Dr.-Ing. Oday Abdullah

TU Hamburg-Harburg
Laser- und Anlagensystemtechnik
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nach Vereinbarung
Journal of Tribology International (Elsevier)
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering (Elsevier)
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Elsevier)
Journal of Friction (Springer)
International Journal of Automotive Technology (Springer)
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (Springer)
Intelligent Industrial Systems (Springer)
Journal of Tribology Transactions (Taylor and Francis)
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineer (Taylor and Francis)
Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SAGE Publications Ltd)
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering (SAGE Publications Ltd)
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications (SAGE Publications Ltd)
SAE International - Technical papers
International Journal of Automotive Composites (Inderscience Publishers)
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, (ASME-2013)
Membership - Societies
Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
Member of Editorial Board
Asian Journal of Applied Sciences (Scopus)
Journal of Applied Sciences (Thomson Reuters)
Asian Journal of Scientific Research (Scopus)
seit 2010 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Arbeitsbereich AmP der TU Hamburg-Harburg
Abdullah Oday I., and Josef Schlattmann, “Thermoelastic Analysis of Grooved Friction Clutches Using Finite Element Method”, Tribology Transactions just-accepted (2016).
Oday I. Abdullah, and Josef Schlattmann, “Thermal Behavior of Friction Clutch Disc Based on Uniform Pressure and Uniform Wear Assumptions”, Friction (Springer), 4(3):1-10, 2016.
Oday I. Abdullah, and Josef Schlattmann, “Temperature Analysis of A Pin-On-Disc Tribology Test Using Experimental and Numerical Approaches”, Friction (Springer), 4(2):1-9, 2016.
Oday I. Abdullah, and Josef Schlattmann, “Computation of Surface Temperatures of Friction Clutch Disc Based on Uniform Pressure and Uniform Wear Assumptions”, In proceedings of 24th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME2016), Yazd, Iran, April 2016.
Abdullah Oday I., Akhtar Mumtaz Jamil, and Schlattmann Josef, “Investigation of Thermo-Elastic Behavior of Multidisk Clutches”, Journal o Tribology (ASME), 137(1):1-9, 2015.
Belhocine, Ali, Abd Rahim Abu Bakar, and Oday Ibraheem Abdullah, “Structural and Contact Analysis of Disc Brake Assembly During Single Stop Braking Event”, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (Springer), 68(3):403-410, 2015.
O.I. Abdullah, J. Schlattmann, and M. Lytkin, “Effect of Surface Roughness on the Thermoelastic Behavior of Friction Clutches”, In proceedings of 14th International Conference on Tribology, pp.417-426, Belgrade, Serbia, May 2015.
Oday I. Abdullah, Josef Schlattman, and Kazım Aslan, “Effect of Material Properties on the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Dry Clutches”, In proceedings of International Conference of Advanced Technologies, Machines and Mechanisms in Engineering and Construction (III Int. Baltic Marine Forum), Kaliningrad, Russia, May 2015.
O.I. Abdullah, M. Lytkin, and J. Schlattmann, “The Effect of the Surface Roughness on the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Friction Clutches”, In Proceedings of 11th Arnold Tross Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany, June 2015.
Oday I. Abdullah, and Josef Schlattmann, “Effect of Restriction Condition on the Contact Pressure Distribution of Multi-Disc Clutches”, In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Tribology (TURKEYTRIB’15), Istanbul, Turkey, October 2015.
Abdullah Oday I., and Josef Schlattmann, “An Investigation into the Thermal Behavior of the Grooved Dry Friction Clutch”, Journal of Tribology (ASME), 136(3):1-6, 2014.
O. I. Abdullah, and J. Schlattmann, “Computation of Surface Temperatures and Energy Dissipation in Dry Friction Clutches for Varying Torque with Time”, International Journal of Automotive Technology (Springer), 15(5):733-740, 2014.
Abdullah Oday Ibraheem, Josef Schlattmann, and Emir Pireci, “Design Optimization of the Rigid Drive Disc of Clutch Using Finite Element Method”, SAE Technical Paper, No. 2014-01-0800, 2014.
Abdullah Oday Ibraheem, and Josef Schlattmann, “An Investigation of Heat Generation Due to Friction Using Finite Element Method”, SAE Technical Paper, No. 2014-01-0954, 2014.
Oday Ibraheem Abdullah, and Josef Schlattmann, “A Three Dimensional Finite Element Approach to Grooved Dry Clutches Analysis”, In proceedings of 19th International Colloquium of Tribology, Stuttgart/Esslingen, Germany, January 2014.
A. Belhocine, N.M. Ghazali, and O.I. Abdullah, “Structural and Contact Analysis of a 3-Dimensional Disc-Pad Model with and without Thermal Effects”, Tribology in Industry, 36(4):406-418, 2014.
Oday Ibraheem Abdullah, and Josef Schlattmann, “Finite Element Analysis Reveals Clutch Vibrations”, Machine Design Magazine, February 2014.
Oday I. Abdullah, Mumtaz Jamil Akhtar, and Josef Schlattmann, “Determination of Temperatures Field for Multi-Disc Clutches”, In Proceedings of 69th STLE Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Florida, USA, May 2014.
Oday I. Abdullah, Josef Schlattmann, and K. Aslan, “Effect of Material Response on the Thermoelastic Behavior of Dry-Clutches”, In Proceedings of 10th Arnold Tross Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany, June 2014.
O. I. Abdullah, and J. Schlattmann, “A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Approach to Grooved Dry Clutches Analysis”, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 20(2):184-198, 2014.
M. M. J. Akhtar, O. I. Abdullah, and J. Schlattmann, “Transient Thermoelastic Analysis of Single-Disc Clutches”, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 20(2):199-216, 2014.
O.I. Abdullah, J. Schlattmann, and A.M. Al-Shabibi, “Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of the Dry Clutches Under Different Boundary Conditions”, Journal of Tribology in Industry, 36(2):172-180, 2014.
Mumtaz Jamil Akhtar, Oday I. Abdullah, and Josef Schlattmann, “An Investigation of the Effect of Sliding Velocity on the Thermoelastic Behavior of Multi-Disc Clutches”, In Proceedings of International Tribology Conference (GFT), Göttingen, Germany, September 2014.
Oday I. Abdullah, and Josef Schlattmann, “Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Temperature Field for Pin-on-Disc Test”, In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Tribology (BALKANTRB’14), Sinaia, Romania, November 2014.
Oday I. Abdullah, Josef Schlattmann, and Hang Ruan, “The Effect of Groove on the Thermoelastic Behaviour for the Dry Clutches”, In proceedings of International Symposium on Tribology (ÖTG), Leoben, Austria, November 2014.
O. I. Abdullah, J. Schlattmann, A. M. Al-Shabibi, and M. J. Akhtar, “Investigation of Thermoelastic Behaviour of the Dry Clutches Under Different Boundary Conditions”, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 20(3):395-408, 2014.
Oday Ibraheem Abdullah, “Design Optimization if the Rigid Drive Disc of Clutch”, Technical paper, GRIN Verlag, ISBN 978-3-656-76933-0, 2014.
Belhocine Ali, Mostefa Bouchetara, Nouby Mahdi Ghazali, and Oday Ibraheem Abdullah, “Structural and Contact Analysis of a 3-Dimensional Disc-Pad Model with and without Thermal Effects”, Turkish Journal of Engineering Sciences and Technology, 2(4):188-202, 2014.
Belhocine, A., and Abdullah, O. I., “Finite Element Analysis of Automotive Disc Brake and Pad in Frictional Model Contact”, International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, 7(4):27-42, 2014.
Ali Belhocine, Nouby Mahdi Ghazali, and Oday Ibraheem Abdullah, “Dry Contact and Coupled Thermomechanical Analyses of Brake Disc-Pad Using Finite Element Simulation”, International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, 6(3):64-70, 2014.
Abdullah, Oday I., J. Schlattmann, and A. M. Al-Shabibi. "Stresses and deformations analysis of a dry friction clutch system." Tribology in Industry 35.2 (2013): 155-162.
Oday I. Abdullah and Josef Schlattmann, “Contact Analysis of a Dry Friction Clutch System,” ISRN Mechanical Engineering, vol. 2013, Article ID 495918, 9 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/495918.
Oday I. Abdullah, Josef Schlattmann and Abdullah M. Al-Shabibi, "Transient Thermoelastic Analysis of Multi-disc Clutches," in Proceedings of 9th Arnold Tross Colloquium, Hamburg, June 2013.
Oday I. Abdullah, Josef Schlattmannm, Emir Pireci, "Optimization Of Design Parameters For The Rigid Drive Disc Of Clutch Using Finite Element Method", LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013.
Oday I. Abdullah, Josef Schlattmann, Mumtaz Jamil Akhtar, "Effect Of The Thickness of The Frictional Lining on the Thermoelastic Behaviour in the Dry Clutches", Tribological Journal Bultrib,Vol. IV, 2013.
Oday I. Abdullah," Investigation of Blades Failure for an Axial Fan Stresses and Vibration Analysis", LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing,2013.
Oday I. Abdullah, Josef Schlattmann, Mumtaz Jamil Akhtar, “Transient Thermoelastic Analysis of Dry Clutches” Proceedings, ÖTG Symposium, Graz, 2013.
Abdullah, Oday I., Josef Schlattmann, and Emir Pireci. "Optimization of Shape and Design Parameters of the Rigid Clutch Disc Using FEM." FME Transactions 41.4 (2013): 317-324.
Muhammad Mumtaz Jamil Akhtar, Oday I. Abdullah, Josef Schlattmann, “Transient Thermoelastic Analysis of Dry Clutch System”, J. Machine Design, Vol.5, No.4, 2013.
Oday Ibraheem Abdullah, Josef Schlattmann, Mumtaz Jamil Akhtar, “Transient Thermoelastic Analysis of Friction Clutch Using Finite Element Method”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013, ISBN 978-3-659-50259-0, (120 pages).
Oday Ibraheem Abdullah, Lars Benedde, Josef Schlattmann, Reinhold Grube, ’’Verschleiß- und Oberflächentemperaturuntersuchungen von Reibmaterialien für trockene Kupplungen”, AV Akademikerverlag, ISBN 2013, 978-3-639-49560-7, (104 pages).
Abdullah, Oday Ibraheem, and Josef Schlattmann. "The Effect of Disc Radius on Heat Flux and Temperature Distribution in Friction Clutches" Advanced Materials Research 505 (2012): 154-164.
Abdullah Oday and Josef Schlattmann. "Stress Analysis of Axial Flow Fan" Adv. Theor. Appl. Mech 5.6 (2012): 263-275.
Abdullah, Oday Ibraheem and Josef Schlattmann,. "Finite Element Analysis for Grooved Dry Friction Clutch" Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Applications 2.1 (2012): 121-133.
Abdullah, Oday I., and Josef Schlattmann, "Effect of Band Contact on the Temperature Distribution for Dry Friction Clutch" Proceeding of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, Berlin, 2012.
Abdullah, Oday I., and Josef Schlattmann. "The Correction Factor for Rate of Energy Generated in the Friction Clutches under Uniform Pressure Condition." J. Adv. Theor. Appl. Mech 5.6 (2012): 277-290.
Abdullah, Oday Ibraheem, and Josef Schlattmann. "Vibration Analysis of the Friction clutch Disc Using Finite Element Method." Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Applications 1.4 (2012): 86-91.
Abdullah, Oday I., and Josef Schlattmann. "Finite element analysis of temperature field in automotive dry friction clutch." Tribology in Industry 34.4 (2012): 206-216.
Oday I. Abdullah, “A Finite Element Analysis for the Damaged Rotating Composite Blade”, Al- Khawarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.7, Issue: 1, pp. 56-75, 2011.
Oday I. Abdullah, “Vibration Analysis of Rotating Pre-Twisted Cantilever Plate by using the Finite Element Method”, Journal of Engineering, Vol. 15, Issue: 1, pp. 3492-3505, 2009.
Oday I. Abdullah, Ehsan Sabah M. Z. Ameen and Wassan Safaa Abd Al-Sahb, “A Finite Element Analysis of Damaged Composite Sheet”, J. Engineering and Development, Vol.12, Issue: 4, pp. 1-19, 2008.
Adnan N. Jamel and Oday. I. Abdullah, “Analytical and Numerical Stress Analysis of Thick Cylinder Subjected To Internal Pressure”, Journal of Engineering, Vol. 13, Issue: 2, pp. 1399-1416, 2007
Oday I. Abdullah and Ehsan S. Al-Ameen , “Vibration of Non-rotating Blades Experimental and Numerical Investigation”, J. Engineering and Development, Vol. 11, Issue: 2, pp. 113-124, 2007.
Oday I. Abdullah, “Dynamic Analysis of Rotating Cantilever Plates”, Al-Khawarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 2, Issue: 2, pp. 46-60, 2006.
Hussain A.Dawood and Oday. I. Abdullah , “Free Vibration Analysis for Dynamic Stiffness Degradation of Cracked Cantilever Plate”, Al-Khawarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 1, Issue: 2, pp. 86-102, 2005.