
Wintersemester 2013/2014

11.2. Slava Matveev: Replication, redundancy and stability
4.2. Haleh Ebadi: Biological control networks with Boolean functions
28.1. Bruno Pace: evolution of regulation and frequency landscapes
17.12. Jakob Lykke Andersen: transformation patterns in chemical reaction networks
3.12. Strategy meeting
19.11. Matjaz Kovse: topological representations of partial cubes
19.11. Robin Lamarche-Perrin: macroscopic analysis of large-scale systems
15.10. Omri Tal: quantifying information on ‘population structure’ from genetic data
10.9. Pierre Baudot: introduction to information topology


Sommersemester 2013

28.6. Discussion (homology of directed hypergraphs)
23.5. Discussion (homology of directed hypergraphs)
3.9. G.N.Prasanth: betweenness relations and transit functions
14.5. Manoj Changat: transit functions and associated convexity notions on graphs (talk takes place at IZBI, room 110 at 11 am)


Wintersemester 2012/2013

5.3. Discussion (topological data analysis)
26.2. Maribel Hernandez Rosales: from orthology relations through cographs and event-labeled gene trees to species trees
29.1. Konstantin Klemm: energy landscapes and encodings
13.11. Nils Bertschinger: an introduction to sampling methods
6.11. Benjamin Inden: open-ended coevolution
30.10. Thimo Rohlf: chromatin computation – a new paradigm for gene regulatory networks?


Sommersemester 2012

17.7. Johannes Rauh: estimating and understanding exponential random graph models
3.7. Yangjing Long: constrained graph homomorphism order
5.6. Johannes Rauh: expectation values of k-stars
29.5. Jörg Reichardt: multi-scale structural inference in complex networks
8.5. Pierre-Yves Bourgignon: a simple model for dynamics in metabolic networks
17.4. Jürgen Jost: discrete Morse theory
10.4. Jürgen Jost: discrete Morse theory


Wintersemester 2011/2012

6.3. Discussion (Laplacians and directed hypergraphs)
21.2. Discussion (Laplacians and directed hypergraphs)
7.2. Strategy meeting
20.12. Yangjing Long: relations between graphs
6.12. Pierre-Yves Bourgignon: learning about topological statistics of graphs
29.11. Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad: perturbations in boolean networks
1.11. Matthias Hein: nonlinear eigenproblems in data analysis and graph partitioning
25.10. Discussion (exponential random graphs with given degree sequence)
18.10. Pierre-Yves Bourgignon: programming the chemistry of life


Sommersemester 2011

27.9. Johannes Rauh: robustness and conditional independence ideals
6.9. Peter Stadler: combinatorial vector fields
1.9. Areejit Samal: randomizing metabolic networks
23.8. Discussion
19.7. Markus Rohrschneider: visualization of metabolic networks
12.7. Discussion (random graphs models)
28.6. Discussion (simplicial complexes and oriented generalisations)
14.6. Discussion (exponential random graphs)
31.5. Anatol Wegner: random graphs with motifs
24.5. Danijela Horak: simplicial complexes, their Laplacians and spectra (cont.)
17.5. Alexander Ullrich: computational study on the evolution of metabolism
3.5. Gunnar Boldhaus: neutrality, viability and lethality in state discrete models of regulatory networks
19.4. Discussion
12.4. Johannes Rauh: closures of exponential families
29.3. Eckehard Olbrich: exponential families and random graphs
22.3. Danijela Horak: simplicial complexes, their Laplacians and spectra


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Supported by the Volkswagen Stiftung

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