Who can commission the central laboratory?

Anyone (TUHH researchers, researchers from other institutions, start-ups, companies and private individuals).

As we are a central service facility of the TUHH, internal samples are processed with priority.

Does the central laboratory develop new methods that suit my problem?

Yes, please contact us at an early stage.

Which analysis fits my question?

The type of analysis depends on the matrix, the analyte and the aggregation state of the sample.

You can find our established measurement methods and equipment in the method and equipment overviews.

We are happy to advise you on new sample requests.

What does my analysis cost?

The price depends on the complexity of the sample preparation and the subsequent analysis. The more samples ordered, the lower the price per sample. We can provide you with a cost estimate on request. Please feel free to contact us.

Are my samples billed internally or externally?

If a TUHH cost center or PSP element exists and the samples are not to be analyzed for external third parties, internal billing is possible, i.e. only material costs are charged. Institutes that carry out contract research via Tutech have an internal PSP element via which the funds from the activities at Tutech flow back to the TUHH. Mr. Künemund from Financial Controlling will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

External measurement orders can also be carried out via the central laboratory, but we charge for this service in accordance with the "Hamburger Umweltgebührenordnung" plus taxes. For this, we require an order (client, billing address, analysis and number of samples) and prepare a cost estimate in advance.

What documents do I need to submit with my samples?

For internal TUHH orders, we require a sample list, the clearance declaration (Unbedenklichkeitserklärung) and the material request form (Matrialanforderungsschein). When filling out the material request form, the fields Auftraggeber = client, Kostenstelle = cost center, Auftragsinhalt = order content (number of samples and analysis) and the signature of an authorized person are important. A template for the sample list can be found in the download area.

For the processing of external sample analyses, we also require the completed clearance declaration and a sample list in addition to the order.

How can I hand over my samples?

You can hand over your samples directly to us during laboratory opening hours (Mon-Thu, 9 am - 4 pm, Fri 9 am - 2 pm). Access to the central laboratory is transponder-secured. Please call us in advance or ask in the porter's lodge on the ground floor to give us a call.

The samples can also be sent to us by post (address). The applicable hazardous substance and transportation conditions must be observed!

Who do I contact if I have questions about my order?

Please contact the person of the central lab team with whom you discussed the order or the function mailbox zentrallabor@tuhh.de.

When will I receive my analysis results?

The processing time of an order depends on the complexity of the task and the number of samples. We need time to obtain and pass on quality-assured results. Please specify extremly urgent cases when clarifying your order with us.

How do I get my results?

Results are usually sent to you in report form by e-mail and post.

The report contains, among other things, the internal order number (usually the year and consecutive number, e.g. 24-001), the order content (e.g. 10 samples total iron content), the methods (M 02.015) for citing scientific work, the results (usually in tabular form) and the person responsible for the order.

How do I cite the methods of the central laboratory correctly?

If the results produced by us are published, the method used is available on our homepage with the corresponding citation proposal. The citation proposal originates from a cooperation with the TUHH library and meets the requirements of good scientific practice.

What happens to my samples after the analysis?

The samples will be stored for a maximum of 8 weeks after the report has been sent and then disposed. You can indicate in the clearance declaration or the sample list whether you wish to collect your samples (including containers) after processing.

Does the central laboratory offer measuring device support for institutes?

If it concerns measuring devices that are also used in the central laboratory, we are happy to pass on our expertise. Please send your request, stating the problem, information about the device and the software used, to our function mailbox zentrallabor@tuhh.de.