). Separating probability weighting and risk aversion in first-price auctions. Economics Letters 221: 110891. [DOI] [TORE]
  • Weimann, J., Brosig-Koch, J., Heinrich, T., Hennig-Schmidt, H. & Keser, C. (2022). CO2 Emission reduction – Real public good provision by large groups in the laboratory. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 200: 1076-1089. [DOI] [TORE]
  • Heinrich, T., Arya, B., Haering, A. & Horak, S. (2022). Costly information acquisition: The influence of stakeholder earnings. Journal of Economic Psychology 90: 102504. [DOI] [TORE]
  • Heinrich, T. & Shachat, J. (2020). The development of risk aversion and prudence in Chinese children and adolescents. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 61: 263-287. [DOI] [TORE] [DRO]
  • Haering, A., Heinrich, T. & Mayrhofer, T. (2020). Exploring the consistency of higher-order risk preferences. International Economic Review 61(1): 283-320. [DOI] [TORE] [DRO]
  • Heinrich, T., Seifert, M. & Then, F. (2020). Near-losses in insurance markets: An experiment. Economics Letters 186: 108781. [DOI] [TORE] [DRO]
  • Weimann, J., Brosig-Koch, J., Heinrich, T., Hennig-Schmidt, H. & Keser, C. (2019). Public good provision by large groups – The logic of collective action revisited. European Economic Review 118: 348-363. [DOI] [TORE] [DRO]
  • Rosenthal-von der Pütten, A. M., Hastall, M. R., Köcher, S., Meske, C., Heinrich, T., Labrenz, F. & Ocklenburg, S. (2019). “Likes” as social rewards: Their role in online social comparison and decisions to like other people's selfies. Computers in Human Behavior 92: 76-86. [DOI]
  • Brosig-Koch, J. & Heinrich, T. (2018). The role of communication content and reputation in the choice of transaction partners: A study based on field and laboratory data. Games and Economic Behavior 112: 49-66. [DOI] [TORE] [DRO]
  • Heinrich, T. & Mayrhofer, T. (2018). Higher-order risk preferences in social settings. Experimental Economics 21(2): 434-456. [DOI] [TORE] [DRO]
  • Brosig-Koch, J., Heinrich, T. & Helbach, C. (2015). Exploring the capability to reason backwards: An experimental study with children, adolescents, and young adults. European Economic Review 74: 286-302. [DOI] [TORE] [DRO]
  • Brosig-Koch, J., Heinrich, T. & Helbach, C. (2014). Does truth win when teams reason strategically? Economics Letters 123(1): 86-89. [DOI] [TORE] [DRO]
  • Brosig-Koch, J. & Heinrich, T. (2014). Reputation and mechanism choice in procurement auctions: An experiment. Production and Operations Management 23(2): 210-220. [DOI] [TORE]
  • Heinrich, T. & Weimann, J. (2013). A note on reciprocity and modified dictator games. Economics Letters 121(2): 202-205. [DOI] [TORE]
  • Heinrich, T. (2012). Communication and reputation in procurement auctions – Some empirical evidence. Economics Letters 114(2): 164-167. [DOI] [Link]
  • Brosig, J., Heinrich, T., Riechmann, T., Schöb, R. & Weimann, J. (2010). Laying off or not? The influence of framing and economics education. International Review of Economics Education 9(1): 44-55. [DOI]