
In our recent study, published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), we examine the innovation system that emerged through the introduction of patient-relevant structural and procedural improvements (pSVV) in the DiGA Fast-Track.
Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesungen Digital Health haben wir einen Design-Thinking-Workshop mit Medizinstudierenden am UKE durchgeführt und dabei Konzepte für patientenzentrierte digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA) entwickelt und auf dem UKE-Campus präsentiert.
Why do many of us wear earbuds all the time, but people with mild hearing loss still shy away from hearing aids? We asked our students in the Product Planning module this question and, after three intensive days, received some exciting answers.
In this article that was recently published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, we analyze the DiGA Fast-Track in Germany and the evolving DiGA-ecosystem using a data-driven analysis.
The annual CINet conference will take place in Hamburg from September 15-17.
Engineering to face climate change - What is the role of the healthcare sector? Invitation for all members of TUHH for our event "Sustainable futures - Sustainability at Sana: From Visions to Actions"
As part of the module "Innovation and Product Development - A Business Game", our B.Sc. industrial engineering students will develop ideas and concepts for circular economy office furniture and business models.
In the winter semester 2023/2024, Prof. Moritz Göldner and Amanda Baum from the Data-Driven Innovation working group successfully implemented the new “Digital Health” module for the first time.