Presentation Project Thesis
On December 22nd at 3 p.m., Abdul Hanan Bhatti will present the results of his Project Work with the title: "Optimization of Polyphenols Extraction from Agro-food industrial By-products, Olive Pomace, Dates Seeds and Coffee Silverskins". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Master Thesis
On 9th of November at 3:30 p.m., Parnpailin Jeansathawong will present the results of her Master Thesis with the title: "Optimization of Hybrid Biopolymer Aerogels for Flame Retardant Applications". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Efficient bioeconomy: Full utilization of biorefinery by-products, a profitable path to a sustainable circular economy
The "Elbe-NH Konsortium", together with CBBS, invites to the presentation of the results for the afternoon of November 26. A focus is on the application orientation of the process. Attendance is limited to 100 participants and there is no participation fee. Please register at the CBBS website:
More information about the workshop can be found here and a program overview can be found here.
Tamara Athamneh joins Institute of Nanotechnology

We are glad to announce that our former graduate Dr. Tamara Athamneh recently joined the Institute of Nanotechnology at the Jordan University of Science and Technology as Assistant Professor. The Institute of Nanotechnology is a newly established institute and the first institute in Jordan in the field of technical and descriptive research. It constitutes an important breakthrough on the path of development and activation of scientific research in the middle east and Jordan.
Aerogel Cluster Meeting on October 21st

On October 21st, the next meeting of the Aerogel Cluster "Contribution of Aerogels towards improving energy efficiency in the industry" will take place at the Hamburg University of Technology. The current developments in the corona pandemic allow us to meet in person again after nearly two years of digital meetings.
In the Aerogel Cluster many research project, that are financed by the "Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)", joined forces. Together they want to promote the wide application of aerogels in the industry.
We are looking forward to welcome you to the Aerogel Cluster meeting at the TUHH on October 21st!
Book: The Chemistry and Physics of Aerogels

We proudly inform that our co-worker Jun.-Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov in co-authorship with Prof. Lorenz Ratke (DLR) has written a book entitled "Chemistry and Physics of Aerogels: Synthesis, Processing, and Properties". The book presents the basics of aerogel synthesis and gelation to open porous nanostructures, and the processing of wet gels like ambient and supercritical drying leading to aerogels. The book describes essential properties of aerogels, measurement techniques and theoretical models used to analyse relations to aerogel's nanostructure. Linking the fundamentals and with practical applications, we hope it will be a useful toolkit for advanced undergraduates, and graduate students doing research in material and polymer science, physical chemistry, and chemical and environmental engineering.
Presentation Bachlor Thesis
On 30th of September at 10 a.m., Aaron Pfleger will present the results of his Bachelor Thesis with the title: "Charakterisierung von Wechselwirkungen zwischen Biopolymer-Aerogelen und aromatischen Verbindungen mittels überkritischer Fluidchromatographie". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Project Thesis
On 6th of September at 2 p.m., Chioma Scholastica Okonkwo will present the results of her Project Thesis with the title: "Green extraction of proteins from agro-food industrial by-products: dates seeds, olive Pomace and coffee silverskins". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Aerogele-Cluster: Scientific exchange - One soccer field is hidden in on gram of aerogel

Aerogels can be applied for thermal insulation in cases where common insulation materials fail. Irina Smirnova coordinates the Aerogel-Cluster that is funded by the "Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)". In this interview she explains, why scientific exchange is immensely important, why aerogels possess an extremely large inner surface area and where they can be energy-efficiently used in the industry.
The full interview with Irina Smirnova can be found here.
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 30th of August at 10:30 a.m., Maria Staneva will present the results of her Bachelor Thesis with the title: "Imaging of tracer particles using X-Ray Microtomography to study the uniformity of gel shrinkage during solvent exchange". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 26th of August at 10 a.m., Nico Briewig will present the results of his Bachelor Thesis with the title: "Untersuchung von nachhaltigen Lösungsmittelalternativen für die Biokatalyse durch Alkoholdehydrogenase - eine molekulardynamische Studie". The presentation will be held via zoom.
TVT applies new process to commercial partner

Mushlabs develops Mycelium-based processes and products for sustainable and healthy food products. In the joint project “MyScale” funded by BMWi, the TUHH-TVT tailors their process for this new application and scales it to production relevant equipment. Photo © Eva Härberle
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 18th of June at 9:30 a.m., Jan Neumann will present the results of his Bachelor Thesis with the title: "Untersuchung der Quell- und Schrumpfkinetik responsiver Hydrogele am Beispiel von Poly(N-isopropylacrylamid)". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Project Thesis
On 17th of June at 9:00 a.m., Oscar Uribe will present the results of his project thesis with the title: "Influence of the volumetric transition of 3D printed PNIPPAm structures on the mass transfer performance in an L-L Extraction System". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Project Thesis
On 1st of June at 15:00, Jonathan Garlipp will present the results of his project thesis with the title: "Implementation and extension of the COSMO-vac model for the calculation of supercritical solubilities". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Master Thesis
On 7th of June at 15:00, Maria Tibaquira Martinez will present the results of her master's thesis with the title: "Comparative investigation of the impact of heterologously expressed hydrophobin on the characteristics of hybrid protein-pectin aerogels". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 27th of May at 10:00, Tobias Klatt will present the results of his bachelor's thesis with the title: "Beitrag zur (Hochdruck-)Anwendung einer Polymermembran". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Editor's Choice of Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
The paper "Process design of a continuous biotransformation with in situ product removal by cloud point extraction" submitted by Oliver Fellechner and Prof. Irina Smirnova to the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering has been selected as "Editor's Choice" in the current issue of the journal. Congratulations!
Presentation Master Thesis
On 16th of April at 10:00, Kathrin Eckert will present the results of her master's thesis with the title: "Thermodynamische Modellierung des Quellverhaltens von stimuli-responsiven Gelen in Mehrkomponentensystemen mit PC-SAFT". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Master Thesis
On 27th April at 11:00, William Borden will present the results of his master's thesis with the title: "UV-VIS Spectroscopic Investigations on the Release Kinetics of Small Molecules from Mesoporous Structures". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 5th May at 14:00, Benjamin Brenke will present the results of his bachelor's thesis with the title: "Bewertung eines zweistufigen Dampf-Autohydrolyse Aufschlusses mit Weizenstroh in einer Bioraffinerie-Kaskade im Pilot-Maßstab". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 29th March at 9:00, Ryan Rautenbach will present the results of his bachelor thesis with the title: "Untersuchungen der Prozessparameter hinsichtlich der makroskopischen Eigenschaften von Alginatpartikeln im JetCutting-Prozess". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Master Thesis
On 26th March at 11:00, Cecilia Castedo Hernández will present the results of her master thesis with the title: "A water-free route to porous materials via cryoextraction and supercritical drying". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 19th March at 9:30, Timo Lehmann will present the results of his bachelor's thesis with the title: "In-situ-Messung der CO2-Einlösung in Biopolymerlösungen zur Charakterisierung der CO2-induzierten Gelierung". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 29th March at 10:00, Ryan Rautenbach will present the results of his bachelor's thesis with the title: "Untersuchungen der Prozessparameter hinsichtlich der makroskopischen Eigenschaften von Alginatpartikeln im JetCutting-Prozess". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Project Thesis
On 18th March at 13:30, Aditya Kumar will present the results of his project thesis with the title: "Autohydrolysis of Wheat Straw at low pH - Investigation of Reaction Kinetics". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 25th February at 11:30, Kamal Ouro Koura will present the results of his bachelor's thesis with the title: "Kaltalkalische Synthese proteinbasierter Aerogele: Untersuchungen von Einflüssen im Sol-Gel-Prozess". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Master Thesis
On 12th February at 9:00, Alina Bornkeßel will present the results of her master's thesis with the title: "Wechelwirkungen von kleinen und großen biologischen Molekülen mit funktionalisierten Biopolymer-Aerogelen untersucht durch überkritische Fluidchromatographie". The presentation will be held via zoom.
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 8th February at 15:00, Madlen Rogel will present the results of her bachelor's thesis with the title: "Beitrag zur Vollverwertung von Tabakresten mit Hochdruckverfahren". The presentation will be held in German and it will take place over zoom.
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 5th February at 14:30, Daniel Wenser will present the results of his bachelor's thesis with the title: "Extension of the COSMO-RS-ES Model for temperature depedency in aqueous electrolytes based on data from the Joint Expert Speciation System". The presentation will be held in German and it will take place over zoom.
Das LignoPure-Team sichert sich € 2,2 Mio. für seine Seed-Finanzierungsrunde durch die High-Tech Gründerfonds GmbH, den Innovationsstarter Fonds Hamburg und die Schweizer Holding Tanovis AG

Das LignoPure-Team entwickelt einzigartige Technologie zum Ersatz von Kunststoffen durch die Nutzung von Reststoffen der Zellstoff- und Bioethanol-Industrie. Das Team schließt mit HTGF, IFH und Tanovis AG erfolgreich seine Seed-Finanzierungsrunde ab. Kernziel ist die Beschleunigung des Markteintritts und die Skalierung der eigenen Technologie für die Umwandlung von Lignin (einem Nebenprodukt der Zellstoffindustrie und Bioraffinerien) in maßgeschneiderte Partikel für Life-Science-Anwendungen. Lignin ist nach Cellulose das weltweit zweithäufigste natürliche Polymer, wird jedoch bisher kaum materiell genutzt und größtenteils zur Energieerzeugung verbrannt.
Mit Hilfe der Investition wird das Startup seine Technologie für die Herstellung von 100% natürlichen, ultrafeinen, hochwertigen LignoBase® Ligninpartikeln implementieren. LignoBase wird hauptsächlich als funktioneller Bestandteil für Kosmetika angeboten werden und soll schädliche Materialien auf fossiler Basis ersetzen. Erstmals wird LignoPure dadurch in der Lage sein, hochwertiges Lignin für Kosmetika im Tonnenmaßstab zu liefern.
LignoPure positioniert sich dabei durch seinen neuen Blickwinkel auf ligninbasierte Produkte und Anwendungen als Game Changer. Das Startup bietet maßgeschneiderte Ligninpulver entsprechend der gewünschten Anwendung und bringt die natürlichen Eigenschaften und Funktionalitäten des Lignin gezielt in die Endprodukte des Kunden ein.
Für LignoPure ist es zudem essentiell, über eine reine Lieferung von Ligninpulvern hinaus seine Kunden effektiv bei der Einführung eigener innovativer, nachhaltiger und ligninbasierter Produkte zu unterstützen – durch maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und Entwicklungsdienstleistungen in den Bereichen Life Sciences und neue Materialien.
Mehr Informationen zur Finanzierung von LignoPure können hier gefunden werden.
“Diese erste Finanzierungsrunde ist ein Eckpfeiler für das Erreichen unserer nächsten Meilensteine und hilft uns enorm, unseren Markteintritt zu beschleunigen und uns als Pioniere bei der Verwendung von Lignin in Produkten unseres täglichen Gebrauchs zu positionieren. Dieser wichtige Schritt ist das Ergebnis harter Arbeit sowie des großartigen Engagements unseres Teams. Und es bringt uns unserem Traum von einer grüneren Wirtschaft ein Stück näher.”
- Joana Gil, Gründerin und CEO LignoPure GmbH
“Mit dieser großartigen Allianz haben wir nicht nur die Möglichkeit, die von uns ersehnte Produktionsanlage zu implementieren, sondern auch unseren Kundenstamm und unser Netzwerk strategisch zu erweitern sowie ein zuverlässiges Zulieferer-Netzwerk aufzubauen. Wir sehen großes Potenzial in den technologischen und kommerziellen Synergien, die uns diese Investition bietet”
- Wienke Reynolds, Gründerin und CTO LignoPure GmbH
Presentation Master Thesis
On 21th January at 9:30, Momme Adami will present the results of his master's thesis with the title: "Analysis and evaluation of solvent fractionation of edible oils and fats". The presentation will take place over zoom.
Lectures on phase equilibria in supercritical systems by Prof. Pavel Gurikov

On December 7 and 8 Prof. Pavel Gurikov held a series lectures on phase equilibria in supercritical systems for Russian Master and PhD students. The lectures were organized by the Physical Chemistry Department of Lomonosov State University. More information can be found here:
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 14th December at 11:00, Jonas Schnurr will present the results of his bachelor's thesis with the title: "Die Untersuchung der Einflussfaktoren auf die enzymatische Hydroylse von lignocellulosehaltiger Biomasse". The presentation will be held in German and it will take place over zoom.
New UKE/TUHH Project is Granted for 2021/2022

We are happy to announce that a new project between University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE) and TUHH is granted. The project is entitled Hydrogels and aerogels with tunable stiffness for endothelial cell culture and will be carried out by the research groups of Dr. Maike Frye (UKE) and Prof. Pavel Gurikov (TUHH). The overall aim of this project is to develop a new class of biopolymer-based hydrogel matrices with controllable stiffness and thereby to closely mimic biological conditions for the growth of endothelial cells. Photo: © Dr. Maike Frye (UKE)
Practical course "Thermische Grundoperationen"
Dear students, Despite the difficult teaching conditions and many online lectures/exercises in the previous and current semester due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, we were able to arrange the practical course "Thermische Grundoperationen" to be held in person, taking into account all necessary hygiene requirements. For most students, this is not only a pleasant change in the currently dreary everyday life of their studies, but also an opportunity to form learning groups and to share experiences. Our department wishes all interns a healthy start into the upcoming internships and is looking forward to a successful teamwork.
New I3-Junior-Project

M. Sc. Isabella Jung and Dr. Baldur Schroeter successfully applied with their project idea entitled “Strategy development for coating of open-porous materials with low density using ionized plasma” for the funding of a TUHH-intern I3-Junior project. The funding will be used in order to combine expertises in the fields of plasma-technology and aerogels to establish plasma-coating as versatile post-modification step for aerogels substrates. The activation and modification of various substrates like biomass and polymers-derived materials will be evaluated, to open up new fields of research at the interface of different scientific disciplines at TUHH.
Hochzeit von Frau Dr. Mouna Kehili - Herzlichen Glückwunsch

Auf Grund der Corona-Pandemie reiste die Postdoc-Stipendiatin der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Frau Dr. Mouna Kehili, diesen Sommer nicht nach Tunesien und konnte ihre Hochzeit nicht mit der ganzen Familie feiern. Aber glücklicherweise konnte ihr Mann, Ahmed Friji, nach Hamburg kommen und zusammen mit den Arbeitskollegen des TVT-Instituts ein sehr schönes kleines Fest feiern. Das Brautpaar bedankt sich bei Prof. Smirnova und die TVT-Gruppe für ihre Freundlichkeit, wertvollen Geschenke und Glückwünsche. Vielen Dank auch an die Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung für die sehr freundliche Unterstützung in diesen schwierigen Zeiten.
Wechsel im Präsidium an der TU Hamburg: Professorin Irina Smirnova ist neue Vizepräsidentin Forschung

Am 26. August wurde Prof. Dr.-Ing. Irina Smirnova vom Akademischen Senat auf Vorschlag des amtierenden TU-Präsidenten Ed Brinksma offiziell für das Amt der Vizepräsidentin für Forschung der Technischen Universität Hamburg gewählt. Sie ist damit die erste Frau in der TU-Geschichte in diesem Amt und gemeinsam mit der Vizepräsidentin Lehre, Kerstin Kuchta, die zweite Frau an der Spitze der TU-Leitung. Die Amtszeit der Leiterin des Instituts für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik beginnt am 1. September und beträgt drei Jahre. Sie folgt auf Professor Andreas Timm-Giel, der das Amt knapp sechs Jahre innehatte.
TU-Präsident Ed Brinksma: “Ich freue mich sehr, dass Irina Smirnova die Wahl annimmt. Sie wird zusätzliche innovative Akzente in der Forschung setzen und das Wachstum der TU Hamburg weiter vorantreiben. Ich danke an dieser Stelle auch dem scheidenden Vizepräsidenten Andreas Timm-Giel für sein großes Engagement, das er an der TU weiterhin fortführen wird.“ Andreas Timm-Giel ist künftig geschäftsführender Präsident an der TU Hamburg, bis die Findungskommission die Nachfolge für den scheidenden Präsidenten Ed Brinksma bestimmt hat.
Irina Smirnova trägt nun die strategische Verantwortung im Präsidium für den Bereich Forschung und freut sich auf ihre kommende Amtszeit: „Mein Ziel ist es an der TU Hamburg eine Atmosphäre zu stärken, in der erfolgreiche Innovationen und Forschungsideen als Antwort auf die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit entstehen. Dafür braucht es eine kreative Arbeitsumgebung und genügend Raum für Forschung in den einzelnen Instituten und Arbeitsgruppen“, sagt Irina Smirnova. „Die exzellente, interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit auf dem Campus sowie mit regionalen und internationalen Forschungseinrichtungen und Industriepartnern, insbesondere auf der EU Ebene, soll gezielt unterstützt werden. Die Graduiertenakademie soll weiterhin die überfachliche Qualifizierung unserer Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden fördern“.
Seit 2008 ist Irina Smirnova Professorin und Leiterin des Instituts für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik an der TU Hamburg. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen Aerogele, Hochdrucktechnik, Bioraffinerie, innovative Trenntechnologien sowie der Entwicklung molekularer thermodynamischer Methoden. Zuvor war die Ingenieurin Gastwissenschaftlerin an der Sogang Universität in Südkorea und arbeitete bis 2008 als Gruppenleiterin und Habilitandin am Institut für Thermodynamik und Thermische Verfahrenstechnik der Technischen Universität Berlin und am Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Smirnova studierte Physikalische Chemie an der Staatlichen Universität St. Petersburg und promovierte 2002 an der Technischen Universität Berlin zur Synthese und Anwendung von Aerogelen in der Verfahrenstechnik. Ihre Habilitation erfolgte im 2008 an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. In ihrer wissenschaftlichen Laufbahn wurde sie auch mit dem Hochschullehrer-Nachwuchspreis der DECHEMA und mit dem Hamburger Lehrpreis ausgezeichnet.
Dr. Simon Müller

Our TVT family has grown with a new doctor! On August 7th 2020, Simon Müller has successfully defended his doctoral thesis "Application and Refinement of COSMO-RS-ES for calculating phase equilibria of electrolyte systems at high concentrations in mixed and non-aqueous solvents" online via Zoom.
Congratulations, Dr. Müller!
Dr. Tamara Athamneh

Our TVT family has grown with a new doctor! On July 24th 2020, Tamara Athamneh has successfully defended her doctoral thesis "Preparation and evaluation of nanoporous aerogel particles based on biopolymers for pharmaceutical applications".
Congratulations, Dr. Athamneh!
Information for Aerogel Conference 2020
Due to the current situation, we have to postpone our 5th INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON AEROGELS as well as the Summer School in Cologne to September 2021.
However, we will organize an "Online Aerogel Seminar 2020" at our original seminar dates 16.-18. SEPTEMBER 2020 with selected oral presentations per ZOOM or similar program, online poster session accompanied by 1-2 min. videos for each poster, and webinars for specific topics. We plan also the poster Prizes as usual. Also, companies are welcome to submit their video materials about new aerogel products and we can organize an industrial session out of it.
We think this way would still give us a possibility to keep in contact with the colleagues until physical meeting gets possible. We hope many of you would join us at this event! Let's be creative together in this difficult time.
We are still collecting the ideas for the online event, so please feel free to write to us at aerogelconference(at)tuhh(dot)de if you have any creative suggestions!
In view of this situation we substitute the original call for abstracts by call for abstracts for this "Online Aerogel Seminar 2020" (16.-18. SEPTEMBER 2020), but prolong now the deadline till 15. June 2020.
All already submitted abstracts for the physical seminar will be also considered for the online event unless you write to us not to do so.
The conference fee will be drastically reduced and communicated at the website soon!
The seminar will be held completely online via the apps Whova and Zoom.
* Whova:
Whova web app link:
Whova phone app download:
* Zoom:
Download link:
Useful tutorials:
- Joining a meeting:
* Since Zoom is integrated into Whova, it would be the best to join the meeting directly from the Agenda in Whova App.
The oral presentations will be live streamed, and (if the authors agree) recorded and made available for an additional 24 hours for those who missed them because of time zone differences.
Posters presentations will also be conducted via Zoom. Each poster will have its own online Zoom session during the allotted poster session with the possibility for breakout sessions with those who have questions. We ask poster authors for make 90 second video abstracts summarizing the most interesting facts of their posters. These videos will be posted on the Whova poster session app.
There will also be a series of online “coffee breaks” (likely topic specific) where we can meet and chat informally!
Conceptual Engineering Academy of the BASF
The Conceptual Engineering Academy of the BASF will take place on the 29th and 30th October. Due to the corona pandemic the workshop will be held online this year. Within this workshop you will have the opportunity to solve an industrial relevant problem from the everyday life of a process engineer.
If you are a master student and interested in conceptual process design, you can register for the course by writing an email to jan.bittner(at)tuhh(dot)de by September 18, 2020.
Study of process engineering and bio process engineering at the TUHH
In July the registration period for the bachelor programmes at the Hamburg University of Technology will start. Studying process engineering or bio process engineering can enable your generation to produce resource- and climate-friendly products.
For more information about teaching and research of the Dean of Studies process engineering at the TUHH, click on the following link!
Dr. Ilka Selmer

Our TVT family has grown with a new doctor! On June 12th 2020, Ilka Selmer has successfully defended her doctoral thesis "Prozessoptimierung der überkritischen Trocknung von Proteinaerogelen und deren Anwendung im Lebensmittelbereich" online via Zoom, which was our first online PhD defense.
Congratulations, Dr. Selmer!
Online-Event "Keep calm and let's get sustainable" 30. April 2020
Our colleague and co-founder of LignoPure, Joana Gil, will give a speech on Thursday 30. April at 10:00 at the Online-Event "Keep calm and let's get sustainable" together with Prof. Kerstin Kuchta and Dr. Lothar Behlau. They will discuss interesting sustainability topics in the subsequent eleven interactive BarCamp sessions. You would be also able to meet companies, organizations, AGs and to introduce your own projects!
So far, more than 100 participants have registered to the event, would you also like to attend? Click on the following link!
V8 is also connected during COVID-19!
During these difficult times, we would like to let you know that we are slowly trying to get back to normal in our institute. We keep our meetings as usual, although in a different way since we always think that... health and safety first!
Please let us know if you have questions regarding your studies, we are willing to help!
Greetings and all the best from V8!

Online Aerogel Seminar 2020
Due to the current situation, we have to postpone our 5th INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON AEROGELS as well as the Summer School in Cologne to September 2021.
However, we will organize an "Online Aerogel Seminar 2020" at our original seminar dates 16.-18. SEPTEMBER 2020 with selected oral presentations per ZOOM or similar program, online poster session accompanied by 1-2 min. videos for each poster, and webinars for specific topics. We plan also the poster Prizes as usual. Also, companies are welcome to submit their video materials about new aerogel products and we can organize an industrial session out of it.
We think this way would still give us a possibility to keep in contact with the colleagues until physical meeting gets possible. We hope many of you would join us at this event! Let's be creative together in this difficult time.
We are still collecting the ideas for the online event, so please feel free to write to us at aerogelconference(at)tuhh(dot)de if you have any creative suggestions!
In view of this situation we substitute the original call for abstracts by call for abstracts for this "Online Aerogel Seminar 2020" (16.-18. SEPTEMBER 2020), but prolong now the deadline till 15. June 2020.
All already submitted abstracts for the physical seminar will be also considered for the online event unless you write to us not to do so.
The conference fee will be drastically reduced and communicated at the website soon!
Aerogels at Galileo!
Last January, Galileo came to visit our Institute to know how food grade aerogels are produced. Here is the very interesting video they produced, have a look at it!
Guest - Dr. Mouna Kehili

Is it possible to reuse waste? Our guest Dr. Mouna Kehili wants to fully utilize industrial agricultural and food waste and extract bio-based substances from it that are used in the cosmetics, food and pharmaceutical industries. She received an Alexander von Humboldt scholarship to join our research group for one year. We are pleased to have her in our team!
Click on the following link if you are interested in knowing more about her work!
Best communication prize - Tamara Athamneh
Tamara Athamneh has won the first prize for the Best Oral Presentation in Early Career Inverstigator Forum in International Conference on Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Application. The conference was held at Santiago de Compostela, Spain, on 18-20th February, 2020. Her oral presentation was entitled:"Preparation and Characterization of Alginate- Hyaluronic Acid Nanoporous Microspheres as Potential Carrier for Pulmonary Drug Delivery Using Supercritical Fluid Technology". Congratulations!
Poster prize - Isabella Jung
Isabella Jung has won the the Best Poster Award in the "Jahrestreffens der ProcessNet - Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik und Membrantechnik 2020" for her poster entitled "Adsorption von organischen Komponenten aus Fluidgemischen auf funktionalisierten mesoporösen Materialen: Experiment und Simulation". Click on the following link to have a look at the poster. Congratulations!

Dr. Linda Ehlermann

Our TVT family has grown with a new doctor! On February 14th 2020, Linda Ehlermann has successfully defended her doctoral thesis "Aeration of solidifying lipid matrices".
Congratulations, Dr. Ehlermann!
Lecture of Dr. Satoru Takeshita
We would like to invite you all to the lecture of our guest Dr. Satoru Takeshita entitled:
Development of transparent chitosan aerogel and some interesting findings on supercritical drying
Dr. Takeshita works at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan. He is expert in chitosan aerogels and photoluminescent materials.
The lecture will take place on Thursday, 13.02. at 09:30 in the meeting room O2.083.
Dr. Denitsa Yordanova

Our TVT family has grown with a new doctor! On January 17th 2020, Denitsa Yordanova has successfully defended her doctoral thesis "Molecular modeling of solute partitioning in micellar systems".
Congratulations, Dr. Yordanova!
LignoPure won the Start Green Award
Our LignoPure, spinoff of the Institute of Thermal Separation Processes led by Professor Irina Smirnova won the 1st place of the Start Green Award 2019 in the category "Founding concept". The Start Green Award supports founders of the Green Economy and provide a platform for innovative start-ups in the field of climate protection and sustainability. LignoPure, was in the finals together with other two startups: IRES from Hamburg and Artificial Ecosystems from Kaiserslautern. The LignoPure founder Joana Gil (PhD student at or Institute) presented the company in Berlin to the jury members of the award at the The Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety. We congratulate all the participants.
Have a look at the following link if you would like to know more information about it!

Dr. Ralena Racheva

Our TVT family has grown with a new doctor! On November 22th 2019, Ralena Racheva has successfully defended her doctoral thesis "Development of a surfactant-based in situ extraction from authentic feedstocks".
Congratulations, Dr. Racheva!
Success at the Global Blockchain Challenge in Malaga
A team conformed by Joana Gil (TVT-TUHH-LignoPure), Claudia Condulet (ABInBev) and Rahul Bobba (NEC) won the first place in the category “innovation” at the Global Blockchain Challenge in Malaga. The innovation was a lignin-based sunblocker that doesn’t harm marine life and is planned to distribute an amount of the profit for NGOs around the world that are dedicated to plant corals or marine grasses. This innovation aligns to UN Sustainable Development goal #14: Life Under Water."
The lignin to be utilized in these type of products can be produced in the Biorefinery Group of our Institute of Thermal Separation Processes.
First Sino-German Workshop on Aerogel Development
The first Sino-German Workshop on Aerogel Development took place on 28-31.10.2019 in Shanghai.
12 German and 25 Chinese scientists met to discuss the most promising research topics and measures to intensify the Sino-German cooperation in the field of Aerogels. Fruitful discussions and intensive experience exchange made this event very successful. We believe that this workshop has contributed to the future-oriented Sino-German research and friendship!

Erasmus - Studying abroad
Are you thinking about studying one semester abroad?
On 30.10. From 14:00 to 15:30 the Dean's offices B and V will jointly organize an information session on studying abroad for TU students in room A 1.15 1/2. More about the information events and the application deadlines can be found here. Don't miss the chance!
Taste the Sky... With Aerogels!
This fantastic video by Bompas & Parr tells you the story about aerogels and our institute:
Video: Taste the Sky: The World’s Lightest Dessert
Enjoy it!
Aerogel news on the VDI Nachrichten
Last 27. September, our aerogels appeared on the Newspaper VDI Nachrichten: Technik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft. Have a look at the new by clicking on the following link
Aerogel Summer School in Moscow
The 2nd International Youth Summer School "Aerogels: from laboratory to industry" has been held at Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (International Science and Education Center for Transfer of Biopharmaceutical Technology) in Moscow from 21-23 August 2019.
Click on the following link to know more about it!

POLIGOM - porous lignous organic materials
We are proud to announce that our bilateral German-Austrian research project POLIGOM - porous lignous organic materials - was granted! We are thankful to IraSME, the German AiF-ZIM as well as the Austrian FFG for the funding. The project involves 3 research institutions, 3 SMEs as well as 2 large companies and is planned for two years, starting in october 2019. For the first time, this project aims to develop innovative, lignin-based and highly porous materials for construction, packaging and acoustics tailored to the needs of the market.
Aerogels Summer School at MUCTR
On 21-23 August 2019 the International Youth Summer School “Aerogels: from laboratory to industry” will take place in Moscow, Russia, for the second time. The Summer School will focus on various aerogels applications, modeling, commercialization and transfer to industry. Among the participants of the first Summer School in 2017 were representatives from different countries – Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, France, India, Turkey, Norway. MUCTR is glad to continue this practice, which contributes to the long-term development of relations in the framework of international cooperation, the unification of representatives of the Russian and foreign aerogel community.
Conference chairs will be Prof. Dr. Menshutina Natalia, Mendeleev University, and Prof. Dr. Irina Smirnova, Hamburg University of Technology.
The team at MUCTR really wants to meet with everybody in Moscow. They are planning both a rich scientific program and interesting cultural events. More info about the conference at: Aerogel school 2019_Moscow (PDF)
European Summer School in High Pressure Technology
From 07.07. - 21.07.2019 the "European Summer School in High Pressure Technology" (ESS-HPT) took place in Maribor (Slovenia) and Graz (Austria). The event was organized by Prof. Dr. Thomas Gamse (Graz University of Technology, Institute for Chemical Process Engineering and Environmental Technology) in cooperation with employees of Maribor University of Technology.
22 participants from all over Europe attended. From our institute M. Sc. Tim Kuczynski, M. Sc. Philip Pein and Dr. Baldur Schroeter participated and presented their scientific work in short lectures and publications (List of lectures and publications).
The teaching team consisted of 22 lecturers: from our working group Junior Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov and Dr. Carsten Zetzl gave presentations in the fields of aerogels and separation processes. Besides the theoretical part, there was also the opportunity to see and discuss high pressure processes in practice at NATEX Prozesstechnologie GesmbH.
ESS-HPT was a great opportunity to meet scientists in the high pressure field, allowing for scientific and intercultural exchange. Many thanks go to the organizers from TU Graz and Maribor teams for the great organization and event, as well as NATEX Prozesstechnologie GesmbH and EFCE for funding!
Lectures Junior Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov
1) Processing of Aerogels by Supercritical Fluid Technology and their Applications
2) Thermodynamic Aspects of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
Lectures Dr. Carsten Zetzl
1) Countercurrent SCF Extraction - Comparison and Pros to Conventional Processes
2) Innovative Supercritical Separation Processes for Energy and Resource Reduction
M. Sc. Tim Kuczynski: Development and economical analysis of aerogel production
M. Sc. Philip Pein: Hydrothermal pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass and valorization of hemicellulose hydrolysates
Dr. Baldur Schroeter: Characterization and modelling of JetCutting process for the continuous production of spherical, biopolymer based aerogels

Theses offer at TVT Institute
Are you looking for a topic for your bachelor or master thesis? Click on the following link to have a look at the topics that are still available at our institute! Sure you will find all of them very interesting!
ERASMUS - Here all the info!
Are you planning to go on Erasmus but you do not know where to get the information from? Click on the following Link to have an overview about it, which documents you may need and to know the people you need to contact in case you have questions!
Visit from Prof. Walter Chapman + Lecture

We are very happy to announce that Prof. Walter Chapman will visit our institute during the whole month of June and he will give a lecture at the VT-Kolloquium on 6th June at 17:00. He is the pioner of the Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (SAFT), which is a powerful equation of state model for thermodynamic property and phase equilibria calculations for fluid mixtures. SAFT has been especially successful in some engineering applications for which other classical EoSs failed. PC-SAFT is an Equation of State based on this theory.
Brief biography of Prof. Chapman:
Professor Walter G. Chapman is the William W. Akers Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, the Director of the Energy and Environmental Systems Institute and Associate Dean for Energy Research at Rice University. Among his recognitions are multiple teaching awards and an Outstanding Young Alumni Award from Clemson University where he received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering in 1983. He was awarded his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University in 1988. After spending two years as a Research Engineer with Shell Development Company, he joined the Rice faculty in 1990. In 2011, Dr. Chapman received the George R. Brown School of Engineering Award for Superior Teaching. Professor Chapman's research into properties and interfacial structure of complex fluids has applications in the energy and high performance materials industries.
Research summary:
Dr. Chapman’s research group uses tools such as molecular simulation, computer visualization, statistical mechanics, and NMR to discover how material properties and structure depend on molecular forces. Professor Chapman’s present research program focuses polymer solutions and blends, associating fluids, confined fluids, natural gas hydrates and asphaltenes.
You can find more information about his research group at: RICE university - Walter Chapman
Dr. Wienke Reynolds

Our TVT family has grown with a new doctor! On May 23rd 2019, Wienke Reynolds has successfully defended her doctoral thesis "Modeling and scale-up of hydrothermal pretreatment in compressible lignocellulosic biomass fixed-beds with changing properties".
Congratulations, Dr. Reynolds!
LignoPure won the Future Award 2019 - Congratulations!
Our Lignopure startup won a Future Hamburg Award, the ceremony took place last week at the OMR festival in Hamburg. Our colleagues Joana Gil, Wienke Reynolds and Stefan Boersting presented the startup and their biobased innovations at this event and received very positive response from the audience. The Future Hamburg Award 2019 went to three European startups, of 120 applicants from all over the world, Lignopure was positioned in the second place. The program is aimed at pioneering founders from all over the world and helps them launch on the Hamburg market, which hosts one of Europe’s most dynamic and strongest start-up ecosystems. The startups will receive the tailor-made support “Start me up in Hamburg” which is adapted to the specific needs of the team. Our colleagues will also receive high-end business coaching, professional pitch training and up to six months of free co-working space as well as access to exclusive networking events.
Click on the following link if you want to read more information about it. Congratulations!

36 countries have confirmed their participation in the Horizon2020-funded COST Action (ref. 18125) launched project on 30th April 2019 in Brussels. 42 members of the Management Committee have participated in the kick-off meeting of the project entitled Advanced Engineering and Research of aeroGels for Environment and Life Sciences. During the day, MC has elected the projects’ Chair: Prof. Carlos Garcia; Vice-Chair: Prof. Irina Smirnova, Science communication manager, STSM Coordinator, ITC Conference manager and WG Leaders to establish the Core management group. Short and long term plans were established to fulfill the activities of the launched project. Click here if you would like to read more about it.
AERoGELS is intended to bring together the knowledge on research and technology of aerogels at the European level from academia, industry and regulatory experts. The full potential of these special class of nanostructured mesoporous materials are still to be assessed for various additional applications. In this Action, the use of aerogels will be specifically explored in the context of environmental and life sciences applications joining the knowledge and efforts of the most renowned experts on cutting-edge aerogel technology, on advanced characterization of materials as well as on biomedical and environmental research. Aerogels will be assessed from a materials performance point of view but also regarding health and environmental implications. AERoGELS COST ACTION 18125 will set a forum to disseminate knowledge to society and to train European young researchers on research, innovation and entrepreneurial skills via technical schools, publications and STSM exchanges.
The interdisciplinary collaborations to be promoted within this Action are expected to yield innovative and integrated solutions for environment and for life sciences. The long-term scope of this Action is to develop an aerogel technology able to improve the welfare of European people and to move towards cleaner and smarter production in Europe.

Presentation Master thesis
On 7th May at 11:00, Marianne Nassar will present the results of her master's thesis with the title: "Consistent Temperature-dependent Mean Ionic Activity Coefficients for Aqueous Systems: Evaluation and Refinement with COSMO-RS-ES". The presentation will be held in English and it will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Master thesis
On 26th April at 10:00, Prakhar Pouranick will present the results of his master's thesis with the title: "Investigation of different thin film composite membranes for the separation of climate-active components from gas mixtures". The presentation will be held in English and it will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Doctoral presentations of the FSP "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering"
On 25th April at 17:15, M.Sc. Tamara Athamneh and M.Sc. Sheila Ruiz Barbero will present their doctoral theses in the FSP seminar "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering" on the following topics:
- Tamara Athamneh: Alginate and hybrid alginate-hyaluronic acid aerogel microspheres as potential carrier for pulmonary drug delivery
- Sheila Ruiz Barbero: Solubility and sorption kinetics in complex media.
The presentations will take place in building A room 1.19.1. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Master thesis
On 23rd April at 9:30, Daniel Delgado will present the results of his master's thesis with the title: "Two step Liquid Hot Water Hydrolysis of Wheat Straw in a Lignin Biorefinery Cascade". The presentation will be held in English and it will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
EU project "Nanohybrids" concluded with presentations at Partec and PowTech in Nuremberg
In cooperation with well-known industrial partners, the European research project NanoHybrids has successfully developed production systems for organic aerogel particles and manufactured larger quantities of these novel materials for the first time. This represents an important step towards industrial mass production and application of particulate aerogels by the industrial and research consortium. Results and products have been presented to a specialist audience at PARTEC and POWTECH on 9–11 April 2019. Click here to read more information about it.
Dr. Raman Subrahmanyam

Our TVT family has grown with a new doctor! On April 5th 2019, Raman Subrahmanyam has successfully defended his doctoral thesis "Evaluation of CO2 driven processes for the production of biopolymeric mesoporous networks".
Congratulations, Dr. Subrahmanyam!
Presentation Master thesis
On 4th April at 13:00, Anja Hajnal will present the results of her master's thesis with the title: "Analysis of the supercritical drying kinetics for the production of aerogels". The presentation will be held in English and it will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Jun Prof. Pavel Gurikov - Siegfried-Peter-Preis
We are very happy to congratulate to our Jun Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov, who has been awared with the "Siegfried-Peter-Preis" in the last ProcessNet with the topics of Adsorption and High pressure processes celebrated in Freiberg from the 18th to the 20th of February. A brief description of the prize is given below. Congratulations!
Siegfried-Peter-prize for Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov for pioneering research
In Erinnerung an seine großartigen Leistungen verleiht der ProcessNet-Fachausschuss Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik im Namen der Professor-Siegfried-Peter-Stiftung der Friedrich-Alexander-Unviersität Erlangen-Nürnberg den Professor-Siegfried-Peter-Preis.
Der Preis soll einen Wissenschaftler bzw. eine Wissenschaftlerin für herausragende, zukunftsweisende und publizierte Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiet der Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik auszeichnen. Informationen zur Teilnahmevoraussetzung und zur Antragsstellung erhalten Sie hier.

Best oral presentation in "Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy Session"
Tamara Athamneh has won the award for the best oral presentation at the Pharmacy Fourth International Conference at Applied Science Private University on 6-7th January 2019 for her oral presentation "Preparation and Characterization of Alginate- Hyaluronic Acid Nanoporous Microspheres as Potential Carrier for Pulmonary Drug Delivery Using Supercritical Fluid Technology". Congratulations!

Summary of 2018 - V8
As the year is coming to an end, we would like to take this opportunity to give you a short overview about our achivements and updates of 2018.
During the last year, four new staff members have been joined our research group: Tim Kuczynski, Michał Blatkiewicz, Andres Gonzalez de Castilla, and Baldur Schröter. Moreover, we had many visitors from all over the world:
- Isaac Cuadra Mendoza (University of Madrid, Spain, 6 months)
- Clara López Iglesias (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 3 months)
- DSc. Juliane Viganó (University of Campinas, Brazil, 6 months)
- Professor Patrina Paraskevopoulou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, 3 months)
- Dr. Ebrahim Abouzari-Loft (Center for Hydrogen Economy, University Teknologi Malaysia, 1 month)
- Students from Bulgaria
Apart from this,12 master theses and 15 project and bachelor theses have been successfully defended, congratulations to everyone! Especially, we would like to congratulate our recent Dr. Thomas Gerlach. We wish you the best in the future!
Many awards were achieved within this year:
- Founding of "Gerd Brunner Lecture"
- Alberto Bueno: Jerry King Poster Prize - 12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids
- Miaotian Sun: Best Poster Award "4th International Seminar on Aerogels"
- Sheila Ruiz Barbero: "Poster Award - 6th Workshop of FSP" Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering "
- Joana Gil and Wienke Reynolds: "Science4Life award"
- Dr. René Heils: VAA Excellence Award 2018
- Humboldt Research Award for Prof. Walter Chapman
As this is not enough, we would also like to mention that:
- 21 new publications have been published this year in the group of Prof. Smirnova
- 3 patents filed (two with BASF and one from the biorefinery group)
- Working in Editorial Boards of Journals: Jun.Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov in "Hydrogels" and "Gels", and Prof. Irina Smirnova in "Annual Reviews in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering", "Journal of Supercritical Fluids" and "Industrial and Chemistry Research"
- The 4th International Seminar on Aerogels took place in our University between 24th-26th September
- Foundation of Aerogelex and BioMP
- LignoPure initiative (+NDR Beitrag)
- Regular meetings of all 3 clusters (biorefinery 2021, Nanohybrids, aerogels for energy efficiency)
With all these good news, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best for the coming 2019!
Presentation Prof. Pfennig
On 17th January, Prof. Pfennig will visit our institute and he will give a presentation at 17:00 in the VT-Kolloqium. Have a look at the abstract if you are interested in!
Dr. René Heils, VAA-Excellence Award 2018
Our ex-coworker, Dr. René Heils, was awarded with the VAA-Excellence Award 2018 on 9th November in Cologne for his outstanding research work on the topic "Process development for the integration of enzymatically catalyzed reactions in the reactive rectification". Congratulations!

Science4Life award
The Team of LignoPure, Joana Gil and Wienke Reynolds, has won the Science4Life award for one of the best business ideas. For more information, visit the website of Science4Life and/or LignoPure. Congratulation!

DFG funds TUHH-Graduate College
The DFG supports the interdisciplinary Research Training Group "Processes in Natural and Technical Particle Fluid Systems (PintPFS)" of the Technical University of Hamburg (TUHH) and is funding 15 graduate programs nationwide from April 2019. We are happy to be part of this GRK!
Click on the following link to read more about it!
Kunststoffe aus Stroh statt aus Mineralöl - television appeal on NDR
Our coworkers and founders or "LignoPure", Wienke Reynolds and Joana Gil, have presented their work with lignin in the channel from Hamburg "NRD" about the production and use of lignin to avoid mineral oil. This is only a small part of the research of the biorefinery group. Click on the following link to see their contribution.
Poster Awards - 6th Workshop of FSP "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering"
Sheila Ruiz Barbero has won the award for the third best poster at the 6th Workshop of FSP "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering" on 25th October 2018 for her poster "Formation and stability of foams in complex media". Congratulations!

Most downloaded papers - J. Sup. Fluids
Our paper Aerogel production: Current status, research directions, and future opportunities, written by Prof. Smirnova and Jun.Prof. Gurikov, has become one of the most downloaded papers of the Journal of Supercritical Fluids. Congratulations!
Presentation Master thesis
On 12th November at 15:00, Diana Liedtke will present the results of her master's thesis with the title: "Production of aerogel particles for food application: Geletion process and post functionalication". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Master thesis
On 9th November at 10:30, Julia Karnetzke will present the results of her master's thesis with the title: "Kombination von Stimuli-Responsiven Hydrogelen und 3D-Druck zur Entwicklung intelligenter Reaktoren". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Master thesis
On 18th October at 14:00, Natalie Seide will present the results of her master's thesis with the title: "Untersuchung von Verfahren zur Aufbereitung eines Reaktionsproduktes nach der extraktiven Biokatalyse". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Summary - 4th International Seminar on Aerogels
The 4th International Seminar on Aerogels was celebrated from 24th-26th September in our University. Click on the following links to know more about the event and some of the talks given in the conference.
- Aerogels as high-performance insulation materials by BASF
- Optimizing nanomaterials-based electrodes for electrochemical energy storage and conversion
- Cellulose aerogels - Shaping and properties for tailored application
Presentation Bachelor thesis
On 11th October at 9:30, Alina Bornkeßel will present the results of her bachelor's thesis with the title: "Untersuchung der Einflussparameter der Jet-Cutting Methode auf die Eigenschaften von Pektingelpartikeln zur Aerogelherstellung". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Master thesis
On 9th October at 9:00, Yoana Todorova will present the results of her master's thesis with the title: "A Study on Impregnation of Rosmarinic Acid on Porous Materials". The presentation will be held in English and it will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Nanohybrids - Stimulating knowledge transfer on aerogels
The NanoHybrids Consortium and their research colleagues beyond the project have a strong interest to enhance and distribute the knowledge on their fascinating research area much wider. Have a look at following link to know more about their research!
Presentation Master thesis
On 27th September at 8:30, Amelie Kenkel will present the results of her master's thesis with the title: "Adaptation of Polysaccharide Gelation in Emulsions for Production of Cellulose Aerogel Microparticles". The presentation will be held in English and it will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
4th International Seminar on Aerogels
The 4th International Seminar on Aerogels will take place in Hamburg on 24-26. September 2018 and it is fast approaching. Click on the video from a previous aerogel conference organized in Hamburg in 2014 if you want to have an idea about it!
More info at Seminar Aerogels 2018
Presentation project work
On 21th August at 9:30, Daudi Masinde will present the results of his project work with the title: "Post Treatment Of Wheat Straw And Softwood Biomass From Liquid Hot Water Pretreatment Towards Enhanced Lignin Extraction". The presentation will take place in room 283 and will be held in English. Everyone is invited!
Research - Polyurethanes with lignin synthetic compounds
Our researchers are working in developing processes and applications for various lignin types up to pilot scale in the "Lignoplast" project. Read more at: Grüne Chemie: Polyurethane mit Synthesebausteinen aus Lignin
Report - Aspen Workshop 9th-10th August 2018
Have a look at the following report regarding the Aspen workshop that BASF organized in collaboration with our institute and the institute of Prof. Fieg! More info at BASF Conceptual Engineering Academy
Dr. Thomas Gerlach

Our TVT family has grown with a new doctor! On July 12th 2018, Thomas Gerlach has successfully defended his doctoral thesis "Electrolyte systems in separation processes: Development of a COSMO-RS based model and experimental investigation".
Congratulations, Dr. Gerlach!
Presentation Bachelor thesis
On 16th July at 11:00, Leon Stellmacher will present the results of his bachelor's thesis with the title: "Untersuchung des Einflusses von Natriumsalzen auf die Cloud Point Temperatur nichtionischer Tenside". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Project work
On 12th July at 9:30, Marianne Nassar will present the results of her project work with the title: "Preliminary Studies for the Implementation of Aqueous Micellar Two-Phase Systems in a Mixer Settler Apparatus". The presentation will take place in room 283 and will be held in English. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Master thesis
On 28th June at 9:30, Carla Martin will present the results of her master's thesis with the title: "Characterization of functionalized silica particles using Linear Solvation Energy Relationships". The presentation will be held in English and it will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Aspen Workshop
If you are interested in working with Aspen, join us to our 2-days workshop that BASF organizes in collaboration with our Institute and the Institute of Process engineering, headed by Prof. Fieg. It will take place on the 9 and 10th of August. For more information, click on the following link: BASF Conceptual Engineering Academy
Alumni-Meeting 2018
We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who participated at our alumni-meeting 2018. From our point of view, it is an honour to meet our previous coworkers that have helped during many years to the progress of this institute. The meeting was a great success with laboratory tours, interesting talks and BBQ-dinner at Gasthaus zum Kiekeberg. See you at the next alumni-meeting. Your institute V8!

Presentation Bachelor thesis
On 5th June at 9:30, Mohammad "Ali" Madjidian will present the results of his bachelor's thesis with the title: "Verbesserung der Kompatibilität von Lignin mit Polypropylen durch chemische Modifikation". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Project work
On 14th May at 14:00, Anja Hajnal will present the results of her project work with the title: "Solvent extraction kinetics for the production of aerogels during the pressurization step". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Master thesis
On 11th May at 9:30, Deeptanshu Sivaraman will present the results of his master's thesis with the title: "Adsorptive precipitation of pharmaceuticals in aerogels of various surface chemistry ". The presentation will be held in English and it will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Gerd Brunner Lecture

"The Journal of Supercritical Fluids is pleased to announce the establishment of the “Gerd Brunner Lecture” to recognize the outstanding contributions of Professor Gerd Brunner to the fundamentals and applications of supercritical fluids and to the Journal of Supercritical Fluids. Professor Brunner has been on the Editorial Board of the Journal since its establishment in 1988 and has also been serving as the Regional Editor for Europe and the Middle East since 2000. The Lecture will be given at the International Symposia on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF), held every three years. The Lecturer will be selected from among leading scientists, with possible preference given to the regional area where the symposium will be held. The Lecturer will also receive a monetary prize of €1000."
Presentation Bachelor thesis
On 4th May at 9:30, Muhammad Ismahil will present the results of his bachelor's thesis with the title: "Untersuchung des Compoundierprozesses von Lignin und PLA im Zweischneckenextruder". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Master thesis
On 3rd May at 9:00, Sebastian Rotzolk will present the results of his master's thesis with the title: "Entwicklung eines kontinuierlichen in situ Extraktionsprozesses von Mikroalgenprodukten mit Hilfe von ROKAnol NL5". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov has joined the Editorial Board of the journal Gels
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov has joined the Editorial Board of the journal "Gels", congratulations! The journal "Gels" is an international, open access journal on physical and chemical gel-based materials. Click on the folllowing link to get more information about it.
Jerry King Poster Prize - 12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Antibes, France
Alberto Bueno Morales has won the award for best poster (Jerry King Poster Prize) at the 12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Antibes, France on 22-25. April 2018. Click on the following link to see his poster "First evidence of solvent spillage under subcritical conditions in aerogel production". Congratulations!

Presentation Bachelor thesis
On 22th March at 9:30, Timo Scherwinski will present the results of his bachelor's thesis with the title: "Entkoffeinierung von Kaffeebohnen mit Dichlormethan und Vergleich zu alternativen organischen Lösemitteln: Einfluss der Wärmeübertragung an einer Laboranlage". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Our cooperation partner BASF has won an award with their aerogel product
We are very happy to inform you that our cooperation partner BASF has won the German Design Award 2018 with their aerogel product SLENTITE. Click con the following link for more information: SLENTITE® gewinnt German Design Award 2018
New coworker - Dr. Michał Blatkiewicz
Dr. Michał Blatkiewicz has joined the "Molecular Methods for Separation Processes" group as a new research assistant. He has studied Chemical and Process Engineering at the Cracow University of Technology and he completed his PhD in 2017 at the Technical University of Lodz, at the Process and Environmental Engineering department. His PhD topic was continuous methods of concentration and purification of fungal laccases. Welcome!
NanoHybrids - Interview with Patrina Paraskevopoulou, visiting research fellow at our Institute
Professor Patrina Paraskevopoulou, Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), spent a DAAD scholarship of three months at our Institute to work on the NanoHybrids project. Click on the following link to read the whole interview.
Project Biorefinery 2021 - Adhesives from plant residues
Our biorefinery group and Tesa work together to make plant residues usable in adhesives. Click on the following link if you would like to know more information about it!
Presentation Master thesis
On 13th Feburary at 10:00, Jan-Philipp Köther will present the results of his master's thesis with the title: "Development of a continuous emulsion-gelation process for the production of alginate based aerogel microparticles". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Lecture Dr. Massimo Delle Piane
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Massimo Delle Piane is invited to a lecture at our institute. Dr. Delle Piane conducts research in the field of molecular dynamics for Drug Delivery Systems and is currently working in the group "Boundaries in Bio-Nano-Material Technology" at the University of Bremen. See CV of Dr. Delle Piane.
The topic of the lecture is: Silica for drug-delivery: when simulation can complement experiment
Time: Monday, February 12, 2018, 10:00 am
Location: Room 283 - Building "O", ES 38
Presentation Master thesis
On 7th Feburary at 11:00, Andres Gonzalez de Castilla will present the results of his master's thesis with the title: "Analysis and Refinement of the COSMO-RS-ES Model Based on Free Energies of Transfer of Ions and Electrolyte Solubility Data". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Master thesis
On 5th Feburary at 10:00, Zhixing Chen will present the results of his master's thesis with the title: "Adsorption Equilibria of Modifiers on Silicas in sc-CO2: Measurements and Validation of Mixed Retention Model in SFC". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Kick-off-meeting of the cluster „Beitrag der Aerogele zur Energieeffizienz-Erhöhung in der Industrie“
On the 23rd of January, the Kick-off-meeting of the cluster „Beitrag der Aerogele zur Energieeffizienz-Erhöhung in der Industrie“ (Contribution of aerogels to the increase of energy efficency in industry) will be held at TUHH. The cluster is funded by the BMWI and involves four projects of research institutions and their partners from industry:
AeroFurnance (ZAE Bayern), AeroPROCast (DLR), NAFT (TU Dresden), AeroKonti (TUHH).
You can find more information in the following link: BMWi Cluster „Beitrag der Aerogele zur Energieeffizienz-Erhöhung in der Industrie“
New Ph.D. student: Tim Kuczynski
Tim Kuczynski has joined the Aerogel group as a new research assistant. He finished his Master Thesis at the Institute of Process and Plant Engineering with the title "Implementierung, Evaluierung und Weiterentwicklung dezentraler Regelungskozepte für die reaktive Trennwandkolonne". Welcome!
Doctoral presentations of the FSP "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering"
On 18th January at 17:15, M.Sc. Joana Gil Gomez will present her doctoral thesis of the FSP "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering" on the topic: "Development of a lignin recovery process targeting its formulation and application into consumer goods". The presentation will take place in building A room 0.01. Everyone is invited!
Summary of 2017 - V8
As the year is coming to an end, we would like to take this opportunity to give you a short overview about our achivements and updates of 2017.
During the last year, four new staff members have been joined our research group: Marc Conrad, Sheila Ruiz Barbero, Oliver Fellechner, and Uta Paulsen. Moreover, we had many visitors from all over the world:
- Juliane Vigano (University of Campinas, Brazil)
- Ana Morais (National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, Portugal)
- Mirelle Dogenski (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil)
- Patrina Paraskevopoulou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)
- Alvaro Sanchez (University of Valladolid, Spain)
- Students from Bulgaria and Spain
- Prof. Walter G. Chapman (RICE University, USA)
- Aleksandra Nesic (Public university in Belgrade, Serbia)
Apart from this,10 master theses and 17 project and bachelor theses have been successfully defended, congratulations to everyone! Especially, we would like to congratulate our recent Dr.-Ing.'s: Philipp Glembin, René Heils and Eric Ritter. We wish you all the best in the future!
As this is not enough, we would also like to mention that:
- 13 new publications have been published this year in the group of Prof. Smirnova
- Our aerogel group leader Dr. Pavel Gurikov has started a new position in our institute as Junior Professor
- Aerogelex is growing up step by step, and it has received the European Nanomedicine Award 2017
- The plant for the production of 50 L of aerogel has been inaugurated
- The first exposition of BioMP in Straubing was a complete success
With all these good news, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best for the coming 2018!
Statistical Methods for Analysis of Engineering Data: 18 Jan 2018, 13:30 - 16:45
Nowadays every scientific work in engineering deals with numerical data. However, it is indeed rarely that data analysis is performed faultless.
After a successful start in 2015, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov would like to deliver a half-day crash course on January 18, 2018. The format of the course is 1.5 + 1.5 hours with a short break, so we start at 13:30 an finish at around 16:45. Meeting point: room 283, Building "O", ES 38.
Syllabus of the course:
1. Introduction to data: histograms, box plots.
2. Examining numerical data: the mean, standard deviation, median.
3. Important distributions: normal, t- and F-distributions; Q-Q plot, outliers.
4. Statistical inference 1: standard error of the mean, confidence intervals.
5. Statistical inference 2: difference of two means, comparing means by ANOVA.
6. Regression: least squares, confidence intervals for the slop and intercept, multiple regression.
All topics will be illustrated by examples from research practice. Please enroll by going to a doodle pool. Extra topics you want to be covered in the course program are welcome. You are invited to submit your data/tasks to be analyzed during the course. For that please click here.
Thank you for your participation!
Presentation Master thesis
On 11th December at 16:00, Alexander Kromm will present the results of his master's thesis with the title: "Hybrid alginate -Hyaluronic acid aerogel for pharmaceutical application". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Master thesis
On 8th December at 9:30, Clemens Müller will present the results of his master's thesis with the title: "Influence of the pressurization step on the supercritical drying of aerogels - a mathematical model". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Promotion M.Sc. Eric Ritter
We are very happy to inform you that on 7th December at 13:30, M.Sc. Eric Ritter will defend his doctoral thesis on the topic: "Kontinuierliche extraktive Biokatalyse in wässrigen tensidbasierten Zweiphasensystemen". He has been working in the group of Prof. Smirnova (V8) since January, 2013. The presentation will take place in room 3550, building M, ES 42. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Master thesis
On 29th November at 13:00, Jonas Heuer will present the results of his master's thesis with the title: "Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Experimental Validation of Protein Adsorption for Chromatographic Applications". The presentation will be in German and it will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Dr. Rene Heils

Our TVT family has grown with a new doctor! On November 10th, 2017, Rene Heils successfully defended his doctoral thesis "Prozessentwicklung zur Integration von enzymatischen Reaktionen in die Reaktivrektifikation". Congratulations, Dr. Heils!
Aerogelex received Nanomedicine Award 2017
We are very pleased to inform you that M.Sc. Raman Subrahmanyam and the start-up "Aerogelex" have won the European Nanomedicine Award 2017 on November, 8th 2017. Prof. Smirnova would like to congratulate, not only the scientific performance, but also the high technical competence, good organization and overall good climate in our institute. You can find more information in the following link:

Presentation Bachelor thesis
On Monday 13 November at 16:00, Elham Navrozi will present the results of her bachelor thesis with the title: "Entfettung von Jatropha-Presskuchen mit überkritischen Fluiden". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Research Stay of Professor Patrina Paraskevopoulou at the Institute of Thermal Separation Processes at TUHH
On 1 November 2017 Professor Patrina Paraskevopoulou started her Research Stay at the Institute of Thermal Separation Processes at TUHH in Hamburg, Germany. Her Research Stay is funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and will last for three months until 31 January 2018. Together with Professor Irina Smirnova and her research team Professor Paraskevopoulou will be working on the synthesis of cost-effective W-doped biopolymer aerogels, via environmentally-friendly processes, with potential applications to catalysis. This project comprises a synergistic effort at the interface of chemistry and engineering. It will combine the expertise of the applicant in the synthesis and applications of catalysts with the broad expertise of the host organization in the synthesis and processing of polysaccharide (e.g., alginate) aerogels.
Professor Paraskevopoulou is an Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). She earned her Ph.D. (2003) at NKUA working with Professor K. Mertis on inorganic/organometallic chemistry and catalysis. She was a Post-Doctoral researcher at the Missouri University of Science&Technology, MO, USA (2006-2007). She has been awarded four scholarships by the Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation for academic excellence (1994-1997 and 1999-2000). Besides synthetic inorganic chemistry focusing on complexes with metal-metal bonds, her interests include radical and metathesis polymerization reactions, oxidation and atom-transfer reactions, electrochemistry, and she has published over 30 articles in chemistry. Her h-index is 10. Over the last 5 years, she has given 5 invited talks at national and international scientific conferences, and she has participated in two COST Actions and two Research Projects funded through the Greek National Strategic Reference Framework (2012-2015). She served as a co-PI of “Synthesis of Novel Advanced Materials by New Generation Catalysts via ROMP (Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization) Reactions,” (600,000 €, 2012-2015).
Assist. Prof. Patrina Paraskevopoulou
M24 Meeting of NanoHybrids
On 26-27th October 2017, the fourth project meeting of NanoHybrids took place at ARMINES/MINE PARIS TECH in Sophia Antipolis. In this meeting, the progress of the first pilot-scale production of multifunctional organic and hybrid aerogels was presented from all work package leaders and teams. The plant was already inaugurated on 30.06.2017. Have a look!
Impression of M24 meeting in Sophia Antipolis on 26-27th October 2017

Dr. Johannes Kern

Our TVT family has grown with a new doctor! On November 2, 2017, Johannes Kern successfully defended his doctoral thesis"Dynamische Messung von Adsorptionsgleichgewichten an Nanopartikeln in nah- und überkritischen Lösungen - Experimenteller Ansatz und thermodynamische Modellierung". Congratulations, Dr. Kern!

Promotion M.Sc. René Heils
We are very happy to inform you that on 10th November at 14:00, M.Sc. René Heils will defend his doctoral thesis on the topic: "Prozessentwicklung zur Integration von enzymatischen Reaktionen in die Reaktivrektifikation". He has been working in the group of Prof. Smirnova from September, 2011, to June, 2016. The presentation will take place in building M, ES 42. Everyone is invited!
Doctoral presentations FSP "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering"
On 09th November at 17:15, M.Sc. Simon Müller will present his doctoral thesis of the FSP "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering"on the topic: "Calculation of Solid-Liquid-Equilibria of Salts in Organic Solvents and Solvent Mixtures Using the Predictive Model COSMO-RS". The presentation will take place in building A room 0.01. Everyone is invited!
Promotion M.Sc. Johannes Kern
We are very happy to inform you that on 2nd November at 14:00, M.Sc. Johannes Kern will defend his doctoral thesis on the topic: " Dynamische Messung von Adsorptionsgleichgewichten an Nanopartikeln in nah- und überkritischen Lösungen - Experimenteller Ansatz und thermodynamische Modellierung". He has been working in the goup of Prof. Zeng (V1) and in the group of Prof. Smirnova (V8). The presentation will take place in building H, room 0.09. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 19th October at 13:00, Erik Dicke will present the results of his bachelor's thesis with the title: " Ligninhaltige Resorcin-Formaldehyde-Aerogele". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Bachelor Thesis
On 18th October at 10:00, Luca Schmidt will present the results of his bachelor's thesis with the title: "Gewinnung von Hemicellulose aus Biomassehydrolysaten mittels Verdrängungskristallisation". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
Presentation Master thesis
On 4th October at 9:30, Ingeborg Heuschkel will present the results of her master's thesis completed in Portugal with the title: "Recovery of biopolymers from marine waste streams through a green cascade strategy integrating ionic liquids and pressurized CO2 ". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
New research assistant: Marc Conrad
Marc Conrad, after defending his Master Thesis at our Institute, has joined the biorefinery group as a research assistant. Welcome!
Lecture by Dr. Steiner from Aerogel Technologies (USA)
A lecture by Dr. Steiner from USA aerogel manufacturer, Aerogel Technologies, will take place on 30 Aug (Wedn) at 10:15 in room 283 (building O). Everyone is invited!
Bachelor Thesis' Presentation
On 31st August at 13:00, Boryana Petrova will present the results of her bachelor's thesis with the title: "Impregnation of rosemary extract into silica aerogel". The presentation will take place in room 283. Everyone is invited!
New chapter review's publication: "Aerogels in Chemical Engineering: Strategies Toward Tailor-Made Aerogels"
We are very happy to inform you that a review chapter on strategies toward tailor-made aerogels in Chemical Engineering from Prof. Irina Smirnova and Dr. Pavel Gurikov has been published recently in the prestigious journal "Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering".
Lignin aerogel project at the Expo “Future Energy” 2017
In cooperation with Expo “Future Energy” 2017, our aerogel and biorefinery groups participated on the Expo 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan. The aim of our participation was to show innovative materials produced by sustainable and groundbreaking processes contributing to the biobased economy. Several lignin products and lignin-formulations were exhibited at the Museum of Future Energy the main pavillon of this year’s world exhibition.
Inauguration of the new plant for the production of Aerogels
Our new plant for the production of aerogels, financed by the EU project "Nanohybrids", was inaugurated on 30.06.2017! Have a look if you are interested!
Neue Anlage zur Herstellung von Aerogelen im Technikum der TUHH
Newly appointed: Junior Professor Dr. Pavel Gurikov
Dr. Gurikov, our Aerogel group leader, will occupy the new junior professorship position "Development and modeling of novel nanoporous materials" at the TUHH. Congratulations!
Poster Awards - 4th Workshop of FSP "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering"
Miaotian Sun has won the award for best poster at the 4th Workshop of FSP "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering" on 08 June 2017 for her poster "Synthesis of Stationary Phases for Chiral Separations and Thermodynamic Studies of Adsorption by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography". Victor Marrone and Elham Nawrozi have won the 3rd poster award with their poster with topic "High Pressure Cascade for a Selective Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Bulk Chemicals". Congratulations!