Third-Party Funded Projects

KiMeKo: Norddeutsche KI-Medizinische-Kollaborationsplattform

Das Ziel des BMBF-geförderten Forschungsprojektes KiMeKo ist die thematische Bündelung verschiedener F+E Initiativen im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz in der Medizinprodukte-Entwicklung. Das übergreifende Ziel besteht in der Bereitstellung eines wirtschaftlich und wissenschaftlich nachhaltig wirksamen KI-Med-Ökosystems zur Entwicklung von KI-basierten Medizinprodukten, von der Konzeption und Datenakquise bis zur Zulassung.

Im Teilprojekt “Modellbasierung und Datenintegration für hybride KI-Med-Expertensysteme” untersuchen wir, unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Prof. Dr. Nihat Ay und Prof. Dr. Thomas Kirste, die Eignung großer Sprachmodelle zur (teil-)automatisierten Extraktion graphischer kausaler Modelle aus medizinischen Fachtexten. 

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Optimized Laser Pulses for Free Electron Lasers (OPAL-FEL)

Funded by the BMBF, 2023-2026
PIs: Nihat Ay, together with Henrik Tünnermann (DESY), Wolfgang Hillert (UHH), Torsten Mans (AMPHOS GmbH)

Conceptual foundations for machine learning in engineering using the example of tailored laser pulse forming

Funded by the Helmholtz Graduate School DASHH, 2023-2026
PIs: Nihat Ay, together with Christoph Heyl (DESY) and Henrik Tünnermann (DESY)

Modeling a robot’s peripersonal space and body schema for adaptive learning and imitation (MoReSpace)

Funded by the DFG, 2022-2025
Project within the Priority Programme (Schwerpunktprogramm) The Active Self (DFG, SPP 2134)
PIs: Dr.-Ing. Manfred Eppe; Professor Dr. Stefan Wermter
Co-Investigator: Professor Dr. Wilfried Kunde

Information Integration in Predictive Processes: A Mechanistic Grounding of the Self

Funded by the DFG, 2021-2024
Second phase of the below-listet project within the Priority Programme (Schwerpunktprogramm) The Active Self (DFG, SPP 2134)
PI: Nihat Ay

Learning Conversational Action Repair for Intelligent Robots (LeCAREbot)

Funded by the DFG, 2021-2024
more info
PIs: Dr.-Ing. Manfred Eppe; Professor Dr. Stefan Wermter

Ideomotor Transfer for Active Self-Emergence (IDEAS)

Funded by the DFG, 2020-2023
Project within the Priority Programme (Schwerpunktprogramm) The Active Self (DFG, SPP 2134)
PIs: Dr.-Ing. Manfred Eppe, Professor Dr. Stefan Wermter

The Sensorimotor Architecture of the Self: Theory of Information Integration in Embodied Systems

Funded by the DFG, 2018-2021
Project within the Priority Programme (Schwerpunktprogramm) The Active Self (DFG, SPP 2134)
PI: Nihat Ay

An information-theoretic approach to autonomous learning of embodied agents

Funded by the DFG, 2015-2018
Second phase of the below-listed project within the Priority Programme (Schwerpunktprogramm) Autonomous Learning (DFG, SPP 1527)
PI: Nihat Ay

Mathematics of Multilevel Anticipatory Complex Systems (MatheMACS)

Funded by the EU, 2012-2015
Collaborative Project of the European Union within the Seventh Framework Program
Further Information

An information theoretic approach to autonomous learning of embodied agents

Funded by the DFG, 2012-2014
Project within the Priority Programme (Schwerpunktprogramm) Autonomous Learning (DFG, SPP 1527)
PIs: Nihat Ay and Eckehard Olbrich

Quantenstatistik: Entscheidungsprobleme und entropische Funktionale auf Zustandsräumen

Funded by the DFG, 2011-2013
Further information is available at the project page
and the DFG Project Page (German)
PI: Arleta Szkoła

Evolution of Networks: Modeling the complexity and robustness of evolving biochemical networks (Extension of previous VW Project)

Funded by the Volkswagenstiftung, 2010-2013
Further information is available at the project page

Evolution of networks: robustness, complexity and adaptability

Funded by the Volkswagenstiftung, 2007-2010
Further information

Geometry and Complexity in Information Theory

Funded by the DFG, 2004-2008
PIs: Andreas Knauf and Nihat Ay