Thesis process

To give our students a transparent idea of what to expect when writing a thesis with us, we follow a very clear process. The process starts with the application procedure detailed on our website here.​

​In case of a positive review of your application, you’ll be invited to present your planned thesis project at our institute. If the presentation is also assessed positively, you will have the possibility to discuss your topic with your supervisor. Thereafter you will be given around one month to sketch an elaborated thesis proposal according to the template found here.​​

​We will then review the proposal once more. But don’t worry: if you are really interested in writing a great thesis and if you prepare your proposal with commitment, the review will be positive. In this case, we will sign the official thesis registration documents and submit them to the examination office. With this, the official thesis preparation period starts (9 weeks for Bachelor’s and 6 months for Master’s). During the preparation phase, it is mandatory that you initiate meetings with your supervisor. ​​

​Around one month before the final submission, you have to present your preliminary results at our institute again to collect last feedback. After this, you will submit your thesis and defend it with a presentation at our institute.​

​You have noted that we follow a strict process to assure high-quality theses. The process involves a written application and three presentations at our institute. This is in your interest of creating a great thesis, and in our interest to work efficiently, so that we can supervise as many excellent theses as possible.​